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A Large Attendance and Interesting Tractor and Implement Exhibits at the Worcester, Colchester and Nottingham Shows.
Q'CITE a number of shows have been held during the past week or nine days, and they have been well patronized in every line, and not they least in respect of implements. Last week the Royal Cornwall Society's show was held at Callington and the Suffolk Society's show at. Bury St. Edmund's. The tractors and power farming implements were all well represented at 'both these shows.
The Worcester Show.
• The Herefordshire and Worcestershire Agricultural Society's show opened at Worcester on Tuesday. In regard to tractors and implements, as well as Rye stock and-general exhibits, this short was,onecof the best of the county shows.
The stand of J. L. Larkworthy and Co., comprising three sheds, was well furnished. In addition to a large number of ordinary farm implements, they had two Saunderson tractors and two.Burford Clevelands. The Burford tractor as well as the Saunderson, International, Fordson, and Austin, were much in evidence at this show. I have not seen the Burford at' any previous show. Larkworthys also had a finei collection of tractor implements and a Garrett steam tractor. The Case paraffin tractor was shown. The Btu-ford Cleveland was well to the fore. Tractor hare, vesting implements were net quite so prominent in numbers_ The Castle Motor Co.. of Kidderminster, Worcester and Birmingham, had a standard model Fordson tractor, and the Lacre commercial chassis was an exhibit welcomed by farmers, the special bodywork designed for farmers. use being verymuch in keeping with agricultural needs.
Martin's Cultivator Co., of Stamford, had their own special stand, but no tractor waslentered, the exhibit embracing a number of implements designed for the tractor, including their self-lift cultivator. • The best stand from the point of view of the agricultural tractor was that of James Fryer, Ltd., of Hereford and Leominster. This firm specialize in tractors as one of their lines, apart from motorcars and commercial vehicles. They had entered a. Glasgow tractor, but it had not arrived. There were, lhowever, a number of Fordson, International, and Cockshott International and Ransome tractor ploughs.
H. Sanders, of Hanley Castle; near Worcester, exhibited the E.B. 1220 A.A. model Emerson Brantingham farm tractor, a. Cockshott plough and :.,n Osborne 6 ft. cut. binder, together with a number of Emerson oil engines.
W. Wargent and Sons, Canon Froome, Ledbu.ry, had an International tractor, a Cleveland, a, Saunderson 23-25 Universal tractor, with winding drum, a Burford one-ton lorry, with Harrison and McGregor's 6 ft. hinder, also Massey-Harris and International Harvester binders, a number of tractor ploughs and a Nicholson tractor cultivator.
Walter A. Wood and Co., London, exhibited five and six foot cut Climax binders.
H. G. Busk, of Bransford, Worcester, had a very full stand indeed, comprising a large number of ploughs and cultivators, including Howard, Nicholson and International, also International Harvester Co.'s harvesting machines and Blackstone haymaking implements. Mr. Busk had the only Weeks Dung,ey• Simplex farm tractor at the show, whilst included among his tractors was the International Junior and the Titan. There was also a large collection of power spraying machines for fruit and hops.'
The Austin Motor Co. had the most attractive
stand for their tractor. An Overtime tractor, Model " N," two-speed, for ploughing, cultivating, and harvesting with an automatic plough, Model "A" four-furrow self-lift convertible to thret-furrow, was shown by the Associated Manufacturers. George Heath, Ltd., of Worcester and Birmingham had an attractive stand for showing off the Forcison tractor and.Oliver ploughs.
Miscellaneous stands included that of the A_ngloMexican Petroleum Co.,:" Studebaker, Ltd., AngloAmerican Oil Co., and British Petroleum Co.
J. Freeman and Co., Ltd., of High Street, Dudley, were showing,the A.A. 2-5-30 cwt. lorry.
The Essex Show.
The Essex County Show at Colchester was another of last week's events favoured with fine weather and. a consequent large attendance. I can do little more, in the space available, than to enumerate the leading exhibits. The Saunderson attracted as much atten%ion as any ; it was staged by Case and Co. of Great Waltham„ who.. also showed a Fordeon tractor and a. Maxwell lorry. Fordson tractors (one dissected to :show the mechanical working): were also shown by 'Willett, of Colchester. The Wallis tractors, of both types, and the. Fiat were shown by Glover Bros. Wingrove Motor Co., of Ipswich, showed the Moline motor ploughs, one in motion with an International corn binder proving a greatattraction. Mann, Egerton and Co.'s exhibit 'embraced an Austin driving a. thresher; a Titan, and an International. The Overtime in motion on belt work was shown lay the Eastern Counties Farmers Co-operative Association. The Emerson, Titan, and International were. shown by Lewis J. Pinch, Bishop's Stortford. S. C. .Darby showed a. Fordson tractor with the wheel axles extended SO that the wide wheel will cover an Essex stetch for ploughing and other 'operations. The tractor wheels always run in a stetch furrow. This exhibitor also showed a Fordson governor operated by the draught from a radiator fan. The device was simple and should be useful. The La.uson tractor was shown by L. H. °pilings and the Glasgow tractor was also on view in the show.
The Nottinghamshire Show.
Lord Middleton's seat, Wollaton Park, was, last week, the gathering point ;of farmers and, agriculturists, when the Nottinghamshire Society hold its 36th agricultural show after a three years' lapse. The attendance was very good, and the interest shown in the machinery section considerable. Exigencies of space prevent me from. dealing at any length with the exhibits. A. R. Atkey. and Co., of Nottingham, showed the Fordson tractor with Oliver ploughs. The G.O. tractor was exhibited by T. H. Fliamwell, of Worksop. Mather and Co., of Newark, • secured considerable attention for the Sa:underscrn universal post-war model G tractor, shown in conjunction with eminently serviceable trailing and tank wagons and cultivators. The Fiat tractor was shown by Brooks Garage, Ltd., of Worksop.
Some fine displays of implements designed for use with tractors were made by Thos. Danks and Co., Ltd., and Walter Danks and Co., of Nottingham, the latter including in their exhibit an Austin tractor. A Maxwell motor lorry was shown by the Carrington and Notts. Motor Co., Ltd. Clayton Wagons Co., Ltd., of Lincoln, entered for exhibition a 5 ton steam wagon, with mechanical end-tipping body, incanted
on nibber-tyred wheels. AG.EI MB( )4T5.