Mt. , Nelson . Calls -it
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"Sharp Practice.". . •
STRONG criticism of John Wainwright and Co., Ltd., quarry miners, -was made by Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing Authority,. last week. The company were supporting an application for a B licence for two vehicles of 8 tons 3 cwt., to carry for any quarry in the Ft:mine aim, by Mr. R..L. Starr, 15
Victoria Road, Frome, Somerset. .
It was stated that Mr. Starr had been granted a coritract licence for one of the 'vehicles under agreement with Wainwright, in January. • This was . due to
operate for a 12-month period.' .
Mr. Robert Francis, office manager of Wainwright, agreed that his company had recently supported another operator who applied for additional vehicles, and given additional vehicles on contract licence to yet another man. Answering Mr. Nelson, Mr. Francis said that the company had a C-hiring licence for 16 vehicles, but used only five.
Giving decision, Mr. Nelson said: "I feel very strongly about this application. For the want of better words it is what I call sharp practice. Here is a company which gives a newcomer a neyv contract for 12 months in January, and now comes along and asks me to grant the applicant a B licence for the vehicle under the C-hire licence. I therefore refuse the application because I am not satisfied with the evidence. With regard to the second vehicle, if the objectors insist, I shall also refuse that."
For the objectors, British Transport Commission and nine private operators, it was stated thatthey would not oppose a grant in respect of the. second vehicle of 4 tons 3 cwt. provided the conditions read: " quarried and concrete products for John Wainwright and Co., Ltd., 125 miles" and the applicant gave an undertaking that he would not take up any vehicle on the C-hire licence.
HIGH-HYSTERESIS RUBBER TYRES A NEW synthetierubber of the highFa hysteresis type has been 'developed by the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., and it is expected that it will be introduced into the company's range of standard covers in the next 12-18 months. At present only tyres in the Elite range ate made of it.
These are for expensive cars and cost about a third more than normal tyres. In tests, Elite tyres have given 45 per cent. more adhesion when accelerating on a wet road, 24 per cent. more cornering grip and 15 per cent, greater braking adhesion. The rate of tread wear is stated to be the same as for conventional tyres.
Tyres of high-hysteresis synthetic rubber give a softer ride than normal covers, and almost eliminate squeal on corners. When Dunlop offer it more widely, their products are not likely to be any dearer.
ATEAM of engineers appointed by the Institute of Road Transport Engineers is to investigate the problems of air pollution resulting from diesel smoke emitted by road vehicles.