News of the Week
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TRE are now 172 controlled ulertakings with 152 units in operation. As a result of, meetings which the Ministry has had with the Finance Panel of the S.J.C„ it is hoped that the' hiring rates will be fixed on an agreed basis, and the S.J.C. met on Apri1,1,3 to consider the matter.
THE C.M.U.A. has been asked by 1 the M.O.W.T. to furnish estimates of the requirements of its members for new public-service vehicles this year -and next. Under ihe production programme of the M.O.S., two types will be available, these being doubledeckers with chassis_ by Transport Vehicles (Daimler), Ltd., or Guy Motors. Ltd., and single-deckers of the light 32-seater type.
It is believed by the Ministry that many vehicles .now in Operation may have passed beyond the stage at which their maintenance is economical and it is anxious to 'obtain information as to the number of vehicles which operators consider should be scrapped, provided that they can be replaced. •
GRADUATES of the .Royal Aeronauticalnautical Society and of the Institution of Automobile Engineers will, on May 11, 'at 7 p.m., at 4, Hamilton Place, Loudon, W:1, hear an infortnal talk by Mr. M. D. Curwen, entitled " Plastics."
THE article, " Town.gas Conversions Again Permitted," by " Azote," published in our issue dated April 2, 'caused a considerable amount of interest,but it is Mtportant to point out that further. conversions to town gas are allowed only subject to the prior sanction of the R.T.C. for the district concerned; no further supplies for new conversions can be made available in most large towns, and only in exceptional cases elsewhere. In any case, the vehicles concerned must be engaged on work of an essential nature.
The list of the producers of gas for the areas covered, and for which applica Lions may be made, is as follows:Bedwelty. U.D.C., Pontypridd U.D.C., Rhymney and Aber Gas Co., Middlesbrough County Borough, City of Durhatn Gas Co., Hartlepool Gas and Water Co., Houghton-le-Spring District Gas Co., Sunderland Gas Co., Bishop Auckland District Gas Co., Swinton and Mexborough Gas Board; 1Vath, Bolton* and Thurnscoe Gas Board, Castleford and Whitworth Gaslight-and. Coke Co., Morley Gas Co., Pudsey Coal Gas Co., Hemsworth, Grimethorpe and District Gas Co., and Roystron and Brodswortli Gas Co. This list is-liable to change at any time.
The sixth paragraph in the aforesaid article, dealing with the availability of reducing valves, . etc., applies to the employment ,of methane, whilst the reference in the penultimate paragraph. that the M.O.W.T. appears to be ine favour of compressed gas, concerns also only this fuel.
S0 many. expressions of sympathy, by telephone and letter, have been received by us in connection with the death of our Technical Editor,. Mr. M. S. Homer, that we regret that we cannot reply to them individually.
• rrlIE London County Council haS 1 allocated £80,000 for the purchase of lorries and plant in America for the war debris service.
A MEETING has been arranged by A MEETING has been arranged by • the Hauliers' Mutual „Federation to take place at the Albert Hotel, Nottingham, at 6.30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 20.
MANCHESTER CARRIER'S NEW OWING to the increased volume of business the company is now undertaking, Springfield Carriers, Ltd., has removed its head offkes to 1, York Street, Oxford Road, Manchester, 1. The company has become a controlled undertaking, operating unit control .under the identification 10-R-5.
ASKED by Major Lyons 'whether he could estimate the yearly cost, including salaries and establishment charges and administration, of operating the new Government Haulage Scheme, Mr. Noel-Baker, Parliamentary Secretary to the .M.O.W.T., replied in the •" HouSe", last week as follows:" I egret that, until:I-know what sions will'he parable te coritrolled. road haulage'undertakings, and wbat numbers Of vehicles will be taken into the scheme on hire, I shall not :be able to estimate the annual cost."
IVE have been notified by A.R.O. IN that as a result of representations made to the Durham County Councils by the Association's Northern "Area, an increase of 5 per cent, has been obtained in the haulage rates which were in force during the year. ended March 31, 1943, The new rates will apply for the next 12 months.
The rates now' given apply as to the first amounts for untarred, and as to the second for tarred material, plus 8d, in each case if the contractor does the loading :-Up to I mile, ls. lid., 2s, 1c1,; 1 to 2 miles, 2s. 3d., 2s. 5d.; 2 to 3 miles, 2s. 8d., 2s. 1 ld.; 3 to 4 miles, 3s. 'Id„ 3s. 3d.; 4 to 5 utiles, 3s. 5d., 3s. Id.; 5 to 6 miles, 3s. 8d., 3s. lid.; 6, to 7 miles, 4s., 4s. 3d.; 7 to 10 miles, 4s. 10d., 4s. 104.; 10 to 15 Miles, 5s, 7c1., 6s. 7d.; 15 to 20 miles, 6s. 64., 6s.. 6d.; 20 to 25 miles. 7s, .4d., 7s. 4d: Time work (per hour):-20-30 cwt. vehicle, Ss. 64.; 2 ton, Gs. 4d.; 3 ton, 6s. Ild.; 4 ton, 7s. 6d:; 5 ton, 85. lid. Haulage of snowploughs :-2 ton vehicle, is. 4d.; 3-5 ton, Is. 10d. both extra to the above time \yolk rates.
nURING a visit, last week, to his
Blatkbuna constitueucy Sir Walter Smiles, M.P., was urged by East Lancs Commercial Motor Users Association to give consideration to the fact that the Ministry of War Transport has already taken over 200 haulage concerns in the country and was negotiating for more. The Association complained that there was not going to be equality of sacrifice in the industry and that " a fair crack of the whip " for _everyone, especially smaller interests, was desirable.
Sir Walter undertook to take up the matter with Capt. Strickland, M.P., and to try and arrange a non-party deputation of M.P.s to consider the matter after the Easter vacation has concluded.
LAST week, in the Houk of Commons, Mr. Noel-Baker informed Major Lyons that there are now '12 Divisional Road Haulage Officers and 48 Area Road Hauldge Officers; last year the numbers were 6, to 14 respectively. The former control the road haulage organization within their divisions; four of them are unpaid and the other -eight each receive £950 a year. Area Road Haulage Officers control the road haulage units in thuir areas which deal with long-distance traffic; they also arrange the movement of Government traffic for shorter distances. They are each paid from £400 to £750 a year, according to the scale and the responsibility of -their work.
LAST week, the main metropolitan LA area committee of Associated Road Operators unanimously. re-elected Mr. J. F. E. Pye, J.P., chairman of the Area for the ensuing 12 months. Mr. J. James was re-elected vice-chairman.
National Council' representatives comprise Mr. Eric R. Taylor (hauliers), Mr. , J. James (ancillary) and Mr. F. Boyle Monkman (passenger), National Sectional Board representatives are Messrs. Eric R. Taylor and J. Lawrence (hauliers), Messrs. J. James and F. J. Bale (ancillary) and Mr. F. Boyle Monkman (passenger).
The sub-area chairmen are as follow: North London, Mr. A. J. Goddard; Southern, Mr. A. E. Drain; Eastern, Mr. H. G. Bissell; Western, Mr. C. W. Beckett; Luton, Mr. E. B. Howes.
ENGINEERING DIRECTORY FOR BRISTOL A USEFUL engineering directory of rt Bristol has been compiled by Bristol Engineering Manufacturers Association, 104, Filton Avenue, Bristol, 7. Actually it is the sixth edition and has been completely revised. It should prove most informative to those concerned, with the buying and selling of engineering material. Priced at 9d., it occupies 84 pages and covers a very wide variety of products. Distribution is limited to 2,000 copies, so early application should be made for them. ' SUNDERLAND FORMS SUB-AREA COMMITTEE OF A.R.O.
AT Sunderland, a well-attended meeting of Sunderland, Easington, Hetton and Seaham districts of A.R.O. .was recently held, With Mr. H. Wilkinson in the chair. Mr. F. Milton, the area secretary, addressed the meeting, and after hearing something of the work that. has been done by the Association it was resolved to form a • sub-area committee comprising the following:—Messrs. W. Veti, 3. Docherty, R. Clifford, F. Bennison, G. Shaw, W. H. Barrey, E. Ritchie, G. 0. Mitchell, W. Robson, G. H. Chastney, II, Wilkinson and W. Parker. Mr. Garnsworthy was elected sub-area
• honorary secretary.
• It was decided that quarterly meet, ings Of all members of the sub-area be
• held, and that MonthlY meetings of the sub.-area 'committee shoidd take place.
UP to March 31, total subscriptions to the Red Cross . Island of the S:M.M. and T. amounted to 412,026. Of this, £7,309 represents sums subscribed under covenant. We are sure that our readers and the Red Cross will look upon this result as being most satisfactory.'
WE are advised by Wilmot-Breeden, Ltd., of Birmingham, that it has opened a new service depot and offices at 200, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, where stocks of all the company's wells known products, including Viceroy fittings for coaches, motorbuses and trolleybuses are being held.
'.ROM F. Perkins, Ltd., Peterborongh, COMPS another useful little book entitled " Elementary Engineering Inspection." It deals with limits, the vernier, the micrometer and other gaSiges, also various tests for hardness, etc. The price is 2s. 6d. net, and the author is Mr. W. Spoor.
HEAT TREATMENT OF WROUGHT ,ALUMINIUM ALLOYS rT'WO useful 'bulletins in connection , 1 with the employment of light alloys
• have already been published by Wrought Light Alloys Development Association, Union Chambers, 63, Temple Row, Birmingham, 2. Now comes Information 'Bulletin No. 3, " Heat-Treatment of the Wrought AlurniniuM Alloys, Part 1—practice." This is primarily intended for the nontechnical personnel in works, ahcf it is recognized that successful heat treattient is possible only when the necessary plant be available. It includes, as an appendix, a brief explanation of the fundamental principle of heat treatrnent of the aluminium-base alloys, together with four pages of references covering all the important published • work on the subject.
It is hoped that the booklet will lead to a better appreciation Of the_ importance of strict attention to detail throughout every 'heat-treatment operation. Copies will be supplied free on application to the Association, whilst, specific difficulties or problems can be dealt with through its advisory service bureau.
OBITUARY MR. E. L. FOSTER, Of St. Helens, an ex-chairman of the Liverpool District and North Wales Division C.M.U.A, died a few days ago. A member of the National Council of the C.M.U.A., hon. secretary of the St. Helens branch and a local sub-district manager, he had for 20 Years been transport engineer-manager of Greenall Whitley and Co., Ltd., St. Helens.
PERSONAL PARS MR. G. FARSILOE, BA., has been appointed secrefary of the ,Institute of Welding:
MR. J. H. Sriax, j.P., M.Inst.T., haS been appointed Eastern Regional Transport Commissioner in succession to the late Sir Havfland Hiley. He will continue also to Control the -North Midland Region.
MR. D. CAIRNS, who has been works secretary for 15 years to the Dunlop general rubber goods and balloon divigone situated in the Manchester area, is going to Belfast as the compant's acting manager, whilit the present manager, Mr. .P. WELItr,. is with the Ministry of Supply: He was a member of the management committee in Manchester.
MR. J. W. TREECE is ,taking control of the battery-electric vehicle and industrial-truck side of the Brush Electrical 'Engineering Co., Ltd., Loughborough, which is taking an increasing interest in this sphere of activity. It will be remembered that Mr. Treece was managing director of Electricars, Ltd., Birmingham, following which he wa.s joint managing director of Associated Electric Vehicle Manufacturers, Ltd. ERNEST TURNER GROUP • EXPANDED elrHE directors of the Ernest Turner 1 Group of companies have an nounced the acquisition of the oldestablished business of C. Dould and Sons, Ltd., Spa Lane Mills, Derby, which manufactures narrow fabrics and trimmings. Mr. Alan Turner will be chairman and managing director, and Messrs. Norman Turner and Frank Stone directors. The latter will manage the newly acquired mills, Purchases and 'accounts will be dealt with from the head office, Northdown House, Northdown Street, King's Cross, London, N.1. the production of the company's Phoenix Mills will eventually be centralized at Spa Lane.
WHEN .,the , 25th annual .gerieral Meeting 'of Liverpool -District and North Wales C.M.U.A. was held recently, at Liverpbol, a resolution was adopted' expressing unanimous approval of the proposals of the Road Trans. port• Organization 'joint Conference. Mr. R. S. Heaton (Robert Heaton and Sons, St. Helens) and Mr, H. T. Legge (Legge's Haulage, Liverpool) • have been elected to the • Divisional Committee.
Major J. Austin Baker (Pilkington
Bros. Ltd., St. Helens) has. been re-elected chairman, Mr. H. Allan (McNamara and Co., Ltd., Liverpool) vice-chairman, and Mr. R, --McK. Walker (United Molasses Co., Ltd., Liverpool) hon treasurer.
ACCORDING to the annual estimates of the cleansing comPtittee of Manchester Corporation, mechanical transport will cost £46097 -and horsedrawn transport £21,787 in the year to March 31, 1944. Prarision is made by the highways committee for the expenditure of £2,750 on hired transport. £11,907 on horse-drawn transport and £5,612 on petrol vehicles.