News of the Week
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THE Minister of Home Security has amended Article 20 of the Lighting (Restrictions) Order, 1944, to allow a higher standard of lighting for the interior of p.s. vehicles, trams and trolleybuses.
The two standards laid down previously will be replaced by one permissible throughout the country. The lighting need now fulfil only two conditions:—(a) That the lamps must be shaded so that no part of the bulb through which any light is allowed to pass can be seen from any point outside the vehicle; (b) that the illumination produced at any point at ground level outside the vehicle must not exceed 0.025 ft. candles.
No maximum illumination is prescribed at seat level, and the lights need not be reduced during a warning, although it may be necessary to reimpose this condition in the event of a change in enemy tactics.
One method by which the higher standard tids been obtained is as follows:—The lighting cowls on the lower decks of buses are painted white inside and out. On the upper decks, in,addition to the painting of the cowls, a portion of the felt ring between the light fitting and the roof is cut away to permit some light to shine on the roof.
Lighting cowls on trolleybuses are also painted white.
LAST week we referred to the buses which are included in the production programme for 1945 under the wgis of the Ministries of Supply and War Transport. We mentioned that the inclusion of other makes was not likely for a,t least nine months after January 1. We are now informed, however, by Leyland Motors, Ltd., that authority has been received by the company for the manufacture of a considerable number of double-deckers during 1945, and that the first of these should become available early in the second half of that year.
ANTI-PILFERAGE ACTION AT LIVERPOOL DOCKS I N the offices and garages of members
of the Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners' Association, a display is made of a poster, giving an extract of a new direction issued by the Liverpool Port Emergency Committee. It is worded as follows:—
As an anti-pilferage measure it has been arranged, in agreement with the Liverpool Regional Port Director, that the police on duty at any of the Liver. pool dock-entrance gateways may stop vehicles leaving the Liverpool Docks and direct the vehicle to a nearby berth to be indicated by the district traffic manager, where the master-porter operating at that berth will be required to provide the necessary men and appliances to unload the vehicle as may be necessary to satisfy the police, afterwards reloading it.
The load on the vehicle will be checked with the cart pass held by the police and if they be satisfied the vehicle will be allowed to leave the docks immediately. In the event, however, of any discrepancy the masterporter responsible for originally loading the vehicle will be called in and the police will decide upon the action to be taken and when the vehicle is to be allowed to leave the docks.
AT a meeting held on December 7, the Road Haulage Central Wages Board decided to notify its intention to submit to the Minister of Labour proposals for the amendment, in certain respects, of the existing Road Haulage Wages Orders governing the statutory remuneration of those haulage workers falling within its scope. The fall proposals, which include an increase in remuneration, will be submitted. to the Area Boards for report, also to employers in the industry; 21 days' notice 'will be allowed for the receipt of objections.
A COMMERCIAL-VEHICLE driver, PI charged at West Ham Police Court with obtaining the sum of 7s, 7d. by false pretences, was bound over under the First Offenders Act, but ordered to pay E.5 5s. costs.
The man concerned stated on his log sheet that he had finished Work at 8 p.m., whereas an M.O.W.T. traffic examiner had noticed the vehicle parked for the night by 5.30 p.m. at Newport. The defendant admitted this, but stated that although he spent the evening at the house of a friend away from the vehicle, he was engaged until 8 p.m. repairing a defective foot-brake spring. The magistrate said that if such were the case why had he not reported the fact on his log sheet; further, he had stated on the log 'sheet that he had left Cardiff at 6,30 p.m., instead of 4.30 p.m.
ATa luncheon held last Friday by the National Association of Road Transport Groups, the guests of honour were Mr. P. J. Noel-Baker, Parliamentary Secretary to the M.O.W,T„ and Mr. W. Mabane, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food. This was the first luncheon held by this body, and it was something of an achievement to have present such distinguished guests.
The chairman, Mr. F. Rudman, pointed out that the inaugural meeting of this grouping movement on a national basis took place in London on April 20, when eight groups were repre
sented. At the secbnd meeting on May 18 there were representatives of 11 groups. The number rose to 24 at a meeting in Manchester on November 22. Twenty-six groups are operating or in being, five are being organized and 14 are under consideration. The actual groups in the Association now represent over 1,000 members, with some 4,800 vehicles, comprising a carrying capacity of 31,000 tons.
Mr. Noel-Baker humorously suggested that, in view of all that had occurred, it was an act of broadminded charity to invite him to the luncheon. He was impressed by the spirit shown by all road-transport workers—managements and men alike. It was important because this was a transport war, but transport was as important in peace as in war. Normally 8 per cent, of the workers were engaged in transport and 8 per cent. of all family incomes was spent on transport. He was a member of the Board which was to recreate the transport systems of the formerly occupied countries. Freedom from starvation and from epidemic diseases depended upon transport. As long as the standard of living rises, so will the need for transport. All must work to achieve ordered development and cut out waste, whilst not removing personal initiative and endeavour, but we must not return to the old method of uncontrolled competition. The Association had made remarkable progress and he offered his congratulations. GUY MOTORS TRADING
GUY MOTORS, LTD., made a trading ing profit of £130,018 in the year ended June 30 last, after deducting taxation. The net 'profit, taking into account depreciation (£84,832), etc., comes out at £43,172, compared with
£41,240 in the previous year. The dividend on the ordinary shares at 15 per cent, is the same as for the previous year. Theu amount to be carried forward is £8,780, compared with £10,901 brought in.
1945 PROGRAMME OF GOODS VEHICLES WITH reference to the list of goods W vehicles for civilian purposes, which we published last week, a slight error occurred, in that an asterisk denoting an addition to the former programme was placed against the Oommer 8 cwt., instead of the Bedford 10 cwt. It is the latter which has not been made previously during the war.
Taskers of Andover (1932), Ltd., has also asked us to point out that it has been granted a substantial allowance of materials for the construction during 1945 of semi-trailers, independent trailers and timber carriages, and it can offer quick delivery of standard models. The name of this company was not included in the official list submitted to us.
THE British Road Federation, 4a, 13loomsbury Square, London, W.C.1, is publishing to-day a most attractive and well-illustrated booklet entitled "New Roads for Britain." The author is Mr. George C. Curnock, who wrote " Hospitals under Fire," and " Heroes Road and Rail." The
piice is 2s. 6d. net. The booklet is claimed to present a practical plan for the solution of a great post-war problem and, naturally, deals largely with the B.R.F. suggestions concerning motorways.
D.R.H.O. SAYS TRADERS MUST CHOOSE THEIR TRANSPORT nVER 10,000 vehicles were put off kJ the roads, with a consequent saving of 6,000,000 gallons of petrol a year, as a result of the restrictions imposed by tile North Midland Regional Transport Commissioner, Mr. J. H. Stirk, it was revealed at last week's quarterly meeting of the traffic section of the Nottingham Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Stirk, who gave these facts, said that he had no doubt the restrictions upset the transport operators very much, hut he tried to impose them in a common-sense manner. He said that one of the astonishing things about D-day was that a large amount of transport was available once things had got under way. It was thought that the position would be exactly the opposite, but a large number of vehicles was freed from aerodrome sites and they found themselves with a surplus. Once the port of Antwerp was in full use the position would become even easier. He was looking to the time when restrictions could be removed.
Mr. W. Latham, D.R.H.O., said that in the post-war period traders should have their own, unfettered rights to choose their form of transport.
"There is," he said, "a tendency to weld transport into one huge body, and I see danger if this body gets too big. Our industry is more full of complexities than any other, and we must devote our attentions to adequate alternate systems of transporting, such as have been found necessary in the conduct of war."
ABOUT 20 operators are members of a road haulage group for the operation of which a company has been registered under the title of Castleford, Pontefract and District Hauliers, Ltd. The registered office and traffic office are at 58, Beancroft Road, Castleford. The chairman is Mr. John Hardcastle, of Messrs. H. Hardcastle and Sons, Pontefract, and the hon. secretary is 'Mr. M. Dennison, of Castleford.
PERSONAL PAR MR. A. S. WOODGATE has been appointed chief engineer to the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., of Stockport. He takes over this position from MR. C. J. BROWN, who has been given a similar appointment with the Western and Southern National Companies at Exeter. Mr. Woodgate is at presenfengineer to East Midland Motor Services, Ltd„ and he will commence his new duties from a date to be agreed. THE " C.M." FOR THE TROOPS
Vrnow have more offers to supply opies of this journal to interested members of ;the Forces than we have applicants. We shall, therefore, welcome more of the latter.
Incidentally, readers who have numbers of recent copies available, and who wish to dispose of them, are asked to post these to D.M.E., Area H.Q., 21 Army Group, B.L.A.
IN the year enaed August 7 last, Joseph Lucas, Ltd., made a trading profit of £340,426, which is approximately £10,000 higher than for the previous year. The amount available, after adding £74,540 brought in, and deducting a provision for obsolescence of £50,000, etc., is £363,966. Interim dividends already paid account for £29,650, and a final dividend of 121 per cent. (less tax) is to be paid on the ordinary shares, making 15 per cent. for the year; this will absorb £130,938, the total dividend distribution amounting to £134,400, when payments on A and B preference shares afe included. In addition, £100,000 is transferred to reserve, bringing it up to 21,800,000, and £15,000 is transferred to funds for employees' benefit, leaving £84,916 to be carried forward.
rRITICISM of meat distribution in
the Beeston and Stapleford area, on the grounds both of hygiene and of over-centralization, are expressed in the joint annual report of the urban district council's • M.O.H. and senior sanitary inspector.
The report states that the transport and distribution of meat throughout the area have given "much cause for concern." The cleanliness of the vans, the clothing of the opeeators and the carrying of the meat were all most unsatisfactory. After the issue of warnings to transport contractors concerned and representations to the M.O.W.T., certain improvements were affected, but the position was still not all that could be desired.
TN the year ended September 30 last, 1 the East Kent Road Car' Co., Ltd., made a profit of £50,804, after deducting all items chargeable against revenue, including provision for taxation and depreciation, as well as transferring £10,000 to general reserve; this figure compares with £51,094 for the previous year. A dividend at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum on the ordinary shares will absorb £36,000, and after the dividend on the preference shares for the last three months of the year is paid (it has already been paid for the nine months ended June 30 last), there is a balance of £27,485 to be carried forward. In the year, traffic receipts and other revenue totalled £779,804. From the past year's working £60,000 is allocated to depreciation and renewals reserve.
THE National Association of Road Transport Groups held a meeting for A and B operators in Manchester on December 3, when over 100 heard Mr. F. Rudman outline the fundamental . principles of grouping. Numerous questions were asked as to
• how grouping would operate in Manchester. Mr. Rudman instanced the long-distance operator from Manchester, who carried a load to London, and, in the absence of a branch or depot there, could apply to the London Group for a return load.
He also stated that the London Group had made provisional arrangements for one of the city's largest repairers to give a 24-hours' service to all group members, and to have on duty for towing purposes a .vehicle capable of bringing in the largest lorry.
Towards the close of the meeting it was stated that a dozen operators there had determined to form a grouping company.
QUNDERLAND Rural District Coun cil has asked the Minister of War Transport to restore, return fares onbuses and to extend the availability of 12-journey tickets. For about 15 months all return fares costing more than lad, on buses in the Northern region have been cancelled and travel._ lers now have to obtain single tickets.
GROSS revenue of Barton Transport, Ltd., in the year ended September 20 last, was £473,209, compared with £450,019 in the previous year. After deducting operating charges( £313 419), • depreciation (05,544), g.P.T. (28,000), etc., the net revenue amounts to £53,890, as against £49,170. The preference dividend takes £8,400, and 15 per cent. plus 5 per cent. bonus are being paid on the deferred shares, which will take
£20,000. Taxation reserve receives £12,000 and general reserve £10,000, the amount to be carried forward being £5,049, compared with £3,849 brought in.
ASTEEL-SPRING wheel, invented in Switzerland and known as the Meili " S " wheel, is being manufactured in Sweden to replace rubber
tyres. The springs are described as being bent in the form of an S and arranged in a manner to give a doublespring action which protects the chassis and equipment from road shocks. There are two sets, the outer springs adapting themselves to the rough portions of the road and the inner springs elastically supporting the weight of the vehicle from the hub.
It is reported that these wheels have been used successfully in Sweden on lorries carrying loads of 4 metric tons and driven at a speed of 65 kilometres an hour on show-covered forest roads
that are impassable for vehicles with
rubber tyres and chains. It is said, too, that a fleet hauling 8.5-metric-ton loads of wood from the forests during winter months has also given good results on the new steel-spring wheel. Tests with the device are being conducted in a laboratory at Ultuna, Sweden.
A SCOTTISH ACQUISITION WE learn. that Messrs. Gray Bros., autumobile engineers, 181. Cleppington Road, Dundee, agents for Commer commercial vehicles and Perkins oil engines, have taken over the business and premises at 166-8, Seagate, Dundee, previously operated by James Ross and Sons -(Motors). Ltd., Edin burgh, The latter will continue to function as in the past, under the direction of Mr. W. Black, who has joined their staff as sales manager, and will be responsible for all sales activities, both in the commercial and private fields.
LEICESTER BUS-TRAVEL QUIZ, PASSENGERS on early morning buses and trams in Leicester on Sunday, December 10, were asked to fill in a slip of paper showing why they
were travelling. Leicester Transport Committee wants to find out to what extent morning services are needed by war workers, before deciding whether to discontinue them or not. We hope that it obtained the correct answers!
WE regret to learn of the death of
• Mr. Harry Hine, of the haulage. firmof Messrs. Hine Bros., Shaftesbury Road, Gillingham. He was responsible for the formation of the business in 1914, and, as outlined in an article, which we published in our issue dated October 20 dealing with the firm's activities, had, over many years, Laken an active part in their progress. He was 78 years old. £1,000,000 REdUIRED FOR VICTORY (EX-SERVICES) CLUB
AN appeal for contributions to the £1,000,000 Victory (Ex-Services) 'Club Fund is being made to every industry by the Victory (Ex-Services) Association, 47, Bedford Row, London, W.C.1.
The main purpose is to establish a real headqharters in Central London for men and women of all, ranks in this category. The new club will absdrb the Allenby, which is inconveniently situated and has been badly damaged. Building operations will commence as soon as possible after the war. We understand that the club will include 400 bedrooms, of which 100 will be for women.
The scheme was launched at a meeting held on October 2 at the Mansion House, the Lord Mayor presiding, when Field-Marshal Sir Philip Chetwode, Bart., G.C.B., made an appeal for funds. . Sir Philip is the President and is supported by General Sir Walter Kirke, G.C.B., together with a strong canned.
Donations are already being received. Others should be sent to the Honorary Treasurer, Victory (Ex-Services) Association, care of the Westminster Bank, Ltd., 329, High Holborn, London, W.C.1, or to any other branch of that bank.
CORPORATION'S DECISION ON TYNE TUNNEL PLAN FURTHER reference to the long-discussed plan for a Tyne tunne! between North and South Shields is made in a report of South Shields Parliamentary Commititee. • Tynemouth Corporation decided recently not to proceed further with the talks regarding the tunnel plan, on the ground that there was no possibility of the scheme going through. • Instead, Tynemouth decided to support the Jarrow-Howdon tunnel project which is favoured by the M.O.W.T.
South Shields Parliamentary Committee has passed a resolution expressing regret at Tynemouth's decision, which it is stated was arrived at in a manner unworthy of the joint discussions which have taken place. The committee expresses the view that the reasons advanced for Tynemouth's decision not to proceed further with the plan are not adequate.
ON the ground that their domestic duties cause much absenteeism among Rotherham married conductresses with children, Rotherham Transport Committee has made an urgent request that the Ministry of Labour shall direct women, who for national-service • purposes are classed as mobile, to work on the town's transport services.. The point is made that married women with children cannot reasonably be expected to carry out their household duties and do eight hours' work a day as conductresses, and that no reflection upon them is implied by the transport committee's request to the Ministry.
STOCKTON-ON-TEES Rural District Council has voted against the proposal that Durham County Council should consider starting a municipal bus service. The rural council contends that the transport services should be left in the hands of private enterprise, and it was added that the proposal would only mean the setting up of another monopoly, which was not wanted.
I T is announced by Specialloid, Ltd., that it has now opened its new northeastern service depot at 56-58, New
York Street, Leeds. Stocks of all popular types of piston for commercial vehicles will be maintained, in standard and regular oversizes, for quick delivery to operators in the area.
I.O.T. MAKES GOOD PROGRESS 'THE membership of the Institute of Transport, at September 30, was 2,221 corporate and 3,575 non-corporate members, totalling 5,796. This compares with 5,053 in 1939 and 5,827 in 1943. During the year some 2,500 applications and inquiries were dealt with.
Except in very special circumstances the Council will not, after December 31, exercise its powers to elect to associatemembership without examination. YORK DROPS OUTER RING ROAD SCHEME
THscheme to construct an outer rEing road at York was abandoned by the city council, at a meeting last week, on the recommendation of the streets and buildings committee. Councillor W. Thompson, its chairman, said that the committee had always felt the citizens should not be called upon to make a road so that West Riding people could have an easier journey to Scarbormigh and the East Riding, and that the citizens' money should be spent upon York rather than on a ring road. He gave an assurance that it was intended to build a bridge over the river at Clifton Scope, notwithstanding the abandonment of the ring road.