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Haydock parent boosts its profit

15th September 2011
Page 45
Page 45, 15th September 2011 — Haydock parent boosts its profit
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Cheshire Holdings, parent company of Haydock Commercials, has posted a strong set of results

Words: Kevin Swallow

CHESHIRE HOLDINGS, which owns North West-based Scania dealer Haydock Commercials, has reported a 25% increase in pre-tax proit through 2010 with a 15% increase in turnover.

Last year the irm turned over £29.5m compared to £25.8m in 2009. Pre-tax proit for the period was £1m up from £800,000 in 2009.

Graham Whittaker, director and secretary, says the irm focused on customer service, improving buying procedures and prices, and staff development through in-house and manufacturer training. It spent £5.1m on new and used vehicles through 2010, up 37% on 2009. This included £3.9m on new vehicles though 2010, which is up 57%.

In its directors’ report, Whittaker also stated that the business “is continuing with investment in capital expenditure to underpin the current and forecasted growth of the company” , as well as reporting that the directors are “always looking for opportunities for organic growth” . ■