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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
The Austin Dinner.
A well-attended dinner of Austin agents took place on Tuesday night at the Hotel Cecil, London. Sir Herbert Austin, K.B.E., M.P., occupied the chair, and in the course ctf the evening mentioned the fact that, although unable to show 'at the private car exhibition at Olympia, the attendance and the orders resulting from the special display. at their own London premises had exceeded their anticipations, quoting the details of important agents' orders in support of this 'No need, he said to describe to them the new 12 h.p. in detail, it was a smaller edition of the famous 20 h.p. He hoped shortly to announce that his company would be entirely free from legal control. He paid a tribute to the M.LA., and hoped that any of their agents who were not members would speedily join up.
Mr. Chiappini, an agent from South Africa, was enthusiastic about the sale of Austins in the Dominion, and one's thoughts went across the Irish Sea when he remarked incidentally that his compatriots had once fought hard to keep outaide the Empire, and now they are striving hard to keep inside. • The fact that the day, of this dinner happened to be Sir H. Austin's birthday gave the opportunity for h specially warm greeting.
Carrying is not Hauling.
A case of interest to farmers was heard in the King's Bench Division last Wednesday, in which a farmer who had applied for a licence for a 30-40 h.p. petrol lorry (weight unladen 4 tons), detaciiibing it as a petrol vehicle to be used for haulage for agricultural purposes only, and being granted a licence on payment of £6, was sued 'for a further payment when it was found that the vehicle was being used for carrying agricultural produce. Defendant contended that the vehicle • came within the third paragraph of Section 4 of the Second Schedule of the Finance-Act, 1920, V2., "Tractors, agricultural tractors, etc., used for haulage solely in connection with agriculture." The justices had dismissed the summons,
but had stated a case for the opinion of the High Court. The High Court held that such a vehicle when used for carrying agricultural produce on the roads is a road locomotive falling within the second paragraph of Section I, and it is, therefore, liable, as it does not exceed 8 tons unladen weight,. to a duty of £25 per annum. We have always contended in these columns that a vehicle that carries produce is not entitled to the special low rate granted to agricultural vehicles which haul—carrying thus being rendered distinct fromhauling
Tenders Invited for Rollers.
A telegram from H.M. Consul-General at Beyrout, Syria, to the Department of Overseas Trade is to the effect that the Direction des Travaux Publies, Grand Lihan, Beyrout, invites -tenders for the supply of five road rollers weighing 4-6 tons on the road, having 20-30 b.h.p. oil engines with a radiator of large surface, a minimum speed of 4 to 5 kilometres per hour on a 7 per cent-, incline, and a maximum speed of 7 kilometres per hour. All component parts to be interchangeable. Plans and specifications, catalogues, prices and full particulars, including date of delivery, should be submitted to the Direction Des Travaux Publies, Grand Liban, Beyrout, Syria.
The closing date for the receipt of tenders is apparently not fixed.
Making a distribution of 13 per cent. for the year on the ordinary shares of Dennis Bros., Ltd., a final dividend of 7 per cent, and a bonus) of 3 -per cent. are now declared—a very creditable showing, indeed. The total distribution in the previous year was 20 per cent.
Faster Cabs for Paris.
Paris is shortly to have its tranqsort facilities improved by the appeareatai of 3,200 new taxicabs, which will be put into service at the rate of 400 a month. These new vehicles have been constructed by the largest of tha firms supplying Paris with taxis, and will be a great improvement on the present model, which has a two-cylinder motor.
' The new cars will be fitted with a fourcylinder engine, and will be able to take the steep hills going up to Montmartre at a rate of 25 mites an hour, More space for luggage will be provided by the side of the driver. Gallieni's taxis ark undoubtedly historic, but the travelling public prefers something a little quicker and more comfortable.
Institute of Transport Meetings.
The first ordinary meeting of the current session of the Institute of Transport took place at the Institution of Civil Engineers, Westminster, S.W., yesterday, when a paper was read on The Possibilities of Improving Train Loads," by Mr. H. Kelway Bamber, M.V.O. (Member). On November 18th, at 5 p.m., at the Royal Society of Arts, john Street Adelphi, W.C., Mr. J. P. Thomas (Member) will deliver a lecture entitled "The Operation and Development of Urban Electric Railway Services."
Sir Henry P. Maybury, K.C.M.G., C.B., occupied the chair at yesterday's meeting as he will on November 18th.
British Dynamos.
In these days of strong foreign competition and high -prices, it is encouraging to know that some British firms are still holding their own. C. A. Vanclervell and Co., Ltd., the well-known elec., trical specialists, of Acton, inform us they have supplied no fewer than 2,000 ..tynamos since January 1st to the London _General Omnibus Co. They have also supplied 1,500 dynamos to the various oil companies alone in the metropolis this year.
Rural Roads.
The maintainieg of main through roads between lane towns continues to be a big question to rural. councils, and when the surveyor .eubmitted a scheme at the last meeting of the Northallerton Rural Council for straightening and widening certain roads and improving dangerous corners and bridges to meet the requirements of present-day road traffic, he urged the adoption of the scheme in order that the -authority might participate in the 22.1 per cent.. which the -.Ministry of Transport offer to contribute towards the repair of certain general utility highways.
The through roads ennumeratecl were : —Northallerton to Scorton and Richmond via Yafforth (classified as second-class); Northallerton to Yaim and Stockton via Brompten, Deigh ton and Allpeton Wilke; Northallerton to Borro why, Knayton, also via Cotcliffe, Kepwick and Silton; Northallerton to Sigston, Thimbleby, to the moors, also to Osmotherley. In all, the scheme would cost roughly 2-3,700. For the purpose of ascertaining what grant the Ministry would make for the suggested work, the council postponed the question.
Sierra Leone Preparing.
Last year America exported to British West Africa (including Gambia, Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, and Nigeria) 788 lorries. This is more than half the, total number shc. exported to thewhole of Africa during 1920. Sierra Leone, equal in size to Ireland, did not take her proportion of vehicles according to area, but, seeing that the white population, including military, only totals 1,028, the proportion per head is high. The soil of Sierra Leone is shallow, and not very fertile. Its hilly nature, however, should give great advantages to planters owning tractors. The Protectorate's road system is gradually being extended, and the needs of motor 'traffic are being
especially considered. About 100 cars and lorries operate in the streets of Freetown, but only light vehicles cbn at present be run outside the town.
A New Edition of "The Book
• of the Ford."
A handbook that has for many years been recognized as indispensable to the Ford owner as an encyclopedia of practical information on the construction, driving, and upkeep of this car is "The Book of the Ford,' by R. T. Nicholson, M.A. Five large editions and reprints have repidly been said out, and a new revised and enlarged edition (the sixth) has just. been issued by Temple Press Ltd. •
As there are more Fords in use than -ever, and the demand for them is always increasing, the new edition of this handbook is issued at an opportune moment. The author has completely tevised the text and brought it up to date, so that the various modifications in the later models of Fords are included. These departures, such as the electric-lighting equipment and the left-hand drive, are dealt with in detail, and various other, if minor changes in the car are included for reference. It is, therefore, a book which is of great used° the owner of a Feed, whatever its year of manufacture. He oan learn all about its peculiarities in driving. how to keep the syorkingvparts in good adjustment, how to effect replacements and in general obtain the best
results from the car at the least cost and trouble.
One of the best features of "The Book of the Ford" is the large number of very clear and instructive illustrations, and it may he mentioned th,at many of these are new, and there is a new and compreheesive index. The text is written in simple, non-technical language, which ean be readily followed by anyone. The new edition of "The Book of the Ford" is published at 3s. net, post free 3s. 3d., by Temple Press Ltd., 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C.L It can also be had f rem leading booksellers.
Roads in Mexico.
Efforts are being made to repair the roads and streets in and near Mexico, which have been in a pitiable condition for years, due to the revolutionary conditions which have prevailed during the last ten years. Owing partly to the mountainous nature of the country, good roads are generally conspicuous by their absence in most parts of the Re • public, The old-fashioned stage-coaches have almost disappeared, and travelling away from the railroads is done on horseback. Machinery for the mines, etc., is transported in bullock carts or on mules although for this class of work there should be a market for light motor vehicles.
Hull Corporation Buses.
A loss of 8s. per day is reported on the Stoneferry bus service run by the Hull Corporation. 'kFor the last fortnight receipts have averaged 15.61d. per carmile. The Transport Ministry has approved a maximum fare of 2d. per mile being charged.
A Good Man Disengaged.
We know a gentleman who will shortly be disengaged, and will be open for a responsible post as publicity or sales manager to a motor or engineering concern. Of our own knowledge he is an excellent organizer, full of ideas and energy. We should think that he is on the right side of 35 years of age. Letters addressed to "Publicity,". c.o. this journal will be forwarded.
Personal Pars,
Mr. Arthur Neal, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport, announced in the House of Commons last week that the King had appointed Sir Francis Gore-Browne, KG., to be president and Mr. G. C. Locket and Mr. W. A. Jepson to he permanent members of the Railway Rates Tribunal constistuted by the Railways Act, 1921.
Sir Francis Gore-Browne has been chairman of the Rates Advisory,Commite tee since its institution in the aetumn 1919 under the Ministry -of Transport. ; Act. The report of this committee on the General Revision of Railway Rates, produced after a lengthy and laborious inquiry into the very complicated system of railway rates, is acknowledged to be a document. of the greatest value, and. on this report were based the rates clauses in the recent Railways Act. He has previously given his services to the State on the Company Law Committees of 1905 and 1918 and in other directions.
Mr. Jepson has spent the iihle of his
business life with the London and NorthWestern Railway. He held the posts of mineral traffic manager' assistant goods manager, and assistant to the general manager. For the last two years, with the consent of the directors of the London and North-Western Railway Co., he has served as the representative of transportation interests on the Rates Advisory Committee constituted under the Ministry of Transport Act.
Mr. Locket is chairman of the wellknown cornmercia,1 firm of Gardner, Locket and Hinton, coal factors, shipowners, etc. Mr. Locket has been for many years chairman of the Association of Private Owners of Railway Rolling Stock,and for the last 30 eears has been intimately concerned with :negotiations with the railway companies as regards rates and all questions on the conveyance of merchandise. Since the passage of the Transport Act, 1920, Mr. Locket has served on numerous committees of the Federation of British Industries, dealing with questions of railway rates on behalf of the traders before the Rates Advisory Committee.
Agriculture in Manchuria.
With perhaps one or two exceptions British manufacturers have done little to fulfil a portion of the increasing demand for tractors from overseas countries, and although some foreign countries impose an import duty which prevents the cultivation of this trade, there are other countries where such obstacles do not exist. It is worth the while of British manufacturers to investigate potential overseas markets, especially as many foreign authorities give preferential treatment to goods of U.K. manufacture.
Attention might, for instance, be given to Manchuria, the southern part of which owes its present prosperity to the development of its agricultural resources. In the richness of its soil Manchuria as a whole is one of the most favoured countries in the world, hut, owing to the sparseness of its population and its rather inhospitable climate, the northern portion of the territory has not been.,develoPed to anything like the extent that South Manchuria has, though even in the latter territory there are many millions of acres of good agricultural land which have yet to be reclaimed. The beat farm lands which provide the bulk of the agricultural products which find their way abroad or to other parts of China, are situated, however, in Central Manchuria, round Changchun, Kirin, and Harbin, being partly in North and partly in South Manchuria, The valley of the Liao in the Ferigtien Province is another extremely rich agricultural district.
Growth of Liverpool Traffic.
The growth of mechanical transport in Liverpool is well reflected in recently issued figures, which show that the number of motor vehicles in use just before the war was 1,410, this figure including lorries, private cars, hackney carriages and taxicabs. In 1921 there are 6,000 registered, an increase in seven
years of over 4,500. Of this number, 2,813 are motor lorries, although this figure artist not be taken to represent the total number of vehicles that is running about in Liverpool day by day. It must be remembered that many vehicles make frequent journeys to the port from
06 all parts of South Lancasnire, Yorkshire and the Midlands.
There are also 1,190 hackney carriages and taxicabs registered in Liverpool. The old four-wheeler and the hansom cab, on the other side of the picture, have nearly had their day. Twenty years ago there were 549 hackney horse vehicles in Liverpool, whereas now there are-only 90.
Lincoln's Buses and Trams.
At the last meeting of the Lincoln Pity Council, Mr. Iloggard was appointed general manager of the tramways and omnibus undertakings with complete control of the inside and outdoor staffs. The services of Mr. Clegg were retained as advisory electrical engineer of the tramway uhdertaking. It was complained by one member that certain a the roads were not. suited for heavy omnibus traffic, and that they
ought to have been uttended to before, the popularity of the service being proved by the fact that the residents on Carholme Road had protested against the discontinuance of buses upon that route.
A Second-hand Show.
Glass's Automobile Show of used motor vehicles opened, in the City Hall, Manchester, on November 5th, and continues until November 19th. There is a considerable number of commercial vehicles and motor coaches ranged alongside the touring cars of various types. Every vehicle in the building, it is stated, has been through a hill test on Stoney Brow, and has also been submitted to a critical examination, the certificates of examination being displayed on the individual vehicles.
M.A.B. Ambulances.
Owing chiefly to epidemics, the Metropolitan Asylums Board realizes the need for strengthening its transport resources between its many hospitals and convalescent homes, and the Ambulance Committee now recommends the purchase of 54 chassis from Clementralbot, Ltd., for L656 each with this object in view.
11,500 from 6-in. Pneumatics.
It is satisfactory to hear of large sec. tion pneumatics giving good mileages in actual service. The 6 in. Goodyear tyres which are fitted to the Garford van which we illustrate on this page have covered 11,500 miles without, according to Mr. W. H. Crapper, a Royal Mail contractor, of Oxford, mechanical or puncture troubles of any sort. The vehicle 'has been used for mail delivery in the city of Oxford for the past 15 months, and as its journeys are confined to running in the town itself, the 13 m.p.g., which it gives in fuel consumption, must be considered remarkable. This high figure is undoubtedly due in no small part to the fitting of pneumatic tyres. According to the user; the tyres appear to be good for at least another four or five thousand miles.
Northern Road Schemes.
The scheme for the construction of a grand trunk road from Middlesbrough to the Cleveland Coast is being held up at present, but in the meantime other schemes are being pushed forward in the urban districts of Eaton and Redcar. The Ministry of Transport have been favourably impressed by the need of these authorities .for more direct communication through Dormanstown to join up Grangetown and Redcar, and at a special meeting of the Redcar authority it was intimated that Sir Arthur Dorman, of Messrs. Dorman, Long and Co., had generously offered land on -their estate, or its equivalent, for the purpose of making provision for the, new Cleveland road. In accepting the kind offer, the body tendered to Sir Arthur their sincere thanks.
The cost of the road will he in the vicinity of v3a,000, and it is expected that the county council will be requested to Aubscribe £20,000. The scheme will provide work for 1,000 men.
The Empire and Power Alcohol.
At a conference recently convened by the Empire Motor Fuels Committee of the Imperial Motor Transport Council of delegates from Empire Governments, at which representatives of British India, th.e Australian Commonwealth, the Union of South -Africa., New South Wales, Tasmania, British Columbia; Quebec and the Crown Colonies were present, the following resolution was passed for submission to the appropriate departments of the various Governments concerned:— " This conference,.: having discussed the present position relating to Customs and Excise restrictions on alcohol, and as to suitable methods for denaturation of alcohol, resolves that the various Empire' Governments be requested, in view of the great importance of these questions in relation to the production and distribution of industrialand power alcohol throughout the Empire, to consider the necessary
action to facilitate the same. It recommends ' that each Empire Government should consider the advisability of putting forward for consideration at a further conference, proposals regarding the adoption. of common methods of, and. formulaa for, the denaturation of alcohol within the Empire so as to cheapen and facilitate operations in connection with such denaturation."
Lancashire Traffic.
The amount of muter traffic passing through Padiliam on the way to • the Whalley, Preston, and. Blackpool districts, especially at the week-end, is very heavy, and the town's main thoroughfare is not a very easy or safe channel, beset, as it is, by so many turns and twists and narrow places, with by-streets at dangerous angles.
In order to overcome some of these difficulties the district council is promoting a Bill in the next session of Parliament for powers to raise the banks of , Churn Clough reservoir at Saleden, and also to acquire property at various points in Burnley Road and 'Church Street in order to widen and do away with the most dangerous corners.
It is not all local authorities that take this interest in the welfare of the road user !
Road Fund Surplus.
The balance-sheet for the Road Fund for the year ended March 31st last, together with the report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General, which was issued one day last week as a, Parliamentary Paper, show that the amount by which the assets exceeded the liabilities at the close of the financial year was £13,300,627, as compared with £9,017,270 at the end of the preceding year. Of the surplus, £4,033,657 repro-sents unpaid balances of grants formally made with Treasury sanction, in addition to £539,228 outstanding under grants made towarda special road works to reduce unemployment, while £5,970,000 represents the amount received from the Exchequer in respect of the new motor taxation.
Holland's Imports.
The greater part of the motor vehicles in use in Holland are imported from other countries, and of the total number of complete motor lorries imported during August of this year 24 came from Germany, 6 from France, and 3 from the U.S.A. In all 434 complete vehicles were imported during the first eight _months of the year, and of this number 307 were received from. Germany, 56 from France, and 23 from the -U.S.A.
In the figures for imported motor lorry chassis during August Great Britain is represented by a solitary example, whereas 39 chassis were sent from the s U.S.A. te Holland, 3 from Germany, and 2 from France. Of the total number of lorry chassis imported from January to August, viz., 190, 134 were received from the U.S.A., 34 from Germany, 8 from France, and 5 from Great Britain.
Chances in China.
The bulk of the motor vehicles imported into China come from America, although British cars are being seen in increasing .numbers in the streets of Shanghai and other large towns. Unfortunately, the cheapest British vehicles that come to China are far more costly than American cars of similar model and power, and, unless some drastic reduction in the price of British vehicles can be effected, one does not see any hope of their being able to compete successfully in the market. It must be remainbared that, as there are as yet no good roads in China, cars are chiefly fsised for town work.
• When the roads in China permit of making long-distance runs, and when ability to climb hills is a factor that
counts, then, no doubt, the British motor vehicle will come into its own. In the meantime, it is satisfactory to note that British manufacturers have begun to realize the possibilitee of the market in China and that several of our leading makers have recently concluded agency agreements with local garages.
Motor lorries are comiug into general use for transport purposes, and there should be a great future for this class of vehicle in China.
Users and Police Traps.
Complaiute having been received by the C.M.U.A. from members respecting police control of motor traffic inregard to speed limits through Preston, the matter has recently been exhaustively examined by the chairman of the division together with an independent authority. The results show the extreme aceuracy with which the work is carried out, as well as the fact that only those users are proceeded against, who are driving at a really
excessive speed through the town, having regard to the nature of the roads and the traffic upon them. If drivers-entering or leaving industrial towns would reduce their speed as compared with the speed they attain in the open country, the work of the police would become less onerous in dealing with traffic and the user himself would escape police prosecution.
Throwing Money from Chars,a
A large number of accidents were caused during the past motor coaching season by passengers in chars-h-bancs throwing coins, etc., to children, and the Automobile Association has, therefore, prepared plates for attachment to chars1-basics seats caerying warnings which should restrain the public from this dangerous practice. The warning is :—• SAFETY FIRST.
Many serious and some fatal accidents have been caused by coins being thrown to children. Passengers are earnestly requested to refrain from doing this.
In view of a proposal for the establishment of a. racecourse at Rochford, the Southend Corporation Tramways Committee is -considering the desirability of seeking powers to provide a service of trackless trolley vehicles.
Keighley's Trolley-buses.
A loss of over £10,600 in five years! This is the remarkable deficit which the Keighley Corporation reports on its trolley-bus undertaking. There are signs that endeavours are to be made to put the service on a more commercial basis, and it seems likely that, at an early date, the present vehicles will be discarded and supplanted by a more modern type.
It is proposed to test a new type of vehicle to ascertain whether it will negotiate the steepest routes. No authority in the country running a system of trolley-buses has, it is said, anything like the difficulties in regard to hills as Keighley has to contend with on the Oakworth and Oxenhope routes, the former having several gradients of. 1 in 8. There does not appear to be any doubt that the system can be made to pay, although, an long as the existing vehicles are run (the maintenance costs for which are exceedingly high), it will be impossible to operate it as a commercial proposition.
The loss last year was £5,322, and the older the vehicles become the more difficult will it be to keep the deficit down.
Production Engineers.
A general meeting of the Institution of Production Engineers will be heldon Friday, November 25th, at the Instalstion of 'Mechanical Engineers, Storey's Gate, London, S.W., at 7.30 p.m. On this occasion Mr. A. F. Guyler (member, of Nottingham, will deliver a paper dealing with "Drawings and Production," to be illustrated by lantern slides. Advance copies of the paper will be available a few days before the meeting and may be obtained on application to the honorary secretary. All interested are invited to attend, whether members 'of the Institution or not, and no tickets are necessary.
Mr. C. F. Hammond's paper on "Graphic Control of Production," which had been arranged for the above date, has been un.avoidably postponed, and will be delivered at a later meeting.
According to the revised New Zealand Customs tariff rubber tyres, which were formerly free, are now dutiable to the extent of 15 per cent., whilst the duty on motor vehicles is increased to 15 per cent.
Local Proceedings.
Lytham Council has obtained consent to borrow £875 for the purchase of a motor lorry.
Rotherham Watch Committee proposes to schedule land fronting Corporation Street as a stand for motor chars-abanes.
The Metropolitan Asylums Board has purchased a Ford motorvan at a cost of £254 15s. for use at their riverside.hospitals.
The London County Councii has ordered from Tilling-Stevens Motors, Ltd., at a cost. of £1,482, a motor chassis for a fire-brigade turntable ladder.
Rotherham Watch Committee has deferred till the end of the financial year a proposal to purchase a motor chassis, so as to convert the present horsed ambulance into a motor vehicle.
Wolverhampton Corporation Tramways Committee report that a motor omnibus service between Wolverhampton and Cannock has been proved a great convenience to the public.
The Lancashire County Council states that the provision of a new road between Liverpool and Manchester is quite outside the kind of work which can be carried out at the present time.
The Works Committee of the Camberwell Borough Council recommends the purchase of a 5 ton Sentinel rubbertyred end-tipping steam wagon at a cost of £1,185—this price to include fitting with a special crane.
Ashington Council have adopted a road improvement scheme at an estimated cost of £27,662, the work including the resurfacing and reconstruction of the Newbiggin, Ellington, Longhirst, and Wansbeck Terrace roads.
The Ministry of Transport,has sanctioned a grant to the York City Council of one-third of the cost of a new Foden wagon and trailer, for use on street work, as the plant will reduce the hiring charges of transport necessary to carry out the work on the stivete.
To replace a Dennis motor delivery wagon purchased in 1913, and v,hich has been in continuous use since that date, the Johannesburg Municipal Council has decided to invite tenders for a 30 cwt. chassis to which a body can be fitted by the corporation's supply department..
Portsmouth Corporation is raising a loan of £3,200 for motor fire appliances.
Pontypool Urban District Council has decided to purchase a motor lorry at a cost of £290.
Bath City Council has obtained permission to borrow £7,945 for the purchase of electric vehicles.
The net profit on the Sheffield Corpora tion motorbus department for the past three months has been £2,794.
The L.C.C. has accepted the-tender of Shell-Mex, Ltd., for the supply of oil fuel for the London Fire Brigade.
The corporations of Bradford and Leeds have arranged to co-operate in a scheme for a new arterial road to facilitate road transport, between the two towns.
Warrington Town Council has authorized the borough surveyor to hire a 5 ton petrol tipping-lorry so that comparison can be made with the work done by horse-drawn vehicles.
The Ministry of Transport has decided to hold an inquiry into the application of the Warrington Corporation relative to the use of Sankey S'treet by heavy motorcars.
Hull Corporation is supporting a scheme for a new bridge across the. Ouse at Boothferry, having regard to the undoubted improvement the bridge will effect in the road communication to Hull.
Valve and Seat Cutters.
With the great increase in the use of all types of motor vehicles, appliances for keeping these in good condition are more and more in demand. Amongst such are the cutters for refacing and truing the valve seatings and the valves themselves. Some simple but useful tools have been devised for this purpose, and amongst these some of the best are the S.A. valve seating and truing tools, which are marketed by Mr. J. P. de Belles, 61 Lee Park, Blackheath, London, S.E. 3, who has taken over the selling rights of the device from Major E. Partridge, 0.B.E., late of Southern Automobiles, Blackheath. .
The tools are made in high quality steel, and each set consists of a doubleedged cutter for truing the seatings, with a spindle having adjustment for wear of the valve guides and a valve truer comprising a circular dish with cutting teeth on its inner eircurneerence. The prices of the complete sets range from £3 9s. to .£4 6s., according to the diameter of the valves.
L.C.C. Ambulance Service.
Last quarter the L.C.C. motor ambulance service dealt with 5,845 calls, compared with 4,789 in the corresponding period last year._ The Council is building a new ambulance station at Poplar.