News and Comment.
Page 12

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Two special articles from the Editor's pen are included this week --ace pages 495 and 498.
Preference for Manchester necessitates our holding over "Opinions from Others" and "Answers to " until next week.
A model which deserves to sell well is mentioned at some length on pages sOra and 504. It is the fourcylinder Pagefield from Wigan.
This week's leading articles concern the following topical subjects : (1) "The North of England Show " ; (2) " Repair shop or factory?" ; and (3) " Motor services and mixed traffic."
How to See the Manchester Show.
The way to walk round the North of England Show advantageously is set forth on pages 487-494, There is much of interest to be seen—much more of interest to be learnt from a perusal of first-hand testimonials from satisfied owners,
More Spirit Storage.
The importers and distributors of Shell motor spirit are now fast approaching the happy position of having available in London a new 177,500-gallon depot. The firstpublished particulars particulars and illustrations of the works and equipment will be found on pages 301-502.
A Continental Appointment.
Mr. Paul Loeser, late managing director of the Continental Tyre Co., Paris, has been appointed managing director to the Continental Tyre Co., Paris, has been appointed managing director to the Continental Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd. in conjunction with Mr. Paul Brodtmann.
Horse v. Motor.
Kensington Borough Council, after consideration of a report by the Borough Engineer in which the economies due to the use of motor vehicles are set forth, has resolved to include in its estimates the sum of £1600 to cover the purchase of two more motor wagons (with trailers and accessories). Experience at Kensington has shown that six horses are required to do the work of one motor, and that one motor effects an economy of £270 per annum. Seeing that the Kensington Borough Council purchased its present steam wagon so far back as the year 1901, greater economies may be expected in the future. An Industry of Moment.
Companies interested in the manufacture of motors, wagons, tractors, tires and accessories were registered at Somerset House, during December last, with a combined capital of almost a quarter of a million pounds.
Big Capital and Well-known Directors for a New Tire Company.
British Energised Tyre Syndicate, Ltd., with an authorized capital of E150,00L1 in £1 shares, and with its office at 11, Old Broad Street, E1
.C. to enter into a contract with U. Stratton, providing for the sale and purchase of certain patents and rights and to develop and turn to account any patents for mechanical devices capable of being used in connection with or applied to any motor vehicle or part thereof. First directors : Undecimus Stratton and Percy Richardson.
Noise on the Road.
The Local Coverninent Board, under date the loth inst., has issued a new Order, to be known as the Motor Cars (Use and Construction) Amendment Order, 1912, in regard to the practice of providing for the release of the exhaust gases at a point intermediate between the engine and the silencer. This practice, we know, is unusual upon commercial motors, but we quote the wording of the effective section of the order for information : "1-Te shall not use any cut-out, fitting, or other apparatus or device, which will allow the exhaust gases from the engine of the motorcar to escape into the atmosphere without first passing through a silencer, expansion chamber or other contrivance, suitable and sufficient for reducing as far as may reasonably be practicable the noise which would otherwise be caused by the escape of the said gases. Provided that this regulation shall apply only to a motorcar propelled by an internal-combustion engine, and shall not extend to a motorcycle."
Fire-Brigade Matters.
A Morris fire-engine has been purchased by the Gloucester City Council.
Hendon U.D.C. has accepted the offer of Messrs. Henry Simonis and Co. to submit a motor fire-engine for demonstration and test.
Stockton-on-Tees Town Council has finally decided upon the purchase of a motor fire-engine. The income from certain rural districts, under agreement for services when required, has been arranged.
The Watch Committee of Wimbledon Town Council has accepted the tender of Dennis Bros., Ltd., at £2140, to supply two motor-propelled fire-engines, each fitted with pump, first-aid apparatus, escape and accessories.
Halifax Town Council, on the 7th inst., decided to accept the tender of Dennis Bros., Ltd., for the supply of a motor fire-engine, at a cost of £915, with certain additions for accessories, etc., and subject to L.G.B. sanction.
Newcastle-on-Tyne City Council has confirmed the decision of the Watch Committee to purchase a motor fire-engine at an estimated price of £750, and an application has been lodged with the Local Government Board for approval oi a loan.
The chief officer of the Birkenhead Brigade, Mr. Burns, has written as follows to Dennis Bros., Ltd. : "The Dennis motor fire-engine has now been in commission for one year and nine months, and during that Period has attended nearly every fire. It has covered 1364 miles to and from fires and for instruction purposes. The total cost of running and maintenance, exclusive of depreciation and insurance, for one year, was £24. This shows a great saving in comparison with horse-drawn machines, and fully justifies the adoption of motor haulage for fire-brigade work."