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Poignant picture of a gentler time

15th September 2011
Page 17
Page 17, 15th September 2011 — Poignant picture of a gentler time
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RE THE BEDFORD CF on the front cover (CM 25 August): these sturdy little vans have survived far longer than anyone expected, due in part to our dedicated spare parts business and loyal customer base.

The Bedford featured sports the rounded front, is ‘child friendly’ and evokes sunny days and trips out with parents or grandparents, and perhaps a safer, less complex time.

Next year is a poignant one for Bedford as it will see the signing off of the British Army MK. This ven erable 4x4 (many of your older readers would have done their basic HGV training on one) has been in service since 1969. That’s an incredible and unbeaten 43 years of work and one the designers and workers who built them should be proud of.

Adrian Bailey Adrian Bailey Classics