Low-loader Driver Wins at Manchester
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CHIEF among the . many awards presented by Mr, F. Williamson, North Western Licensing Authority, at the Manchester round of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition last Sunday, was a gold cup for the best performance of the day by J. W. Griffiths (de Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd.), whose vehicle was an Austin with low-loading semi-trailer.
For the purpose of deciding the local champion the figure-of-merit system was employed. With this method the top 25 per cent. of the entry of each class is averaged, and the competitor beating the resultant figure in his category by the greatest percentage is the outright winner. The second man in the class in which the winner is outstanding moves up to lead, although the driver who has moved up to area winner goes to the national final as representing his section. The same arrangements apply to the Manchester awards for the best drivers of oil-engined and C-licence vehicles.
Too often a private check on the road circuit shows that some drivers who think themselves clever still have plenty to learn. This was so on Sunday. One large van swung out sharply from a side road in the path of The Commercial Motor car. Having reached the centre of the street and observed that there was someone else awake at that time in the morning, the van driver promptly stuck his hand out and swung quickly to the right. At least one competitor failed to stop at a Halt sign.
Most of them drove through the pelting rain with meticulous care. All the same, it is an odd situation that the reporter of a safe-driving contest should feel entitled to danger money.
Manchester, with 153 vehicles, had a fun entry, some having overflowed from the cancelledoLiverpool fixture which was due next Sunday. With the promise of a Liverpool round, some operators who had previously competed in Manchester were advised to transfer to the new venue and, in view of the cancellation, these were accepted almost at the last moment as additions to the Manchester list. Chester, Preston, Morecambe, Liverpool, Widnes, Sandbach, Renfrew, Dundee, Darwen, Bootie, Matlock and Greenock, were among the places represented, so that the winner may claim to have annexed a more than local title.
A useful proportion of the drivers came through the Highway Code examination unpenalized, but the average loss was around 20 marks; -which seems high compared with the results in some other centres. On the road most points fell for failure to signal a lefthand turn when leaving a roundabout on the nine-mile circuit. Ten competitors -preserved clean sheets on both the road and code sections of the contest.
An outstanding overall performance was put up by Pease Transport, Ltd., one of whose entries proved best in the team section.
Class A-Up to 15 ft.: 1.-J. P. Moran (English Sewing Cotton Co., Ltd., Thames), 74 penaltypoints. 2,-A. R.. Bradley (Fred Dawes [Service], Ltd., Austin), 100. 3.-E. Mellor (Fred Dawes 'Service!, Ltd., Austin), 101.
Class 11,-15-19 Ft.: 1.-1. Gilfoy (Associated Electrical Industries, Ltd., Austin), 68. 2.-W. A. McDonnell (Louis C. Edwards and Sons [Manchester]. Ltd.' Thames), 76. 3.-L. Ripley (Eccles Corporation, Dennis), 77.
Class C-19-22 ft.: 1.-R. C. Beaman (British Road Serv(ceS, B.M.C.), 52. 2.-P. J. Leacy. (Pease Transport. Ltd., Commer), 88. 3.-A. Dutton (Hazel Grove Printing and Box Making Co., Ltd., Commer), 91. Class D-22-25 ft.; 1.-S. Isaac (Pease Transport, Ltd,' Albion). 34. 2.-R. Smith (Ministry of Works, B.M.C.), 55. 3.-S. Irvine (S.P.D., Ltd., Austin), 59.
Class E (1)-Over 25 ft., two axles: 1.-H. Eden (Wilsons Brewery. Ltd., E.R.F.), 61. 2.-A. Horsfall (Crown Bedding Co. [Northern], Ltd., Albion). 81. 3.-L Kcnworthy (Crown Bedding Co. [Northern'. Ltd., Albion), 83.
Class E (2)-Over 25 ft., more than two axles: 1.-A. I. Cook (Pease Transport [Northern Section], Ltd., Foden), 40. 2.-A. 3, Monks (Petrofina [Great Britain', Ltd., A.E.C.). 55. 3.-V. O'Rourke (Robertson, Buckley ape) Co., Ltd., Leyland), 67, Class F (1)-Articulated, tractor under 3 tons, send-trailer under 22 ft.: 1.-L. R. Tucker (Bleachers' Association, Ltd., Karricr), 74. 2.W. Batho (Bleachers' Association. Ltd., Austin), 146. 3.-A. Muir (Pease Transport [Scotland), Ltd., Bedford), 167, Class F (2)-Artiettlated, tractor under 3 tons. sentl-trailer 22-27 ft.: 1.-N. Shield (B.R.S. 'Parcels], Ltd., Leyland), 122. 2.-H. Norcliffe (T. Wall and Sons Ice Cream], Ltd., Bedford), 128. 3.-N. Metcalfe (British Road Services, Ltd., Leyland), 130.
Clam C-Articulated, tractor over 3 tons, semitrailer up to 27 ft.: 1.-H. J. Bramwell (Pease Transport 'Northern Section), Ltd., Foden), 63. 2.-1. Winstanlcy (Louis C. Edwards and Sons, Manchester], Lid,, Leyland). 98. 3.-W. Bell (Pease Transport [Scotland], Ltd., Albion), 120.
Class H-Articulated, tractor any weight, semitrailer over 27 ft.: 1.-B. Parry (H. R. D. Maconochie, Ltd., Thornyeroft), 175. 2.-F. Singleton (de Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd:, Morris), 181. 3.-F. Porter (R.A.F., Bedford), 209. Manchester Area Winner: J. W, Griffiths (de Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd., Austin), 69 marks, Plus 76 figure of merit. (From Class H.)
Best C-licence Driver: F. Johnson (Groves and Whitman, Ltd., Dennis), 35. (From Class E Best Oil-engined Vehicle Driver: R. B. Walker (B.R.S., Austin), 30. (From Class C.)
Team Award: Pease Transport (Northern Section), Ltd.-lsaac, Cook and Bramwell. 137.