The Motor Vehicles (Tests) (Amendment) (No 2) Regulations 2001. CIF
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1November 2001. Introduce new fees payable for annual tests. Goods vehicles in Class VII (not exceeding 3500kgs) will be subject to a test fee of /39.20 (previously 135.75). Vehicles in Class III (light motor vehicles) fees rise to £27.50 from 226.60.
The Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) (Amendment) (No5) Regulations 2001. CIF 15 November. Specify revised fees for driving licences. Examples include (with previous fees in brackets): a first licence £29.00 (£27.50); renewal of a licence following a period of disqualification 2,50 (5,37.50). First full licences for certain categories have been reduced by 50p.
The Motor Vehicles (Access to Driver licensing Records) Regulations 2001. CIF 29 October 2001. These regulations determine the purposes for which information in the Driver Licensing Register may be passed on to constables and police authority employees.
The Road Vehicles (Construction & Use) (Arnendment) (No4) Regulations 2001. CIF 16 October 2001. Amend the 1986 regulations in relation to brakes, ABS systems, exemption requirements for trailers arid required standards. Some sections come into effect on 1 May 2002.
The Road User Charting and Workplace Parking Levy (Glasses of Motor Vehicles) (England) Regukiliores 2001. CIF 28 August 2001. Allow road user charging and workplace parking fee schemes to be introduced in England by local authorities, as provided for by Part III of the Transport Act 2000.
The Motor Vehicles (Approval) (Fees) Regidations 2001. CIF 1 August 2001. These Regulations revoke and replace the 1997 regulations of the same name and prescribe the fees payable in connection with the Approval Regulations, certificates, etc.
The Motor Vehides (EC Type Approval) (Amencknent) Regulations get CIF 31August 2001. Amend Schedule 1 of the 1998 Regulations by including references to recent EC and European Parliament Directives on emissions, doors and hinges.
The Road Vehicles (Construction & Use) (Amendment) (NoS) Regulations 2001. CIF lAugust 2001. Add reference to a recent Directive 2001/1 concerning vehicle emissions and advise of the publication of the latest, seventh, edition of In-Service Exhaust Emission Standards for Road Vehicles from the DoT.
The Passenger and Goods Vehicles I Recording Equipment) (Approval of Fitters and Workshops) (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2001. CIF 1June 2001. Increase the fees for the approval of fitters or workshops for tachograph repairs or installations. Under these amendments the fee for the renewal of an approval is
increased from 299 to 2102; the fee for new issues becomes 2251.
The Motor Vehicles (Third Party Risks) (Amendment) Regulations not CIF 16 July 2001. Amend the 1972 regulations by altering the requirements as to the keeping of records of vehicles and their insurance policies. These are required to be kept for seven years after expiry.
The Road Traffic Offenders (Additional Offences and Prescribed Devices) Order 2001. CIF 1June 2001. Allows images from automatic number plate recognition systems to be used as evidence in court proceedings.
The Road Traffic (Vehicle Testhig) Act 1999 (Commencement No1) Order 2001. CIF 1June 2001. Provides for the introduction of Section 1(3) and Section 3 of the 1999 Act, relating to records of vehicles submitted for test.
The Community Drivers' Hours (Foot and Mouth Disease) (Temporary Exception) (No2) (Amendment No 6) Regulations 2001. CIF 31 October 2001. Continues to allow exception from the EU drivers' hours rules untd 30 December for drivers involved in foot-and-mouth control work The Transport Act 2000 (Commencement No1 and Transitional Provisions) Order 2000. CIF throughout 2001. Introduces the first element of last year's Transport Act on concessionary travel in Greater London.
The Vehicle Excise Duty (Immobilisation, Removal and Disposal of Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulations 2001. CIF 9 April 2001. Allow for increases in the charges payable for the removal, storage and release of impounded vehicles. The existing prescribed charges have been raised by about 20%.
The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment) (No2) Regulations 2001. C.IF lOctober 2001. Introduce amendments to the CO regs in respect of seatbelts and anchorage points following FU Directives 96/36/EC, The International Transport of Goods Under Cover of I1R Carnet: (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2001. CIF 1June 2001. Increase tit vehicle inspection fee for the grant of TIR design Type Approw and the issue of approval certificates.
The Motor Vehicles (rests) (Amendment) Regulations 2001. CIF 28 May 2001. Amend the fees payable for the issue of vehicle test certificates and exams, including "designated premises" and "out of hours" charges.