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Northern Scotland.
IN addition to the hearing of ordinary applications at Aberdeen on December 22nd, the Commissioners will hold a public inquiry, under Part V of the Road Traffic Act, to consider an application by Perth Town Council for consent to operate public service vehicles outside the burgh boundary. Up to the time of going to press objections have been received from the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., and W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd.
The latest gazette lists a few more applications that will be heard at this sitting. They include all classes of service and there is little opposition. In one instance, however, an application by Messrs. W. and J. Lowson, Eirriernuir, for a stage-carriage service between Forfar and Meigle is objected to by a GIamis clergyman.
THE Sheffield sitting is to he con tinued to December lath, on which day United Automobile Services, Ltd., and the Eastern Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., will apply for backings for their express services between Newcastle and Lowestoft. Other well-known longdistance services, such as those of National Coachways, Ltd., between London and Glasgow, will come under consideration. It is curious that the U.A.S. application should be opposed by the L.N.E.R. Co.
The Leeds sitting, commencing December 21st, will be concerned with a variety of applications remaining for 3931 licences, and there will be much railway, opposition.
North Western.
APPLICATIONS which hare been adjourned from previous sittings at Blackpool are being dealt with at this week's sitting held in that town. Most of these applications were listed for hearing in Gazette 22, dated September 14th. A further list ii now published of applications next to be taken, but the dates of hearing in these cases are not yet decided. The new list includes some strongly opposed excursions and express services from Lancashire terminal points.
West Midland.
TO-MORROW'S sitting at Birming ham will be occupied by expressservice applications, mainly for excursions, practically every one bekig opposed by at least half a dozen competing companies, including the rail
ways. Next Monday's sitting is expected to clear lip most of the :outstanding stage-carriage applications, to which there are fewer objections.
East Midland.
THE order in which applications are being heard at this week's Nottingham sitting, which is expected to last until next Monday, is announced in the latest gazette. The majority of the applications for hearing are from private operators.
NO date is yet fixed for the hearing of the application made by Southend Corporation for a licence to operate stage carriages between Alexandra Road and Sonthchiarch Hall Park, but it is noticed from gazette :35 that an amendment of the application has been made as regards frequency, making this every 10 minutes in the summer and every 20 minutes in the winter.
After this week's Cambridge sitting, at which several of the London coach services will be considered, no further sittings have been arranged. South Wales.
A PEW more applications have been
listed for the Cardiff and Newport sittings this week. They are mainly for stage-carriage licences, including a large proportion of workmen's services, end there are a few for tours, but the sittings will not be characterized by a large amount of opposition.
NO further sitting of the Western Commissioners is at present announced, outstanding cases having been disposed of at last week's sitting at Exeter.
Southern. THE offices oftlieSouthern Commis sioners, at Somerset House, Blagrave Street, Reading, will be closed for Christmas from the evening of December 23rd to the morning of December 28th. No more sittings for this year have been arranged.
THIS week's Tunbridge Wells sitting
will be devoted to several long series of applications made by important operators, including Antocar Services, Ltd. (local bus services and express services from Sevenoaks to Bexhill, Worthing and Eastbourne), East Surrey Traction Co., Ltd. (local bus services and express-carriage routes connecting Reigate with Worthing and Eastbourne), Redcar Motor Services, Ltd. (local bus routes), East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd. (bus service and express lines between London and important Kent towns), etc. At the end of the week a few smaller operators will be dealt with, there being much railway opposition to excursion applications.
THIS week's sitting was dealt with in our issue for December 8th. The Commissioner announces that he will not hold a sitting during next week.