The Wheels of Industry.
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Coal-gas Conversions.
The following firms are prepared to convert motor vehicles to run on coal-gas or to supply materials : -Messrs.' Andrew Barton Bros:, Bee-sten, Notts.
MeSSrs..G. 0: Spencer and Sons, 56, Highloury Grov,e, London, N.
• Ernest Lyon, LW., 91, New Bond Street, Londbn, W.
Should private owners a agricultural tractors experience any difficulty in obtaining petrol for farming requirements, they are requested to communicate With the Board of Trade. Whitehall, London, S.W.
The concession made by the Government of India to admit under licence motorcars, etc., and parts actually paid for before 23rd December, 1916, has. been withdrawn, except in respect of cars, etc., shipped before 1st August, 1917.
The L.C.C. proposes to replace the remaining eight horsed steam fire engines in, the London Fire Brigade as soon as possible by motor fire engines. Four more are required as duplicates at certain important stations. Quotations have been received from Dennis Bros., Ltd., and Leyland Motors, Ltd., for the supply of 12 engines. The former company offers them at 21160 each and the latter company for
1970 each. The recommendation of the Fire Brigade Committee is to vote 211,640, but it does not specify the firm from whom the engines are to be purchased.
Tralee Board of Guardians has accepted FlOwer aod Quinlan's tender of 2195 Bs. for a motor ambulance.
-West Ham Corporation has accepted Wilson and Stockall's tender of 2650 each for two ambulances.
The L.G.B. has scheduled for exemption ,drivers of motor tractors who are recommended as indispensable by the local agricultural executive committees.
Portsmouth Corporation, owing to the introduction of motorAriven vehicles, has drafted new by-laws, relating to hackney Carriages and omnibuses, for submission to the Local Government Board for approval.
Berkshire County Council has passed a resolution expressing the opinion that, having regard to the great cost of keeping up the county roads in a fit state for motorbus traffic, recently introduced for the profit of the owning companies, legislation should be introduced by the Government for payment of a car mileage rate by the owners of such vehicles to the highway authority.
Local Proceedings.
Okehamptoa wants to purchase a motor lorry.
. Batley Council requires estimates for a motor ambulance.
Salford T.C. is purchasing Foden steam wagon for 2795.
Leyton 'U.D.C.has voted 2250 toWards the Purchase of a motor
Cambridge T.C. is considering the provision of a motor fireengine.
Gateshead T.O. is purchasing. a -motor fire-engine for £1250 and a motof:tender for 2970.
Bingley T.LD.C. is contemplating the purchasing of a steam wagon for coal haulage.
Manchester Corporation requires a new or second-hand chassis, to which it is proposed to fit an ambulance body.
Paden's, Ltd., have notified the Portsmouth Corporation that Government priority prevents them from delivering the two Foden wagons on order until December.
To enable the Mayor of Vest Ham to better fulfil his public duties, it is proposed to purchase a second-hand 20 h.p. Leon Bollee landaulet, at a, cost of 2600, with a 12 months guarantee against mechanical breakdown.
Alternative Fuels in France.
Our Paris correspondent tells us that the use of coal-gas for commercial vehicles-is not likely to be seen in France. The use of gas for 'lighting and general domestic purposes in Paris is now on about the same scale as in London, but the shortage of coal is so .serious that there is no coal-gas available for use on motor vehicles, In fact, it would at the present time be a more difficult problein to get coalgas than to get, petrol. France, therefore, may, look to alcohol, either later on or as pazt of a food production scheme for war time, as a source of alternative fuel.
Institute of Metals.
A copy of the latest issue of the journal of the Institute Of Metals, is to hand. In spite of the war,Which renders the regular publication of such technical literature a matter of difficulty, this hi-yearly journal appears in its usual form ; its contents are certainly up to prewar standards.
A distinguished arid noteworthy point about this edition is that -it contains a number of communications of utmost importance from scientific Men bearing on certain \ phases of metallurgical work. It also brings .to focus much inforrna-: tion and criticism with regard to the melting of nonferrous metals. Copies of the new -Volume, which ii priced at 21s. 5d. pbst free, can be obtained from the offices of tile Institute of Metals, 36, Victoria Street, S.W. 1.
The old-established Cornpagnie Generale des Omnibus, of Paris, recently received an order from the 'French Government to construct 300 aeroplanes. From being Makers of horseibuses, tramcars, motorbuses, heavy lorries, this firm is moving with the times.
The Road Board is contributing towards , strengthening • Certain Woolwich roads to-enable them to carry motorbus traffic.
A List of Hydraulic Tyre Press Owners.
At the request of the Solid Tyre Committee of the British Rubber Tyre Manufacturers Association, Mr. Leo Swain, the manager of the solid tyre department of SpencerMoulton and Co., Ltd., has undertaken to prepare a coniplete and up-to-date list of all those firms who have installed hydraulic tyre presses on their premises, and will undertake to remove or replace any make of solid band tyre. To enable this list to be accurately compiled, we have been asked by Mr. Swain to state that he will be pleased to hear, at 239, Deansgate, Manchester, before the 25th August, from those of our readers who have installed a tyre press and whose names do not appear in the last list prepared. The list is required for publication purposes.
Wolverhampton's Chars-a-banes.
The revenue for the year ended 31st March last of the motor chars
-banes run in connection with the Wolverhampton Corporation tramways amounted to 25204, or an average per mile run of 11.84d. The .expenditure was 43243. The amciunt set aside for dePreciation of the vehicles is 2604, and 21356 is carried to the credit of the net revenue of the Fiecitint ef the tram way undertaking. The income for the previous year was £5010, and the expenditure 12894.
Coal-gas the Conqueror.
Bournemouth T.C. has appointed a sub-committee to consider the question of installing a station for the supply of coal-gas to motor vehicles.
S. Smith and Sons (Motor Accessories), Ltd., has recently opened a service depot for the convenience of Midland traders, at 122, Alma Street, Birmingham.
Creosote Oil Fuel.
In the House of Commons last week, Mr. Watt asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that traders are being refused the use of creosote • oil in their trade ; that in the case of road and pavement makers. this means complete stoppage of their business, some already having stopped work altogether ; that the.contractor for the road-reaking of the Admiralty housing scheme at Gourock is prevented the use of creosote 'oil for the fulfilment of his contract ; and whether he will take
any action to prevent traders being put out of business by his Department, in view of the fact that plenty of this oil is in the country Sir W. Evans: The demand for creosote oil for fuel has made it necessary to limn its use for other purposes. The whole matter is receiving careful attention.
Motor lorries are in demand upon the Chian nitrate .fioilds to handle the rock between the quarries and the crushers of the 140 factories. This haulage is now done by twowheeled carts and light railways.
America andCoal-gas.
The subject of coal-gas for motorL vehicle propulsion is creating-widespread interest in-America at the inesent tibiae; Although there does not appear to be any ;iiiiinediate' likelihood of the supplies of petrOlbeing restricted or curtailed, the fact that the .EIeetrie Yehiele-Section of the NatiOnal Elettrie Light• AssOciatiOn is circulating lengthy. extracts taken _Ifroin An Uon
Atri'rOu, dealing with the subject, amongst. about .1000 news-. papers and maga4nes is ample proofthat the subject is .meriting attention. The Association 'hints at the possibility of rivalry be--tween eleotricity and coal-gas for industrial-vehicle propulsion. .
On last year's trading the German motor manufacturing company Benz, of Mannheim, show a profit of 16 Million • marks, comparing with 13 'millions in the previous year. They have declared a di:Vidor-id 01.30 per cent. per annum, The Glasgow .Tramways Report.
A copy of. the 23rd annual-report of the Tramways Committee Of the Glasgow Corporation for the year ended 31st May last is to hand. The result of the scar's working shows that the ordinary income amounted to £1,260,115, Which, after allowing.. for working expenses, 'shows a net • revenue of 2422,050. This latter figure compares with £383,895, for the previous year's working. After
allocating 2114,378 to the sinking fund, 464,049 to the depreciation fund,-and allowing for certain other deductions, the net balance stands at 2160,986, which is transferred under the head of "Common good." The passenger receipzz-s amounted to 21;245,508 for the year, as compared with £1449,264 for 1915-191.6. Ihe average receiPts per car mile were 11.590., slightly nigher than that •fc.-7 the previous year, which stood. at 11.03d.
200 Lorries: Bought for Paris.
The city of Paris • has purchased for its own use 200 motor lorries, oi which 100 are Pierce-Arrow lave tonners and an equal number of Fiat 34-tanners. The individual price of the American lorries is 1:1920, and of the Fiats 21360, but as an important stock of spare parts has also been secured, the total expenditure is 2452,060. These lorries are to be used for.the distribution of coal and foodstuffs in Paris and the surrounding districts during the coming waiter. Last winter the city of Paris had a stock of 200,000 tons of coal which it distributed under considerable difficulties to the various local authorities, for the Council did not possess any lorries and was obliged to borrow them from the army. During the coining winter the stock of Coal. will be 1,300,000 tons for the city of Paris and Seine Department -. In addition, large quantities of general food stuff will bave to he distributed.
Russian Trade.
As part of a scheme organized by Alartens and Co., Ltd., 149, Leadennall Street, E.C. 3', for familiarizing British manufacturers with the conditions and opportunities offered by the RuSsian market for after4he-peace advancement, a series of exhibitions is to be held in a considerable -number of important industrial centres throughout. Great Britain. The exhibition in Landon opened/ On the 7th inst.; • and will remain open until the 18th inst.' at the Central Hall, Westminster,ter, where a number of -informative diagrams and maps illustrating the economic life of Russia.; together with a complete collection of minerals from the Urals, canbe seen. The scheme promises to be most helpful in those desiring -more intimate knowledge of Russia's commercial and ,industrial position and possibilities'.
-We record with inicresithe' formation of a Threshing Machine and Traction Engine Owners' Aso-. ciation for Ilawdenshire.
Making Gasholders.
We have been asked to state by Zama; Ltd., textile Waterproofere, of 24, North John Street, Liverpool, that it is 'prepared to experiment in the proofing and treatment of textiles suitable for coal-gas holders for. any firm desirous of making and , supplying these holders.
The -United States is experiencing its domestic difficulties in meeting the home call for farm tractors. The supply is far in excess of demand, and as the Government will be purchasing huge supplies of steel for munitions it is suggested, that existing tractors should be worked up to the limit, so as to reduce the request for further machines to a certain degree,, and • thereby enable a large proportion of the order t on hand to be fulfilled, so that the tractors may be distributed in those areas where they are most urgently deinanded.
Motorization of Japan.
Japan is the latest convert to the commercial motor movement. It is a highly promising, field, since M per cent. of the .traffic is manually hauled. At the present time only
21 vehicles are at work. The projected Motorization of the country is meeting with keen opposition from the coolie element," which represents. the haulier faction in the country, and whose competition, while financially acute—the coolie will work for 10d, to l's. 3d. a day—is hopelessly eclipsed by the output of mechanical 'traction.
Tractors for U.S. Army.
The tractor will be. a prominent , feature of the mechanical transport equipment of the -American Army now under training for service at the Front. A 10-ton tractor has been selected for hauling a train of eight supply wagons, the length of which is 200 ft. from headlight to taillight. Hitherto each wagon has beendrawn by .four mules, so that, in each train the tractor will do the work Of 32. animals •
Lorry-vcarried H.Q.
The entry of the United States in the war game now being decided is giving body-makers a• brilliant chance to exercise fertility of thane-ht. Among, thehundred-andone types which have been evolved, for as many purposes, may be mentioned the mobile office for , the Army commander. It is equipped with all the attributes of a modern scientifically-equipped commercial office including roll-top desk, typewriters, ' telephone, chairs, letter baskets, bulletin, board, collapsable table, and filing system, and lighted by electricity.
Ambulance Performance.
Totten–ham Public Health Committee reports that from 1st January to 30th June last the motor ambulance dealt with 500 cases, and covered a distance of 3402 miles.