News and Comment.
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This is admitted to possess the influence, the men, the standing and the leading circulation. It is exclusively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial hJuses throucihout the Lmpire.
Further reference to the Thomas electro-mechanical transmission is made on pages 315 and 316.
Daimler tractors, from Coventry. are likely to attract much notice at Norwich. The first-published illustrations and particulars will be found on pages 303 to 305.
Can the pedestrian be controlled, and will he soon have to undergo some measure of marshalling ? We raise this point, not, for the first time, on pages 301 and 302.
Our " One Hears " page and this page bear reproductions from the brochure about the Coronation Time Special and Royal Show Report issue of a fortnight hence, Readers who are sufficiently interested in rubber to visit the International Rubber and Allied Trades Exhibition, which will shortly be held at the Agricultural Hall, N., are reminded that the dates for this show are the 24th inst. to the 14th prox., inclusive.
Parade Winners.
The winning team of Foden wagons is illustrated on page 305; it belongs to the Sun Flour Mills Co., Ltd., of Bromley-by-Bow. In the list of awards it should be noted that the third Milnes-Daimler prize went to G. Petrie, No. 199, and not to the driver of No. 99. The fourth Lacre prize, the award of which was unannounced at the time of our going to press last
week, was won by T. Hanmill, Colna Valley Water Co., 46. Owing to an error in the declaration of the make of tire fitted in one ease, the Continental prizes are re-awarded, thus : First prize (21 4s.), J. Clayton, Pickford's, Ltd., 239; second prize (R3 3s.), A. C. Reed, Pickford's, Ltd., 244 ; third prize (12 2s.), P. Sims, Pickford's, Ltd., 252; fourth prize (21 is.), J. Hanson, Messrs. Puttoek and Son, 262. An error in publication occurred, owing to the misreading of No. 114 for 116, and the special first appearance prize in question (22) goes to C. McLaren, in the employ of Hammerton and Co., Ltd., 116, instead of to S. Buckley, 114, in the same employ. The Continental Cup is won by Pickford's, Ltd., No. 239.
Tire Prices.
The Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co., Ltd., announces reductions in its prices. Urgent; Coronation Press.
The particular attention of advertisers is directed to the fact that our next issue, dated the 22nd will finally close for press to-morrow (Friday) and Saturday, the 17th inst., owing to the Coronation Holidays. Private-sale and other sundry advertisements cannot be accepted later than to-morrow (Friday) morning. We shall publish, next week, two days earlier than usual—on Tuesday.
There is 50 per cent. more machinery shedding at the Norwich Show this year than there was at the R.A.S.E. yard at Norwich in 1886. Mr. Thomas L. Aveling is again a steward of finance, to which branch of the Society's activities he has rendered most-valuable service—since the dark years at Park Royal, in particular. We shall be interested to note if any of the shedding is higher than heretofore, to accommodate raotorvans.
Recent Registrations.
Rawlinson, Hudson Motor Car Distributing Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of 212,500 in RI shares, and with its offices at 479, Oxford Street, W., to carry on the business of manufacturers of motor vaticles of all kinds.
Spence and Johnstone, Ltd., with an authorized capital of 22,000 in 21 shares, and with its office at Kingseourt, Wellington Place, Belfast, to take over the business of dealers in motorcars and other vehicles carried on by John Spence, at 28, Linenhall Street, Belfast, as John Spence and Co. First three tors : J. Spence and J. Johnstone_ Registered in Dublin.
Dagnall's Ltd., with an authorized capital of 2500 in 21 shares, and with its office at 29, Walm Lane, Willesden Green, N.W., to enter into agreements for taking, letting on hire and dealing in tractors, traction engines, motor wagons, trailers, etc. ; also, to carry on the business of haulage and general contractors, etc. First directors : R. A. DagnaIl and R. J. Kent.
The Bentinck Motor Supply Co.. Ltd., with an authorized capital of 250,000 in 21 shares, and with its registered office care of C. Lord, 13, Spring Gardens, Manchester, to carry on the business of proprietors of and dealers in motorcabs, motorbuses, motorvans, etc. First directors: S. Brooks (governing director and chairman), J. H. Smith and J. Nuttall. C.M.U.A. Prize Fund.
A donation of to the general prize and expenses fund in connection with the Coronation Parade of Whit-Monday has been received from Messrs. C. C. Wakefield and Co., the well-known lubricant manufacturers.
Dennis Sales.
Maple's fleet of Dennis vehicles is now brought up to a total of 15 by a recent delivery of two 25-30
cwt. vans. Crawford's, of biscuit fame, have gone in for a 28 h.p. twoton Dennis, and this is a repeat order. Lever Bros., Ltd., has placed its eighth repeat order, this time for a 28 h.p. two-ton Dennis, and the same model has also brought the fifth repeat order from the Civil Service Co-operative .Society. An 18 h.p. 25-30-cwt. van is the choice of Messrs. _Claudius i\sh and Co., of Walton-on-Thames. It is interesting to note that McNamara and Co., Ltd., has now brought its total fleet of Dennis vehicles on order and delivered to approximately 50.
The Argyll Workmen.
In view of the erroneous impression that only a limited number of the employees in the Argyll motor works reside in the Alexandria district, it is interesting to note that the actual number is over 1,000. In consequence of the growing dearth of houses, a movement is on foot for the erection of more.
At an extraordinary general meeting of the members of the Hall Spare Motor Wheel, Ltd., held at Broad Sanctuary Chambers, Westminster, S.W., a resolution was passed to the effect that the company be wound up voluntarily. Mr. E. W. Oakley, of 118, Queen Victoria Street, E.C., was appointed liquidator.
At an extraordinary general meeting of the members of the Grande Maison D'Automobiles, Ltd. (The Motor House), held at the registered offices of the company, 314-316, Euston Road, N.W., a. resolution was passed to the effect that the company be wound up voluntarily. Mr. J. II. Gully,
of I, Broad Street Place, F.C., was appointed liquidator.
The Electromobile Co.
Mr, Theodore G. Chambers, a successful pioneer of electric ear riages, has resigned the managing directorship of the Electromobile Co., Ltd., of 7, Hertford Street, W., whilst retaining his interest in the undertaking and a seat on the Board. Mr. S. Janson, lately chief of the hire branch of S. F. Edge, Ltd., now takes up the active management of the Electronnobile Co., the scope of which has been extended to include various new classes of motor hiring work.
Roubaix Exhibition.
The South-Eastern and Chatham Railway Co. announces special bookings between London and Roubaix, via Dover and Calais or Folkestone and Boulogne. It may be recalled that trials of agricultural motors are to take place in connection with this exhibition, on the 7th and 8th September next, but its contents are of general interest.
Crossing the Mersey.
Mr. Peter McQueen, the Ferries manager, asks us to remind readers of this journal that the Sunday service between Birkenhead and Liverpool was re-instated on the 16th April last.: from Liverpool, the service begins at 10 a.m., continues half-hourly until 12 noon, then hourly until 6 p.m., and thereafter half-hourly until 10 p.m. ; irom Birkenhead, the service begins at 10.15 a.m., continues half-hourly until. 11.45 a.m., the next boat is at 12.30 p.m., then hourly -until 5.30 p.m., the next boat is at. 6.15 p.m., and then half-hourly until 9.45 p.m.