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Peers Attacking Disqualification

15th December 1961
Page 32
Page 32, 15th December 1961 — Peers Attacking Disqualification
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

TH/tEE .ConServative peers mounted an all-out attack on controversial clause in the Golfer= Road Traffic Bill which provides pulsory disqualification for drivers commit three " danger " offences in years.

These 25 offences would include si ing, contravening street playgr regulations, and failing to stop and particulars after an accident.

The peers involved are Lord Teyn a former chairman of the A.A. a director of Southdown Motor Ser Ltd., Lord Derwent, chairman of British Road Federation, and Hawke.

They will seek, during the I Report stage of the Bill in the nex days, to delete entirely the subsectii Clause Three which covers this iss Another attack on this clause w. mounted by Lord Lucas of Chily who also has a transport backgroun He will seek to remove dangerous or loads, and, irregular brakes, ste gear or tyres from the list of off which carries discretionary disqua tion—and also the three-in-threethreat:

. Channel Tininel. Mod ALARGE working model of the posed Channel tunnel rail ter will be shown publicly for the first at the National Schoolboys' Own E: tion at Olympia, London, from Ja 1 to 13.• The 30-ft.-long model was dy the British Transport Commissi show how a tunnel terminal cau operated.


REPLIES are already coming in local authorities in response t inquiry made by the Traders Road 1 port Association as to the attitu. individual local authorities in En Scotland and Wales over the pro of off-street loading and unloading ties for commercial vehicles in building development.