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Training for

15th November 2001
Page 38
Page 38, 15th November 2001 — Training for
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

If you can't contemplate bringing in an outsider to the business, the alternative is to improve the management skills of' your existing team. There is a huge range of courses on offer, from a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) offered by the country's leading academic institutions, to basic accountancy courses at a local college.

MBAs are interesting as they look at a variety of real-life business in terms of profitability, cost-cutting, future development and so on. MBAs are expensive, but they can be done part-time and offer students a chance to take a step back from the day-to-day operation and focus on what makes a

Mess work and where it might be failing.

The Open University offers an MBA course, as do most big universities. Graduates report that the other "student managers" that they met doing their MBAs brought as many insights as the lecturers. They bring experience ifrom their sectors that could be relevant to you and you have a business net

that might last for years.

rot Open University: 01908 274066.