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Details of the Baico Summer-and-Winter Coach, with a note on a neat Self-contained Trailer Fire Pump.
JJT-TRING a: visit to the premises of Bake Patents, Ltd., 115, Fulham Read, London, S.W.3, We took the opportunity of making a detailed inspection of several Baico specialities, including the summer-and-winter Coach and the selfcontained trailer pump. Both these have won a satisfactory/ reputation amongst many users, for they combine cheapness with reliability.
The coach is a very neat. combination of an ordinary open
model with a Cape-cart hood and a removable upper structure which is rigidly held in position on the elbow rail of the open, body by the brackets -which, normally, carry the Cape hood supports, whilst at the front it clips on to the tops of the windscreen pillars. In order to prevent wear and also the entry of moisture between the twcP portions, a. -D-shaped aluminium beading is carried right round the elbow rail, whilst the lowest part of the upper structure is made -concave at the bottom and provided with felt joints to fit over the beading. The upper portion of thedoor is rigidly held by two brackets, thus obviating the use of sliding connections winch may be the cause of rattle and breakage. The windscreen itself is permanent and, being high, afford.s a good measure of protection to the driver and passengers -when the vehicle is used as an open coach,
The framework of the winter top is strongly constructed of oak and ash. At the back of the vehicle there is au emergency door, and above this, in the Winter top, one of the panels is hinged, so that when both this and the door are open a ready exit is afforded. Incidentally, this panel is provided with a light.
The roof construction is of waterproof fibre bearding, whilst the rounded panels at the back are of sheet aluminium. The windows are of heavy glass, and above them are permanent ventilators of the slat type. All glass is fitted into rubber channelling to prevent drumming: The coach body ia panelled in steel and lined with threeply mahogany. It seats 16 persons, excluding, the driver, these being accommodated in a rear seat for five, four pairs of seats at the sides of a central gangway, two tip-up seats in the front entry, and, finally, one by the side of the driver.
Tim example which we examined was mounted on the Baled' 30-cwt. Supertonna, chassis, which has two 44-in, semi-elliptic springs, placed lengthwise, instead of theee used on the ordinary Ford ton chassis, and combined with these is an ingenious truss giving full support to the rear axle. The chassis was additionally fitted with a Warford gearbox giving six speeds in all.
The cost of the complete vehicle is 370, or, with the auxiliary gearbox, .C402
The trailer pump is a very neat little machine embodying a 20 lup. four-cylinder power unit, combined with the well-known Dednis multistage turbine pump of 150-200-gallon capacity. An auxiliary cooling system enables the engine to be used for long periods whilst retaining a uniform temperature, and the pump can supply two 1-in, nozzles.
The suction pipe consists of 25. ft. of 3-in. armoured hose with sere* couplings and a copper strainer. The units are mounted in a channel section, vanadium steel frame provided with a spring drawbar and a manganese steel axle of round section on which the wheels are mounted through the medium of taper roller bearings. The wholemachine is carried on semi-elliptic snringsf 34 ins, in length.
The complete (tut& weighs only .5 cwt., and it has an overall width of only 3 ft. -8 ins. The unit-can, therefore, easily be operated in narrow passages after being cletachea. from its towing vehicle. This little unit is proving very satisfactory for sparsely populated localities or for duty on large estates, and is sold at the price Of £325. The company also make ri 30-cwt. fire-engine, which is mounted on the Bake dhassis. This has a similar pump to that emplved on, the trailer, -which is driven from an extensien-of the-engine crankshaft. The machine carries adequate ladder equipment and can travel at 30 m.p.h.