I. M. Smith has been appointed by the Transport Holding
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Company in agreement with British Electric Traction Co. Ltd. to the headquarters organization of the BET bus companies lat present BET Federation Ltd.) with effect from April 1. Mr. Smith is secretary and chief accountant, Northern General group of bus companies.
J. M. Smith. chief assistant in South Shields Corporation transport department, has been appointed transport manager in succession to R. E. Bottrill who has obtained another post.
Aid. John Rafferty, chairman of Leeds Corporation's transport committee for many years, has been chosen by the Labour Group on Leeds City Council for election as Lord Mayor of Leeds in May 1968.
R. R. Kearsley has succeeded Geoffrey Willis as chairman, United Carriers Ltd. Mr. Willis has retired because of ill-health, but remains available in a consultative capacity. He had been chairman since 1963 and Mr. Kearsley has been managing director since that date. Mr. Willis was managing director, Frank Willis and Sons (Carriers) Ltd. and Mr. Kearsley managing director. K and D Transport Co. Ltd., which in 1963 amalgamated, the business being purchased by United Carriers.
B. N. Masters, 31. has been appointed senior assistant and traffic superintendent, Great Yarmouth Corporation Transport. He takes up his new duties on Monday. Mr. Masters has been 14 years with Bournemouth Corporation Transport.
G. A. Stamper has been elected chairman and R. J. Monkhouse vice-chairman of the Carlisle sub-area of the BHA. A. T. Huddard has been elected chairman and L. Bell vice-chairman of the Western section of the livestock functional group.
Recent TRTA elections: John Bolton chairman and A. Jones vice-chairman of Preston and Blackburn area: P. A. Shaddock chairman and J. H. Williams .viCe.chairman South Worcester area: H. A. Beard chairman, J. H. Holbrook deputy chairman and V. W. Ashby and J. Butlin vicechairmen of Coventry area; A. L. Lambert chairman of Chiltern area and T. Ascott, D. G. Caswell, D. R. Hutchins and H. N. Williams vice-chairmen.
G. M. Shipway has been appointed area manager. Manchester office. Rubery Owen and Co. Ltd.
H. W. 0 Walker has been appointed managing director, Teleflex Products Ltd. Mr. Walker was previously a main board director of the Viyella International Group.
M. I. Gillibrand has been appointed director of research and . development. Electric Storage Ltd. (Chloride Group's battery manufacturing company).
Leonard Pratt, chief traffic clerk to Leicester City Transport—he joined the department some 30 years ago---has been appointed to become its first training officer.
G. H. Phillips has been re-elected, for the third successive year, as chairman of the Wolverhampton division of the Industrial Transport Association. Mr. Phillips is transport and shipping manager. G.W.B. Holdings (Dudley) Ltd., industrial furnace and boiler manufacturers.
M. A. H. Beilhouse has retired on medical advice from the posts of deputy chairman and a director of Pressed Steel Fisher Ltd. Mr Bellhouse resigned last October—also on medical advice— from directorships in British Motor Holdings Ltd. and British Motor Corporation Ltd.
Lionel Roy Lucas, who has retired as director and commercial manager, Rubery Owen (Warrington) Ltd., was last week presented with retirement gifts from the Owen Organization by the chairman. Sir Alfred Owen. Joe Goodwin has been elected president of the council of the National Tyre Distributors Association. Mr. Goodwin, who is chairman and managing director. W. Briggs and Co. Ltd., had formerly been vice-president and deputy vice-president.
Joe Campeau, 43, has been appointed home sales director, Rootes Motors Ltd. Mr. Campeau, a Canadian, has held a number of executive appointments with the Chrysler Corporation.
John Panks has been appointed to the newly created post of marketing services director, Rootes Motors Ltd John D. Richards has been appointed general sales manager, home car and truck sales, Rootes Motors Ltd.
B. L. C. Lowen has been appointed parts marketing manager, and S. L. T. Hargreaves parts market development executive. BMC service division.
Donald MacCuish has been appointed freight officer. Highlands and Islands Development Board. Mr MacCuish will be responsible for advisory services on transportation of goods into and out of and within the area. He was formerly with BRS and BR Ferry Services, latterly Continental commercial assistant to Road Ferry Services.
Ivor Gladman has been appointed assistant to the Midland. area manager, BRS Parcels Ltd. Mr. Gladman, who is at present branch manager, Belgrave Road branch, Leicester. will succeed S. Dunnicliff who retires on March 24.
H. M. Thompson has been elected chairman. Associated Engineering (Sales) Ltd.. in place of G. A. Hepworth, who moves to take up a new appointment in the Associated Engineering Group.
C. S. Otter, formerly sales director of AE(S), has been appointed managing director.
-Robert White, 58. has been appointed Professor of Civil and Transport Engineering, University of Newcastle on Tyne. Mr. White has held university appointments in Scotland. Germany and the United States.
Archer Barnes, 60, who was responsible for planning and equipping most of the major Ford plants in Britain, is retiring from the Ford Motor Co. Ltd. this month after 36 years. He is to enter the consultancy field.