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for Light Vans.
Special Terms for CommercialMotor Vehicle Tire Purchases.
A new root price list for users of commercial-motor Tehieles only has been prepaated by the Kempshall Tire Co, of Europe, 97 and 98, Long Acre, W.C., enabling the tires manufactured by the company to be purchased at a considerabla reduction off the retail list. A green form is sent ta prospective buyers ; this is signed and the name of an agent through whom supplies are generally purchased is given. The ordinary purchase agreement forbids the sale by the buyer under any circumstances of tins purchased. If cash is paid with order a discount of per cent. is made. A speciality is made by the liempshall Co. of tires for Ford and other American motor vehicles.
Non-skid, anti-skid, and steelskidded tiaes, with new' interlocked fabric, are sold, in sizes ranging from 650 mm. by 65 mm. to 935. Min. by 135 mm. Prices are quoted for the three covers in each case and for tubes. Prices for tires for Fords and American vehicles are quoted for sizes ranging frotri 30 ins. by 3 ins. to 34 ins by 44 ins. Ordering can lae,done by telegram by using .a code given in the price list, a code word being provided for each size.
The Master Patch.
In our issue for the -28th December last, on these pages., we described a new and ingenious tirerepair outfit. At the time' we as sert•ed that it was our intention to put, this 'outfit to a thorough test, An early opportunity caused by that harbinger of good luck, a horse shoe, which Penetrated both cover and tube, Was afforded for this test. From it the outfit emerged with flying colours.
Both the surface of tube and of patch are cleaned with a spe,cial rasp, which is provided with the outfit ; they are then solutioned, and the solution is allowed to become tacky, as is customary witll
ordmary patches. The patch is then applied to the tube, 1.6-1 i eh may be blown up immediately, the pro. 'oess of vulcanizing going on for some houls while the vehicle is in use.
The repair thus effected has not given any trouble, and recent examinations of the tire for other pairposes fail to show any tendency for the patch to leave the tube.
0,60 Garage Electric Hand Lamps..
One of the most • useful things about a, garage is an electric inspection lamp. Its saving in connection with an overhaul, a repair, or even a.inim4r adjustment, is in a shart time incalculable.
That well-known concern, Simplex Conduits, Ltd., of garrison Lane, Biarningham, has introduced two examples of this class of fitting recently, 'which mark an ithprove1.1-lent in many directions. The larger one is 26 ins. longaoverall. The lamp is small in diameter, so that the outside diameter of the guard measures only 14 in. The handle is fittedwith a switch, so . that the greatest economy in cur. .rent consumed is passible. The other pattern is smaller,. being 15 ins. longathe Arap.guard is onla in. diameter. It is able, there. fore, to pass through very small apertures, and can be inserted in a gearease or:crankcase, or gearbox,
in case of need. • These lamps are delivered complete with 9 ft. of flexible cable and plug for insertion in any lamp. holder. 'They can be fitted with lamps at high voltage,' suitable for use in a garage, or, alternatively, at a low voltage, so that they can be coupled to batteries, fitted .on wagon, and thus made useful for use on the road. The prices, respectively, are 21s. 6d. and 13s. 6d. There are many other patterns of inspection lamps marketed by the same company, of which particulars will gladly be forwarded. Enquiries should be addressed as above.
Number Plates.
Austen and Edwards, of High Level Works, St. Peter Street, Maidstone, have placed on the market a neat and useful series 'of number plates for motor vehicles of all kinds, the outstanding feature of which is that the index mark, whatever it may be, is built up of separate and individual letters and numbers. These are carried in special brackets into which the letters, which may be of metal or porcelain, are slid. Convenience of replacement, in' the . case of accidental damage, is thereby attained. A special arrangement is made in the case of the rear number, the bracket being so designed, as shown in the illustration reproduced on this page, that the rays of light from the' tail light,, when thrown behind the number plate, instead of, as is more usual before, are reflected by the inner wall of the easing, so that they shine through the letters. In this case the latter are made of semi-transparent porcelain. The. result is a readily visible number, even on the darkest night, and with a none -too brilliant lamp. The fitting is strongly made.
The price for a. set of plates as above,. out without the special reflecting rear-bracket, is 10s. 6d., delivery of any number being possible by return of post. The reflecting braeket, complete with number plates, costs 15s.