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He made his acquaintanceship with the foils as a cadet in the London Rifle Brigade and from 1891 onwards figured successfully in a large number of competitions. His first important success occurred in 1895, when he entered the open competition at the Orion Gymnasium, and in turn defea,t(d F. H. Maugham, Inns of Court School of Arms, by five points to, one, and W. P. Gate, L.R.B. School of Arms, by five points to three. This locought "him to the .final, when he met W. Lloyd
Poundal], St. James's whom ho beat with comparative ease ; the score being five points to one. In 1896 Major Cooke fought at the Royal Milita,ry Tournament, and secured third prize in the sabres competition. In 1897 he won the third prize at
the Royal Military Tournament, for fells and at the same function fought his way to tlie final for sabres and heat Capt. EdgeworthJohnstone, who had won the challenge cup in the two prel",ious successive years.
He figured annually at the
Royal Military Tournament, always as a prizewinner, up to 1902; when. he won a first and the challengeCup for foils. From this time, up to 1912, business engage, ments prevented Major Cooke from pursuing his hobby.
He was a member of the inter national Team of the United Kingdom selected to take part in the Olympic Games. In 1914 he fought his way for the fourth time to the final of the Amateur Championship.
Upon the outbreak of war open fencing and sabre competitions were abandoned, but with the signing of the Armistice, and hissubsequent return to civil life,
Major Cooke went into training, and by his signal success at the Royal Naval, Army and Air Force Tournament has shown that he is still one of our premier fencers.