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The City of London National Guard M.T.C.

15th July 1915, Page 15
15th July 1915
Page 15
Page 15, 15th July 1915 — The City of London National Guard M.T.C.
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There have been two parades of convoys of the Mechanical Transport Column of the City,of London National Guard since we last reported drills and practices of this section of the volunteer movement. The convoy, 'on `the ,27th, tilt was composed of vehicles which were lent by the undermentioned

owners, the makes of the vehicles: and the names of the drivers bkng also given —Great Western Railway Co., Thornyeroft (W.A3olton);' Messrs. J. Ingram and Son,' Thornycroft (N. C. Chumley); Messrs. J. Nelson and Co., MilnesDaimler g.-Badrick) ; Shrewsbury and Challiner Tyre Co. Ltd., Corn-' mercer (A. Birch); • Sutton and Co.,' Ltd., Karrier (C. Remington). The. officer on duty was Convoy-Commender T. Clarkson. Travelling from Trafalgar. Square to Ongar (Essex), the work done was in con-nection with the conveyance of : troops to and from trench-digging. The convoy, on the 3rd inst., was: composed as follows :—Mesers.. Aerated Candy Co., two Thorny. crofts (F. Burgess and S' Leader); Messrs. E. Nelson and Co. Ltd., Manes Daimler (J. Badrick); • Messrs. Pearce, Duff and Co., Thornycroft (W. Anderson). Owing , to a misunderstanding, a company of the Guard had not been 'told off for road conveyance and the convoy was therefore dismissed at ; Trafalgar Squarts, after the drivers. had received their Corps allowance of 10s.

There will, during the summer , holidays, be no further iparad_es Jf the M.T. Column, unless in ease of • emergency. 'The drill has now been settled. Enrolment is being continued by the Adjutant (83, Pall Mall,. S.W.)..