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Politicians need to parlez Francais

15th September 2011
Page 11
Page 11, 15th September 2011 — Politicians need to parlez Francais
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VIVE LA FRANCE! It seems our longterm Gallic rivals might just love their hauliers more than we do in Blighty.

Last week, president Sarkozy voiced his support for the French haulage industry during a visit to a local road transport firm. He sees it as “a courageous profession that trains young people”.

Stirring stuff.

The grande fromage outlined an agenda for government and sector representatives, includ ing talks on the com petitiveness of firms, working hours and the effect of HGV tax, with a January deadline for resolution.

Perhaps now Sarkozy has given his backing to the haulage industry – and highlighted the importance of ensuring French drivers have employment – politicians this side of the Channel will follow suit and adopt the same level of patriotism?