Out and Home. By "The Extractor."
Page 16

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' THE IDEA may have been discussed before ; if so, I do not remember it, but what a scheme it would be to fit up the London taxicabs (Provincial, too, for that matter) with gas containers : The roof of the taxi is seldom used, the distances run by the vehicles are quite short. Therefore,the conditions are -suitable for refilling, arrangements for which purpose could easily be made at every garage, every cab rank, and at many public places. The taxicab companies would find it a vastly profitable investment because of the cheap running. It is only necessary for them to work out the costs of inatallation which have appeared in this journal, and also a satisfactory method of payment by the drivers, for tife gas consumed. The quantity of motor spirit released would be a tremend.ouseboon, as it would then become available for long country journeys by commercial vehicles in ' which constant gas filling would be inconvenient, if not impossible.
Recovering. • •
RATMINATING recently on the way gas has come to help us over the petrol 'difficulty, it occurred to me that I had heard nothing for months of our caricaturist, . whose initials G.A.S. were at one time so familiar on this page. Inquiries instituted forthwith brought a welcome letter from our old friend, and it transpires that the winter and Salisbury Plain laid him low. Bronchitis had a severe go at him, and, to use his own expression, he has been "jacked up " in hospital for the last four months, nearly all the time in bed. I used to think he . was very partial to bed, but the keen edge must have worn off by now ! lje is on the way for ti.re: covery, and expects to resume his duties as a cadet in an officers' training corps. Later on—the sooner the better—he looks forward to take up his work again helping to illustrate this journal.
Onward, Oldham.
THE AFFAIRS of l3radbury aand Co., Ltd., of (Dldham, are solidifying. Each year places ..them on a more satisfactory footing, and great •
credit is due to the directors and management for all that has been accomplished during recaat ' years. I record this with peculiar satisfaction, because 'for many years my fortunes were linked up with this Lancashire concern. ' The balance sheet which they have sent to me shows a gross profit for the past year of 219,231 os. lid., which, with 217,753 Os. 3d., makes an available balance of £36(984 7s. 7d. After allowing for Excess Profit tax, depreciation and bank and loan interest, and paying • preference and ordinary dividends, there , is a balance to becarried forwardof 215,000. 2s. 3d. I notice the company holds 29500 War Loan: . renewing Suit.•
WBITING of Oldham reminds one how the works of that town, both textile and engineering, close down each summer for an entire week's holiday. Everyone goes—no goods received or dispatched, but cheques are acknowledged, I believe,. and that is about all. s It is a fixed period commencing' with the last Saturday, in August. . Notices are sent out and, anyhow, business connections understand the state of suspended animation and the holiday question for 'the 'I-majority is settled in one swoop. 'Heads of departments probably eke out a little longer time, but it is soon finished, and I know, by experi
ence that the scheme works admirably. MY reason for ,going intoall this is that I find the i Midlands are following suit in this year of grace. On Wednesday last I ran up to*Coventry and Birmingham to make a few calls and found every motor cortcern in whom I was immediatelYdaterested clesed up for the week. The movement had spread to Many retail shops in those cities, • too. The drapery; Clothing-and. boot emporiums were closed also for the first three days of the week. The tablets of my memory are duly inscribed with this Midlands manoeuvre, and another year I shall give the district a miss during the • August bank-holiday week. ar, perchance, for a change, take a holiday myself.
Olia Podrida.
. _ It occurs i to me • that the word "emporium," dragged into a previous paragraph because it seemed to fit (anyhow, it is a fine-sounding word!) has only; as far as I know, been used in one instance in connection with commercial motors. That was in the early days, and, it will be ,recalled, was Very German. As may be, expected, each week :brings fresh concerna into the business dealing with coal-gas containers. Ernest Lyon-, Ltd., of 91, New Bond Strebt, London, W. claim that they are now prepared to fit up vans with gas bag and connections to the carburetter' complete.
A Home-made Motor Reaper.
ingenious piece of machinery is depicted in our photograph. I is the "very latest" type of mowing machine, and is perhaps the cheapest over seen on a farm. It will cut an acre an hour, and only consumes half-a-gallon of' paraffin per acre. It may be seen at work any day on the Bishop Meadow Farm, near.Loughboro'., It consists. of a portio.n of an old touring motorcar purchased for 25aan Old radiator which was purchased for 30s,, and an ordinary grass mower which cost Da Providing the rear wheels constituted the only real difficulty attendant upon the conveasion, but eventually this ,was overcome. The construction of the comicality Was carried" out by the two brothers Messrs. C. E. and • E. Goodacre, the latter of whom works it regularly.