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Bad Weather Mars an Attractive Midland Event. An Increased Number of Entries. Steam Wagons Well to the Fore.
THE THIRD annual parade of the Worcester Commercial Motor Users Association was held on Pitchcroft Tuesday of last week. The weather conditions more or less marred what would otherwise have been a very fine parade. Sunday's rain, together with the heavy downpour that occurred on Tuesday morning, rendered the ground unsuitable to carry the heavier vehicles, and
it rained throughout the whole of the afternoon .while judging and parading were taking place.
The vehicles assembled at the appointed place on Pitchcroft by 1 o'clock, and set out for the parade round the town at 2.30 p.m., judging commencing upon their return.
It has been customary to hold the parade in September, but the Tuesday following the August holiday was chosen this year because it was felt that fewer vehicles would be at work and an opportunity would thus be provided for users to compete who otherwise would not be able to do so. The change was justified by the increased number of entries and the percentage of vehicles on parade; out of a total of 80 entered over 60 vehicles were present. The total number of entries last year was 70 and the year before 55.
The reputation of the Association in organizing the event is still maintained, and, as is well known, the Worcester parade, considering the size of the town, compares more than favourably with some of the parades held in larger towns and
cities. For this Mr. John Howell, the able secretary, is largely responsible; the initiative which he shows in most things he does has been reflected in his honorary secretaryship of this venture.
A feature of the parade was the number of steam vehicles present, the Worcestershire County Council making quite a big show with steam wagons, as well as with petrol vehicles.
In the morning the judges were entertained to lunch at the 'Hop Market Hotel by the Association, and Mr. F.' Underwood (in the absence of the chairman of the local committee,! Mr. A. G. Spreckley), presided. In proposing the toast of the Association the chairman referred to Mr. Spreckley's absence, saying that it was because of illness that 'he was unable to be there with them. He stated that the object of the parade was to encourage the breed, -not the breed of. the vehicle,but that of the driver. Continuing, he said their thanks were due to the judges, some of whom had given up part of their holidays to come " from the ends of the globe " to assist in judging. the vehicles taking part in the Worcester parade, and they were the more to be thanked because their work was by far the most difficult connected with the parade. Whilst he did not want to offer the judges any advice, he pleaded for encouragement (which might be given by criticism both favourable and unfavourable), but he asked them wherever possible to err on the side of favour. Most of the men had spent a number of anxious hours in polishing up their maehines, and a kindly word: to them carried a great deal more weight than adverse remarks. He expressed the Association's thanks to the subscribers, to. Mr. Skyrme for allowing them to use -Pitchcroft, and to Alderman Garlton for presenting the prizes.
The brunt of the work fell upon four members, Messrs. F. Underwood, F. Tyler, II. Townshend, and G. H. Loach,
who, as the parade committee, were responsible for most of the organization. Ihe. following were parade officials:— Judges : Major S. T: Baker (Vacuum Oil Co.' Ltd., Birmingham); Messrs. F. A. Boyce (Tilling-Stevens Motors, Ltd., Birmingham); F. G. Bristow (General Secretary, C.M.U.A.) ; T. Jen kins (Hon. Treasurer, Midland Divisional
Council, C. M. U. A. ) ; W. Marshall (Car and General Insurance Corporation,Ltd.) ; Hugh Miller (" World's Carriers "); O. Rails (Pershore); L. G. Wynd ham Shire (Birmingham arid Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd.) Chief Mar
shal, Mr. W .T. Thorne; Assistant Chief
Marshal, Mr. B. J. Parkes ; Marshals : Messrs. G. Day, Chikle, E. G. Hollis, A. L. Maevitie, W. J. Tooze, W. Under wood, and the members of the Worcester and Di.strict Area Committee; Hon.
Secretary, Worcester and District Area, John Howell; Hon. Parade Treasurer, H. C. Loach.
Alderman Carlton, in distributing prizes, said that although the weather had contributed to the delay in an nouncing the results, the main cause had been the very great difficulty which the judges had bad in differentiating between the many excellently kept vehicles. Ho felt very proud that they had again hon oured him by asking him to distribute
the prizes, hacause he felt that the Association was doing splendid work in the
district. Speaking of the winning of the oldest-vehicle prize by A. Morgan, he alluded to the fact that the registered number of his vehicle was B.C. 26. He had been endeavouring to find out what the B.C. stood for, and a suggestion that had been put forward made him marvel that vehicles of such a type were running at such an early date On the motion of Mr Underwood, a vote of thanks was passed to Alderman Carlton The parade awards were as follow :
Champion vehicle (any capacity).— Steam: T. S. Townshend and Sons, Ltd., Foden, 16 years old, A. Morgan driver. Petrol: G. H. Loach and Sons, Berliet, 7 years old, J. Pratley driver.
Petrol or electric vehicle not exceeding 15 cwt.—Kendal and Co.'s Overland, J. Greenway driver, 1; Bailey Bros.' Ford, J. A. Rowberry driver, 2. Petrol or electric vehicle not exceeding 30 cwt.—G. IL Loach (and Sons' Berfiet, J. Pratley driver, 1; Josiah Stallard and Sons' Ford, W. H. Knott driver, 2. Petrol or electric vehicle not exceed ing 60 cwt.—Heenan and Fronde, Ltd. 's Dennis, F. Lane driver, 1; Anglo-Amen. can Oil Co.'s Pierce-Arrow, A. Morgan driver, 2.
Petrol or electric vehicle exceeding 60
cwt.—Royal Wells Brewery Co.'s Pear less, J. Stephens driver, 1; Worcestershire County Council s Dennis, J, T. Prince driver, 2. • Steam vehicle (carrying capacity 60 cwt. and over).—T. S. Townshend and Sons Ltd. 's Foden, A. 1).forgan driver, 1; Robert Allen and Co.'s Sentinel, J. W. Payne driver, 2; Worcestershire County Council's Clayton, F. E. Coldicott driver, 3.
Oldest vehicle on mileage run for commercial purposes.—T. S. Townsheriti and Sons, Ltd., 16 years old, 185,000 miles, A. Morgan driver.
Long service prize for driver proving longest service in one employ, driving a commercial vehicle.—A. Burcher, driving a Clayton steam wagon for Messrs. D. W. Goodwin and Co.