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15th July 1915, Page 15
15th July 1915
Page 15
Page 15, 15th July 1915 — SIR JOHN FRENCH ON THE • A.S.C., M.T.
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Sir John French, in his despatch concerning operations from the beginning of April to the end of June, which despatch was published on Monday last, makes the following further references to the goad work of the A.S.C., M.T. -The reference to the risks which the men of these columns have at times to run, particularly in respect of shell fire on roads of which the Germans have accurately got the range, is confirmation of our earlier views in this regard. We extract:— " In this despatch I wish again to remark upon the exceptionally good work done throughout this campaign by the Army Service Corps and by the Army Ordnance Department, not only in the field, but also on the lines of communication and at the base ports.

"To foresee and meet the requirements in the matter of ammunition, stores, equipment, supplies, and transport has entailed on the part of the officers, non-commissioned officers and men of these Services a sustained effort which has never been relaxed since the beginning of the war, and which has been rewarded by the most conspicuous success.

"The close co-operation of the Railway Transport Department, whose excellent work, in combine

tion with the French Railway Staff, has ensured the regularitsi of the maintenance services, has greatly contributed to this success.

"The degree of efficiency to which these Services have been brought was well demonstrated in the course of the second battle of Ypres.

"The roads between Poperinghe and Ypres, over which transport, supply and ammunition columns had to pass, were continually searched by hostile heavy artillery during the day and night, whilst the passage of the canal through the town of Ypres, and along the roads east of that town, could only be effected under most difficult and dangerous conditions as regards hostile shell fire. Yet, throughout the whole five or six weeks during which these conditions prevailed, he work was carried on with perfect order and efficiency."