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T"difficulty of unrernunerative bus services, which are demanded by the public, often comes up for discussion at public sittings of the Traffic, Commissioners in the North-Western Area, and a pleasant aspect of the matter was recorded last week, when Webster Bros. (Wigan), Ltd., was released from an obligation to run its express carriage service, between Bolton and Llandudno, throughout the winter. In future, it will be operated only from Easter to the end of the summer season, Mr. W. Chamberlain, Chairman of the Commissioners, recalled that the Commissioners had had some doubt as to whether the service was required, but they had insisted that it should he run all the year round. The applicant had shown its willingness to operate the service throughout the whole of the year, over a long period, and the Commissioners were not going to press it to continue to do so, because the receipts were so low as to show that the service was not required. He concluded— 'You have carried out the undertaking you gave the Commissioners, five or six years ago, and the application to discontinue the winter service is granted. '
JN the year ended March 31, 1938, the bus section of Birkenhead's municipal passenger-transport a y s tem was operated at a gross profit of £85,017. total income having been £326,831 and operating expenses £241,814. All these figure's represent increases on the previous year's totals, the gross
surplus being up by £8,639. After deducting interest, sinking fund and income-tax charges, the net surplus came out at £44,442, which is £1,454 lower than the previous year's net surplus.
In the period under review, the aggregate mileage covered by the buses was 6,139,234. At the end of March last, the corporation was operating a fleet of 179 buses, most of them being Leyland double-deckers, including a big percentage of oilers.
THE trolleybuses of St, Helens Corporation were operated at a gross profit of £32,693 in the year ended March 31, 1938. In this period income totalled £107,442 and expenditure £74,749. After deducting loan charges. the amount available for transference to the appropriation account was £22,609. In the case of motorbuses there was also a gross Surplus, this amounting to £3,479. In this instance, income totalled £44,411 and expenditure £40,932.
Every year, since the corporation Commenced the operation of trolleybuses---in 1928—there has been a surplus, this year's figure being the highest yet attained. In the past year the trolleybuses covered 1,798,618 service miles and carried 15,860,875
passengers, the corresponding returns in respect of motorbuses being 1,101,341 miles an d 4,588,070 passengers At the end of March last the total fleet operated by St. Helens Corporation was 75 vehicles-48 double deckers and 27 single-deckers. The makes then in service were Leyland, Crossley and Ransome.
FROM its fleet of 76 buses Stock]. port Corporation made a gross profit of £27,511 in the year ended March 31, 1938, income having totalled £120,329 and expenditure £92,818. In the net revenue account, income tax awl reserve reduced the surplus for traneference to the appropriation account to £13,425.
During the year the buses covered an aggregate mileage of 2,334,9031,321,374 in respect of oil-engined vehicles. The number of passengers carried was 16,346,070. At March 31 last, the corporation had 58 singledeckers and 18 double-deckers in service, the largest part of the fleet consisting of vehicles of Leyland make.
A S Bradford Corporation operates ti trains, trolleybuses and motorbuses, the annual report of the general manager affords some interesting statistical comparisons as to power costs
for each form of transport. During the year ended. March 31, last, power costs increased slightly.
The lowest, that for motorbuses, increased from 1.668d. to 1.757d. per bus mile, the figure in respect of trolleybuses rising from 2.344d. to 2.440d. In the case of trams, power costs advanced from just under 2.5d. to a fraction over that amount, per car mile. Motorbuses each averaged 141 miles a day, trolleybuses 131 miles, and trams 108 miles.
ABUS driver, who was fined for exceeding the speed limit on the Newmarket Road, successfully appealed at Norwich Quarter Sessions, on October 10, last.
The circumstances were, that the driver of a private car—Mr. Harper Smith, a magistrate—reported that he followed the bus for about a quarter of a mile, with his speedometer registering 45 m.p.h.
When tested for maximum speed, it was found that the bus could not attain 36 m.p.h. In giving his decision, the Recorder—Sir Ellis Hume-Williams, K.C., said that, whilst it was the duty of every citizen to help the police, he had great doubt as to whether a private citizen should
pursue a vehicle in this manner. It might lead, he said, to a long line of motorists travelling at high speed, each one pursuing the other, in the belief that the law was being broken.
THE view that Halifax needs at least three bus stations to accommodate the whole of the bus services, in and through the town, was quoted by Alderman J. Radcliffe, last week, during discussion on what is a thorny problem in this Yorkshire borough. After a long debate the council referred back, for further consideration, a recommendation by the highways committee that the council should sanction a site in Clare Road as being suitable for a bus station, with a view to its purchase by the corporation.
In the debate, Alderman A, W. Longbottorn, chairman of the Highways Committee, reviewed previous efforts to solve the problem of providing a bus station in Halifax, and recalled that the Ministry of Transport had already sanctioned the construction of a municipal bus station on corporation land at Cross Field. This latter scheme had not been proceeded with, however, because the transpoit committee could not be persuaded, even to consider taking its buses to Cross Field. In putting forward the scheme for a bus station at Clare Road, the highways committee contemplated making a bus station which would provide, not only for present needs, but for 40 or 50 years ahead. It further suggested the construction, on the site, of an underground car park which could accommodate from 200 to 250 vehicles at any given time, and which, during air raids, could shelter approximately 2,000 people.
In moving that the recommendation be referred back for further consideration, Alderman Radcliffe recalled that in previous discussions on the busstation question, the general opinion had been that no one site would be suitable to accommodate the whole of the bus services in and through Halifax. At least three bus stations, it was felt, would be necessary if the question was to be dealt with in a satisfactory manner.
Replying to a question, Alderman Longbottom said that the estimated cost of the Clare Road scheme, including the purchase of land and property, was £44,223. The site was the cheapest in the town, be declared.
IN passing a verdict of " accidental death " on a cyclist, who lost his life as the result of, it is thought, being blown beneath a trolleybus, a comment of the jury was that the man's life might have been saved had lifting jacks been carried on the vehicle.
The driver said that no tool-kits or jacks were carried, and this evidence was followed by that of an Ipswich Corporation executive, who pointed out that special equipment was required for the purpose, and that this could no0 well be carried on the vehicles.
At a cost of £6,461 Colchester Corporation is to enlarge its bus garage.