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An Important Gathering of Municipal Delegates and Officials. An Exhibition Which eAims at Better Roads and More Economical Municipal Service.
/j NDER the tegis of the County Councils Association, there have been promoted in the past, viz., in the years 1909, 1915, and 1919, congresses and exhibitions for the benefit of the delegates and offieials of local authorities concerned with the construction and maintenance of public roads. The congress and exhibition held at the Agricultural Hall in November, 1919, was so successful that efforts were made fo induce the County Councils Association to repeat the event annually. The present intention, however, is to hold the congress and exhibition every second year, and in order to make the event more comprehensive and also to give it greater importance, so that it will more largely benefit local authorities, a 41-ruch wider sphere was .adopted this year, and besides the County Councils Association, the following bodies are interested in the event : Association of Municipal Corporations, Urban District Councils Association, Rural District Councils Association, Institufion of Minaieipal and County Engineers, County Surveyors Society, British Waterworks Association, the Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association, the Institution of Gas Engineers, and the Institute of Cleansing Superintendents. The president of the Congress, when these notes were being prepared, had not yet been appointed. The vice-presidents include many of the High Commissioners and Agents-General, and the chairmen and presidents of the whole of4the institutions mentioned and many others, such as the Royal Institute of British Architects, the Soniety of Architects, the Town Planning Institution,q5Manicipal Tramways Association, etc.
The exhibitors engaged in the road transport industry include the Yorkshire Commercial Motor Co., Ltd. ; Atkinson and Co. ; Fodens, Ltd.; Wm. Foster and Co., Ltd. ; John Fowler and Co.' ' Ltd. Robey and Co., Ltd. ; Lacre Motor Car Co., Ltd.; Agricultural and General Engineers, Ltd.; General Vehicle Co., Ltd. ; Laffly (England), Ltd. ; British Electric Vehicles, Ltd. ; Clayton Wagons, .Ltd. ; Manna P.S.C. and W. Co., Ltd_ ; Wallis and Steeverts, Ltd. ; Slough Lorries and Components, Ltd., and Steven Petrol Electric Vehicles, Ltd.
The proceedings open on Thursday next, November 17th, with a luncheon at the Holborn Restaurant, followed by the opening eeremony at 1.30 p.m. at the Agricultural Iran, Islington, London, N. Brigadier-General Sir Henry Maybury, E.C.M.G., C.B., Director-General of Roads, Ministry of Transport, is chairman of the Organizing Committee, his vice-chairman being Sir Lawrence Weaver, K.B.E., Director-General of Land and Supplies Department, Ministry of Agriculture, and they will take a leading part throughout the whole of the Congress. The conferences onrFriday are arranged by the Institution of Gas Engineers, when four papers will be read, one of which deals with the utility of benzole for transport purposes. The conference on Saturday is arranged by the Institute of Cleansing Superintendents, Mr. Heaney, Superintendent of Cleansing, City of London, contributing a paper on "Au Economical Scheme for Dealing with London's Refuse." There is a discussion' on Monday on the advisability of formulating in advance schemes of a definite character in connection with public works, with a view to such schemes being undertaken expeditiously during cycles of trade depression, whilst in the afternoon two papers will be 'road at a conference arranged by the County Land Agents Association.
The' papers on Tuesday cover the care and upkeep of road appliances, and systems of costing in connection with highway and maintenance. These are under the auspices of the County Councils Association. Wednesday's conferences are arranged by the Institute of Municipal and County Engineers, whilst those on Thursday are 'by the British Waterwerka Association, a discussion on Thursday afternoon taking place on the subject of the supply of
water to steam wagons and road engines. Frielay's conference, arranged by the Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association, includes a paper by Mr. F. Ayton, 11.1.E.E., on "Electrical Vehicles. for Municipal Purposes," and another paper by Mr. Watsont on the application of electricity to municipal servieeS.
Copies of these papers can be obtained from the joint hon. secretaries of the Congress Organizing Committee, at 0:"Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1. Delegates from all the important local authorities will be present, and a large number of officials from these various local authorities will also attend, so that an excellent opportunity-is afforded, by the exhibition of plant, machinery and materials for municipal purposes which will fill the' Agricultural Hall, Gilbey Hall and the gallery, to bring before the notice of local authorities the very latest ideas, so far as the motor industry is concerned, in rapid transport.
The exhibition is open daily from. 10 a.m. to, 7 p.m., the price of admission being is. ficl., except to ticket holdere.
The secretary of the exhibition is Mr. A. F. Ma‘y, 13, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1.