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Watch the paint dry efficiently

15th June 1995, Page 116
15th June 1995
Page 116
Page 116, 15th June 1995 — Watch the paint dry efficiently
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• The SGB Youngman Autocure 2000 paint dryer incorporates long-wave ceramic heat emitters to dry paint as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Units can be wall-mounted or operated from portable stands. The thermal footprint created is said to be large enough to cope with the most demanding of paint drying tasks.

Each unit has six 500W ceram ic emitters and will typically achieve temperatures above 30°C uniformly over a panel lm x 0.5m, from a distance of 500mm.

The 3kW power load enables the quick drying of primer, stopper, filler or top coat while eliminating the problems of solvent blooming and boiling, says the manufacturer.

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