Bogus AA man steals van
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A BOGLIS Automobile Association inspector has
stolen an trout a Grea,tcr London dealer arid is liteiy to turn up itRairl..
. ‘.
The man, aged about 35 . _
with grey s Wept-back hair and a gre't, mu u stache, weighs about 13 or 14 stones, speaks with 3 pronotinc-ed West
lands accent and at the time of the theft wore nlack trousers and SWeater
• and bad a Lollar and tie_ flis approach seas toilS as lie lost .phoned Bedlont. Middlesex dealer Addle' torte t-.:onitriercials and. quoted a fake phone nurnher and a liirnairighaiii address, made arrange. merits tor an AA inspector to check over blue MCfiiedeS-BC112 207t) van A880 FVN 138,0tto miles on the clock, side loading door and interior lining of tight p1)55 1td'viith a vie-A7 to :buying it
A g,irl phoned later, purporting to be a hooking .clerk at the AA's asingstoke heaiquarters.
hd an for the inspectorto tall After conctuctnig a check around the van, he ranged to tals(: it tor a test and has riot beert4. Seeil Slit Cc .
He is suspected of haying attempted a similar
heft from a dealer at Kingston, Surrey, but the AA Was able to alert. that