NEWS of the WEEK
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The Institution of British Launderers, as well as the Associates Committee of the British Road Federation, on behalf of 22 organizations, has applied to the Minister of Transport. for a variation of drivers' hours, asking• that the period of 11 hours laid down in Section 19 (1) (ii) of. the Road Traffic Act, 1930, may be-increased to -12-hours on not more than two days in the week ending May J5 (Coronation week), in respect of C-licence vehicles.
The Industrial Court will hear parties to the applications on Tuesday .next, April 20, at 10.30 a.m., when it sits at 5, Old Palace Yard-, London, S.W.1.
• Traders Back Road Transport.
Two important resolutions in favour of road transport will be considered at the annual conference, at Hastings. of the National Chamber of Trade. The congress opens to-morrow (Saturday) and closes next Thursday. • One resolution (from Medway Cllamher), calls for the setting up of a,repre
sentative committee to report on the working of the 1933 Act, with a view to the introduction of amending legisla tion to ensure the automatic renewal of licences, unless vehicles-are proved to be urtfit.
The other resolution is from the London and Suburban Traders Federation, and deplores interference with the trader's right of choice of transport. The Licensing Authorities are urged to allow reasonable competition.
Magistrate's Rebuke: Protest to Home Secretary.
Alleged " uncalled-for remarks" of Aberdare stipendiary magistrate, Mr. J. Bowen Davies, K.C., are to be the subject _of representations to the Home Secretary by Aberdare Trades Council. Cwmamman Miners Lodge of the South Wales Miners Federation drew the attention of the trades counbil to the remarks to and rebuke of a lorry driver by the stipencliars..-..The driver, appearing to' answer a summons, was B22 rebuked for not wearing a proper collar, although he was wearing a shirt with a collar attached, and explained that he had driven his lorry; to the court.
Paris Show Next October.
The annual French Motor Salon, which will, as usual, include a commercial section, is to be held in the Grand Palais, Paris, from October 7-11.
Death of a Durtnalls Director.
We regret to learn that Mr. E. E. Pope, a director of Durtnalls, the well.: knoWn = Brighton transport concern, died in his office on Tuesday last, at the
kvOf sixty-two. ' '
Salesman for West Sussex. commercial-vehicle salesman with good experienCe -and .' resident in Brighton is required by a well-known commercial-vehicle manufacturer. AP, &cants ,should write to the box number • given in our Small-advertisement colunins.
; F.B.I. Deputy President.
Mr. Peter Bennett has been appointed deputy pr&iderit of the Federation of British Industries, to assist Lord Hirst. Mr. Bennett, who is well known as managing director of • Joseph Lucas, Ltd., has been for some years a member of the Grand Council of the Federation and of the Empire Committee.
How Authorities Could Help Applicants.
A suggestion that Licensing Authorities should themselves help applicants by issuing a .form -of questionnaire which traders desiring transport might fill up, was made by Mr. Henry Backhouse, C.IVI.U.A. solicitor, before Sir William Hart, North-Western Deputy Licensing Authority, in Manchester, on Monday. Sir William did not entertain the suggestion.
Brockhouse Acquires Lewin Road Sweepers.
The business of Lewin Road Sweepers, of Leeds, has been acquired by J. Brockhouse and Co., Ltd., West Bromwich, the directors of the business now being Messrs. j. T. BrOckhouse, J.P., W. J. Lewin and N. S. Shaw. Lewin Road Sweepers will continue to produce the well-known sweeper-collectors, and to cone with the increasing business, extensions are to be made to the existing works.
Charges of damage and delay with regard to goods consigned by rail from Trafford Park; the Manchester dOcks estate, wale referred to in Manchester, on Tuesday, when the hearing of an application by Trafford Park • Express for four extra vehicles' concluded.
• . One of the reasons.for the earlier adjournment was that the railway representatives might reply, but it was. admitted that the attendance of the dock railway superintendent could 'not be secured, and Mr, W..Chamberlain, NorthWestern Licensing Authority, declined to allow a report from him to be read.
" In this court," he said, " we are flexible on the rules of evidence. But there are limits. Evidence in rebuttal cannot be second-hand. It must be given by a witness who can be crossexamined." Decision was res-efved.
Wert Wheels. Adequately _Covered?
The hearing was eoncluded at Winsford Police Court; on Monday, of a case in which Herbert Allanson, of Fieldston Road,West Derby,Liverpool, was summoned for driving a lorry not fitted with mudguards (or other means for catching water or mud
thrown_ up by the wheels). T. J. Saunders, haulage contractor, of Smith Street, Liverpool, was summoned for aiding and abetting.
• At. -the :previous hearing, • Saunderso submitted. that the wheels were ade
quately protected by the body. .
On resuming, a police :witness said that the width of the body was ti ft. 7 ins. The rear track was flIt. 4 ins., so that the body gave ample protection sei far aSthe track was concerned. From the rear of the back wheel to the
end of the vehicle was ft., -and that was not sufficient protection..
Saunders said that the magistrates had only the constable's opinion against his own. The day was dry, and he submitted that no offence had been committed. A fine of 10s. was imposed on Saunders and.5s. on Allarison. Saunders gave notice of appeal.
Offer to Sell Cardiff Toll Rights to Municipality.
The proprietors of the CardiffPenarth-Barry Road toll-gate have intimated their willingness to sell their toll rights to Cardiff Corporation. Recommendations by a municipal subcommittee, which' has been dealing with the.toll question, will, it is understood, be considered at the Parliamentary Committee's next meeting.
The Ministry of Transport will main a grant towards the purchase on condition, it is understood, that the road, which is much used by commercial traffic, is immediately freed. • SURPRISE FOR NEW OWNER OF • HAULAGE CONCERN.
Edwards and Sons (Transport), Ltd., Cheriton, Kent (a unit of Transport Services, Ltd.), answered 199 summonses for offences against the drivers' hours regulations, at Folkestone, last week.
Mr. H. Norman Letts, defending, said that all the offences were committed before the business was trans. ferred to the Transport Services group. The new directors had no idea that the. offences had been committed, and steps had been taken to prevent recurrence of the trouble.
Of the 199 Summonses, 76 were with • draivn, and the company was fined ls•• on each of the remaining 123 summonses and ordered to pay £90 ceists.
A Guide to the World's Rubber Markets.
The 1937 edition of " Rubber Producing Companies," an annual reference volume published by The Financial Times," Ltd., 72, Coleman Street, London, 'E.C.2, is an invaluable guide to the rubber-producing companies of the world, and gives -useful particulars in respect of each of them, including a list of directurs and secretaries, in addition to details closely allied to Working operations. It summarizes the present position of the rubber market and reviews the outlook -for the future. The book is priced at 7s. 6d.
Leyland Completes Big W.D. Order.
A fleet of 78 six-cylinder petrolengined chassis has just been completed by Leyland Motors, Ltd., for the War Department. The company. is now starting on -the manufacture of 64 sixwheeled chassis, which were ordered some .months ago by the War Department. This type of chassis, known as. the Retriever, incorporates a foureylindered petrol engine and has been specially designed to meet military -requirements.
Lancegaye Safety-glass Progress: Big New Factory.
We are informed that.. Lancegaye Safety Glass (1234), Ltd., has acquired land and freehold premises, approximately 81 acres in extent, at Willesden junction, London, N.W. It is believed that this factory will be in production at an early date, and so soon as certain alterations have been completed, it will be equipped so as 'to produce, we are told, not less than 3,000,000 ft. of tempered and laminated safety glass per annum.
94 Per Cent. of B.D.A. Drivers Free from Accident.
A line record in road safety has been created by motor drivers in the employ of the Bradford Dyers Association, Ltd. During 1936, of 109 drivers who took part in the safe-driving competi• tion promoted by the National Safety First " Association, only one •• was involved in an accident for -which he was blameworthy.
As five of the entrants left the corn
pany's service during the year, the number which .gained 'safe:driving awards was 103—a percentage of 94.5 of the entry. The aggregate distance covered by the men. , was 1,676,392 miles, and almost the whole of this mileage lay in congested industrial towns.
The awards included 4ogold Medals for 10 years' safe driving.
Hauliers May Write Own Testimonials.
An applicant is entitled to write supporting letters for his customers to sign, said Mr. A. Henderson, Southern Scotland Licensing Authority, at Edinburgh, last week.
MR. R. J. Smut', who was formerly sales manager of the National Benzole Co., Ltd., has now been appointed assistant general manager of that company. •
COUNCILLOR G. W. FlackErr, who has been vice-chairman of Nottinghani Passenger Transport Committee for the past four years, has been elected chairman of that committee. COUNCILLOR F. MITCHELL is the new vicechairman.
IRISH RAIL MONOPOLY FOR TRUNK SERVICES, It is reported that the Northern Ireland Road Transport Board is shortly to give the railways a virtual monopoly of heavy freight consignments outside a radius of 16 miles from Belfast. It is stated that the Board has found it uneconomic for heavy vehicles to serve the same areas as the railways.
We understand it is intended that motor vehicles shall be used only for collection and delivery from various centres. The Board will. remain responsible 'to customers and .consignee:: for safe delivery. Depots areto be built near sidings. •
• M.I.Mar.E„ who, for many years _bas been chief engineer of the Vacuum Oil . Co., Ltd., has retired after 32 years' service. • • MR. W. G. BRIGSTOCKE has been appointed manager for the Thanet area, in connection with the activities of the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd. MR. H. GREEN is now traffic superintendent for express services and private hire, and ME. A. T. GIFFORD occupies a similar position in relation to stage carriage services.
ME. J. W. WRIGHT, a director of Evans, Sons, Lescher and Webb, Ltd., has been elected chairman.of the Liverpool branch of the Industrial Transport Association: MR. C. HAMILTON SWANZY, traffic manager to Meade-King, Robinson and Co., was elected vice-president, and MR. PEET ROEINSON,• Of the Librot Lead Co., Ltd., hon. secretary.
MR. H. J. TROUGICTON, deputy manager and chief. engineer of Bradford Corperation's passenger transport department, has been appointed manager at South 'Shields. In this position he succeeds Miz: HAROLD MUSCROFT, the new transpert manager to Southend Corporation, who, before 'going to South' Shields in 1935, was Mr. Troughton's chief assistant at Bradford.
MR. SAVILLE SHEATH has resigned his position as general sales manager Of Burgess Products Co., Ltd., to become managing director of International Technical Developments, Ltd., Thames House, London, S.W.1. The latter is concerned with the developing and marketing of new devices, processes and• equipment, particularly in the electrical, chemical and acoustical 'fields. Its research and technical consultant is DR. H. DE LASZLO, the well-known scientist, who, for some years, has given special attention to the production and uses of rare metals. Mr: Sneath and Dr. Taszlo will be associated in the activities Of Liquefied Gases, Ltd., which has 'carried out interesting development work in the use of propane gas for cutting steel.
One of the biggest bugbears facing traders was transpOrt difficulties due to restrictions on the operation of vehicles under C licences, said Mr. Alfred Hurran, in his presidential address to the Gloucester Chamber of Trade, last week.
Mr. Hurran expressed the view that the railway companies were largely to blame for the restrictions, which resulted in delay in the delivery and collection of goods. He viewed with disfavour efforts that were being made to secure a monopoly in goods traffic ' for the railways. This was, he said, to the obvious disadvantage of 'traders.
On the subject of rates, the speaker emphasized that there was a certain amount of elasticity about railway rates, and he quoted the Yorkshire Licensing Authority when he said that
• only 20 per, cent, of the goods carried by the railways Were at standard rates. Mr. Hurran criticized the attitude of Mr. H. L. Boyce; M.P. for Gloucester. who, he said, had been guilty of damn • ine road transport. He should remem. be, said the speaker. that he repre sented all the citizens of Gloucester, not only the railway-minded people.
A.E.C. Holds Service Conference.
The annual conference of agents and service inspectors of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., was opened by Mr. Norman A. Hardie, the company's general manager (sales) on Thursday last. In his opening address, Mrs.' S. Hollands, chairman, spoke in hopeful and encouraging terms, and said that the . continued progress made had . brought the company's products to 1 higher standard of efficiency and reliability than ever before. Service problems were freely discussed, and questions on design answered by Mr. Robinson, chief designer.
• Shipping Guide for Hauliers. The following is the number of ships
• arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetties named, from April 16-24 inclusive-:—Docks: King George V. 5; Royal Albert, 4: Royal Victoria, 3; Surrey Commercial, 9•; East India, 2; West India, 5: South West India, 1; Tilbury, 8; Tilbury Stage; 4.: Millwall, 5; Royal, 3 ; London, 1. WmartvEs : Hay's 6; Middleton's, 1; Butler's, 1; Tilbury Jetty, 3; Regent's Canal, 1.
Portsmouth's Haulage Rates.
• Portsmouth Corporation's contracts committee has accepted the following tender for 12 months for the hire of Iorries:—Messrs. E. Byng and Sons, 3-ton tipping lorries, £1 12s. 6d. per 81-hour day, 15s. 6d. per 41-hour day; 30-cwt. tippers, £1 5s. 5d. per 8f-hour
day. 14s. 6d. per 4f-hour day.
More Tractor-trailer Outfits for . L.N.E .R.
In spite of the active opposition of a number of Leicester hauliers, the East -Midland Licensing • Authority • has . granted the L.N.E. Railway Co.'s . application for five tractors? and six tipping trailers based on Leicestei. * B24