Roadside Water Supplies.
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Text of the First C.M.U.A. Agreement with a Borough Council.
AN AGREEMENT made this day of
one-thousand-nine-hundred-and-eleven BETWEEN GEORGE WILLIAM CLARKE of the Municipal Offices 15, Great Alie Street, Whitechapel, in the Administrative County of London Town Clerk for and on behalf of the MAYOR ALDERMEN AND COUNCILLORS OF THE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH OF STEPNEY THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS (hereinafter called "the Council ") of the one part and FREDERICK GEORGE BRISTOW
of No. 89, Pall Mall, in the aforesaid County, Secretary for and on behalf of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR USERS ASSOCIATION THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS (hereinafter called "the Association ") of the other part. WHEREAS the Council are the local authority for executing the office of Surveyor of Highways in the aforesaid Borough. AND WHEREAS the Association are desirous of erecting a stand-post in some convenient place in the aforesaid Borough from which users of motor vehicles possessing the necessary permit from the Association will be able to draw water for their vehicles thereby facilitating the obtaining of supplies of water. AND WHEREAS the Association have accordingly applied to the Council for permission to erect such stand-post. AND WHEREAS the Council so far as they lawfully can have assented to the application on condition that the said stand-post is erected in Philpot Street by Commercial Road near the urinal in the former street in the aforesaid Borough and upon the further terms and conditions hereinafter appearing. NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS that it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows :— 1. That the Association shall at their own expense be at liberty forthwith to erect to the satisfaction el the Borough Engineer a stand-post in the position indicated and to maintain in good order and condition at their own expense and to the like satisfae, tion the said stand-post and to pay for all supplies of water thereto and to bear all other expense of whatever kind ancillary to or in connection with the furnishing of such supplies or otherwise howsoever.
2. That the Association shall make such arrange
ments as the Borough Engineer shall approve for ensuring that the said stand-post when so erected and completed shall be available only for users of motor vehicles possessing the necessary permit from the Association drawing water for their vehicles therefrom. 3. That the Association shall pay to the Council in consideration of the licence hereby granted a rent of Five shillings per annum the first payment to be made on the signing of this agreement and subsequent payments on the First day of September in each and every year during the continuance thereof.
4. That the Association shall at all times indemnify and keep indemnified the Council and their successors and assigns from and against all actions claims expenses and demands of any person or authority whomsoever arising out of or in any way connected with the erection continuance and use of the standpost for the purpose mentioned and any other neces, sary or incidental works or additions thereto.
5. That it shall be lawful for either party to this agreement to determine the same at any time by giving the other three calendar months notice in writing of their intention so to do expiring at any time delivered or addressed to them at their usual or last known address or place of business and at the expiration of such period such agreement shall determine accordingly.
6. That forthwith upon the expiration of any such notice the Association shall at their own. expense and to the satisfaction of the Borough Engineer remove the said stand-post and other matters and things hereinbefore referred to and shall restore the pavement and make good all damage which the Council may sustain by reason of the removal of the said stand-post and other matters and things hereinbefore referred to or otherwise howsoever in connection
• therewith and in case of default the Council may remove the same restore the pavement and make good all such damage as aforesaid and the Association shall and will pay to the Council on demand the costs charges and expenses in relation to the same and indemnify the Council against all actions claims expenses and demands of whatsoever description arising in consequence thereof.