From Our Berlin Correspondent.
Page 9

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German Military Trials for Motor "Trains."
I understand that the next military trinls for the War Office's subsidy in 191142 will extend from the middle of November to the middle of December, and assume the character of a travelling freight-automobile show with the particular object of creating an interest in this kind of vehicle amongst sections of the population who have hitherto hesitated to adopt it, or are practically unfamiliar with mechanical vehicles for road transport. Of course, I he War Office are not doing this for love of the motor industry; their aim is to create a huge fleet of freight automobiles for military-contingencies. Anyhow, the trade get the benefit of the scheme.
A German Tramway with Internalcombustion-motor Propulsion.
I have just returned from a visit to Friedrichshagen for the purpose of seeing a tramcar-system with internaloombustion-motor propulsion. Friedriclishagen, a town of some 141000 inhabitants, can be reached per railwny from the centre of Berlin in 4.5 minutes The system in question does not apply to " Fried!' ichshagen itself, whose internaltraffic requirements are met by electric tramcars worked by the Corporation of Koepenick, where the notorious " Captain " brought off his coup; Friedrichshagen is only a terminus, the main terminus being at a village called Schaneiche, nearly live miles distant. rritil the motor-scheme
realized, Schoneiche was, to a certain extent, isolated from Friedrichshagen
and, eryo„ from Berlin. The Friedrichshagen terminus is situated opposite the suburban railway station, and quite elose to the eleetrie-trarricar system; hence; the new concern serves as a feeder for the older systems. I was informed that the new lino originated with the parish officials of Schaneiche and neighbourhood, who were, anximoi to bring their localities into closer touch with Friedrichshagen and the capital at a comparatively low expenditure. They have laid a single pair of narrow-gauge rails -alongside the road connecting Schaneiche and Friedriehshagen, and are at present working the line with one motor wagon, which can haul two trailers carrying 30 passengers each. The motor wagon is self-contained-in fact, a locomotive, its only occupant being the chauffeur, who told me that his engine burnt " autin " and developed 16 lip. " Autin " belongs to the benzol variety of fife!. It is a widespread belief iii Friedrichshagen that the line will soon give plane to an electrictramcar system with overhead cables; but 1 understand from an official quarter tied a eonversion of the kind concerns the far-distant future, and that a seemiti motor wagon with a much more powerful engine for hauling three cars is on order. One of the great advantages of the new line is that parents residing in Scbi:ineiche and the immediate vicinity -can now avail themselves of the Friedrich shagen high schools for their children. When I visited the town, the trailer -only one was coupled----carried several school children. The innovation is greatly appreciated by residents in the
Berlin Buys One of Green and Son's Grass-cutters.
Thias. Green and Son now have one of their machines at work in a Berlia Municipal park, much to the chagrin of my German colleagues, who would have preferred to see a German-made cutter on the scene. Unfortnuately for their preferences, Germany has stiff to produce a machine of the kind, and the Parks Committee must perforce draw on foreign sources until a " native " turns up. As your readers are doubtless familiar with the " Green," I forbear to describe it.
A Possible Big German Combine.
As a consequence of the expansion of the Berlin General Electric Co., which has just acquired. for 10 million ' marks, • the Frankfort Dynamo lArorks. Messrs. Siemens and Schuckert may attempt to get level by combining with the Bergmann: Electric Works. As some of your readers 'doubtless know, the General ' Electric Co, is the parent-company of the N.A.G. Messrs. Siemens and. Sehuckert construct all atitornobile.s on their own patents, and also turn out the Protos chassis, the original company having disposed of their plant, stock and manufacturing rights to them a couple of years ago.