The 1907 and 1908 Shows Compared.
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EXHIBITORS' VIEWS.—Continued from Page 166.
Several Important Trials Arranged.
The Editor, "Tim COMMERCIAL. MOTOR."
Dear Sir :—I may say that every bona-fide enquirer I had was a user of commercial motor vehicles, and, whilst admitting that they are still in the market, they qualified that by their anathemas against the adaptation of motorcar machinery to the sterner requirements of heavy traction and public-service work.
As my business at the recent exhibition includes an arrangement to submit a Gallitiari 5-ton motor lorry to trials under the observation of the War Office experts, and similar trials of the same class of chassis as a public-service vehicle under the observation of the experts of three of our leading railway companies, it is not only obvious that I am perfectly satisfied with the business which will accrue from the Olympia show, but that there is a strong demand for a sound vehicle in which it is apparent the designer has not been entrammelled with previously-conceived motorcar ideas.
As a large number of us appeal to the farmer and provincial contractor, I would suggest that the importance of the 1909 exhibition should be brought more forcibly to the notice of such buyers, through the mediumship of those journals which cater exclusively for their requirements.— Yours truly, 0. SUMNER, R.N.R. 39, Victoria Street, S.W. Wasteful Expenditure on Lighting.
Dear Sir :—We certainly had no grounds for complaint in regard to the show just ended. We are not, however, able to make a comparison between this year and last, which would be of any value, because we were showing a much smaller vehicle of a different type last year than we were showing this—a vehicle appealing to a different class a customer. We found, however, that our system attracted a very great deal of interest, and, whilst we secured some orders, there is every probability that others will follow as the result of the show.
We do not know that we can make any suggestion with regard to the next year's exhibition, except that. it be to suppress all electric light on stands, and so to protect the Trade against' itself in regard to the lavish and utterly useless expenditure which one or two of the exhibitors entering this branch seemed anxious to inaugurate. The old saying " One fool makes many" is as true to-day as it ever was, and we fear that firms established in the commercial side of the business may be led into similar wasteful extravagance in a spirit of self-defence, if this sort of thing—which our public do not ask for, and do not want—is inaugurated.—
Yours faithfully, .STURMRY MOTORS, LTD. Coventry.
More and Very Promising Enquiries.
Dear Sir :—With regard to the comparison between 1907 and 1908 shows, speaking personally, I may say that there are a considerably larger number of enquiries this year; moreover, the enquiries are many of them of a very promising nature, and I have hopes that a considerable amount of business will result.—Yours faithfully, For J. AND E. HALL, LTD., H. KF.RE Titows.
Dartford Ironworks, Kent.
Only the Attendance a Failure.
Dear Sir :—We consider that the recent show has been a failure from the point of view of attendance, but the numerous enquiries we have received seem to be from firms who are really considering the adoption of heavy motor transport, and the results so far have been extremely satisfactory.
We have no suggestions to make with regard to the teioe show.—Yours truly, THE Sr. PANCRAS IRON WORK CO., LTD., A. P. Y. SMITH, Managing Director. 171, St. Pancras Road, N.W.
Few Provincial Visitors.
Dear Sir :—The 19°8 show has been distinctly disappointing. Enquiries have been rather more numerous, but, on the whole, less definite. There seems very little doubt that
the exhibition lacks publicity. Within half a mile of Olympia, the exhibition posters are numerous ; but who has seen one outside London? I have nor.
There have been numerous obscure paragraphs in the Provincial Daily Papers, but these appear to represent money ill-spent. It is significant that our enquiries at the show .do not include one from Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Birmingham, Bristol, Leicester, or Nottingham; and I might mention several other of the largest cities and towns which one would certainly expect to find, and ought to find, in the list. It would be interesting to know what the Exhibition Committee did to give " publicity " to the show in these centres? Whatever they did it does not appear to have been very effective. Perhaps some of the other exhibitors will give their experience on this point. If the experience is common, it is just as well that it should be known, and then some intelligent effort may be made to improve matters, for, as things stand at present, every exhibitor to whom I have spoken appears to he dissatisfied
with the lack of attendance from the Provinces, and quite unable to explain it.
The apparent apathy of agents was also very noticeable. Very few seem to think it worth their while to make the journey to town. I am of opinion that it would be worth while for the Society to arrange for all the leading railway companies to run special excursions for the exhibition, even if they had to guarantee a minimum number of passengers, . or to pay the deficit. It could not be a very serious matter, for there are always a lot of the general public on the lookout for excursions; and, quite apart from the increased attendances, the fact of the railway companies' advertising the excursions, all over th7 country, would give increased importance to the event in the general opinion of the public,— Yours truly,
More Trade Enquiries.
Dear Sir :—Regarding our view of the Olympia show, we unhesitatingly assert that this year's exhibition has given most satisfactory results to exhibitors, and must be considered a success in every respect. Being entirely a commercial one, the attendance of visitors, in our opinion, was not quite as large as in the previous year, but enquiries from the trade were more numerous, and we should say there was also more actual business done during this show than in 19o7.—Yours faithfully, THE POLACK TYRE CO., F. POPPE, Manager.
3t, Basinghall Street, E.C. Demand for Hotel Omnibuses.
Dear Sir :—We beg to say that we think the 1908 show compares favourably with that held in t9o7. At the same fine, we understand that fewer orders were received than last year. During this year's exhibition, however, the number of enquiries we received was very large, especially in respect to the hotel omnibus [The chassis of this was illustrated last week.—E, 1 we were exhibiting, and we should say that, although the business actually done at the show was not on a large scale, a large number of orders will be placed as a direct result of the exhibition.—Yours faith fully, J. E. HUTTON, LTD.,
L. CURTIS RAULENCE, Director. Si, Shaftesbury, Avenue, F. C.