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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage as by the roitglaness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier,
Barring Inferior Roads.
There is still much misconception regarding the power vested in local authorities to schedule roads not adaptable, in their opinion, for heavy motor
traffic. In this connection Mr. Lyle asked the Minister of Transport a few days ago in the House of Commons, as to whether the power of the local authorities covers prohibition of the use of such roads by heavy motor traffic.
Mr. Neal replied for the Minister of Transport as follows :—" Orders can be made by my right hon. friend, the Minister of Transport, under Section 7 (4) of the Roads Act, prohibiting or restricting the driving of vehicles of any specified class on any specified highway, but only upon the application of a county council or county borough council and afterm public enquiry has been held. It is proposed in considering such applications to consider the needs of the county or county borough as a whole, in preference to considering applications as to individual roads or sections of roads. The action to be taken on any such applications must depend upon the individual circumstances of each case."
London Suburban Traffic . .Scheme.
The London General Omnibus Co. are considering a new traffic scheme to give more direct communication between the London suburbs. Hitherto the company's bus routes have mainly been developed to radiate from the centre of the Metropolis—one route starting where another finished—and, as a result, passengers desirous of travelling from one suburb to another have often found it necessary to approach the centre of the Metropolis in order to get a bus for their ultimate destination, which has often involved a roundabout journey. The company are considering the linking-up of the suburbs by a single-deck type of bus, each of which carries about 28 passengers. The first of these new routes will probably be started in the near_ future' the suggestion being that it should operate between Church Road, Hendon, and Tottenham Hale Station.
Aberdeen Passenger Traffic.
The accounts of the Aberdeen Corporation Tramways, which have recently beenissued for the year 1920-1921, show that
the receipts over the period were again a record, viz., 2191,470. • But for the intervention ofl the coal strike and the consequent curtailment of the services, it is likely thatithe receipts would have reached 2200,000.
Passenger traffic shows a decrease of 5,590,902, but owing to the higher fares prevailing the receipts have • been increased by 22,343. The total revenue from the working of theMotorbuses run by the corporation tramways amounted
to 23,842, and working expenses to•22,964, leaving a gross profit of 2878,
from which the sum of £116 has been deducted for interest on charges. The not profit amounts to 2762 on the buses, which, added to the tramway profit of 21,581, makes a total profit of 22,345, which has been carried forward to the reserve account.
• The actual number of passengers carried on the buses throughout the year was 559,837, and thekmiles run were 42,457, the average receipts per bus-mile being 21.72d.
The department owns seven motorbuses, which are in regular service, and two motor coaches, whilst one bus is kept as a spare.
The Lincoln Trials.
We would remind our readers that the second International Tractor Trial and Power-farming Exhibition opens on September 20th at Shrawardine, near Shrewsbury, and continues until September 24th.
The Argentine Show.
All types of motor vehicles, including lorries, tractors, pleasure cars, motorcycles, and aeroplanes; motor boats and accessories will be included in the annual automobile show which is to be held at Buenos Aires in November.
Widening Countisbury Hill.
The Lynton Rural District Council has adopted the suggestion of the highway surveyor that the roadway on Countisbury Hill, where the recent fatal motor accident occurred, should be widened from 11 ft. 6 ins. to 20 ft., and the scheme has been submitted to the Minis. try of Transport for approval.
North Circular Road.
A section of the.North,Circular Arterial Road, which constitutes a part of the scheme of the Middlesex County Council for road improvement in conjunclion with the Ministry of Transport, was inspected' a few days ago by a company of civil engineers and surveyors. The object of this road is to give the Eastern 'Counties a route round the North of London, and so relieve congestion at the centre. The total length of the road isel4 miles, of which 71miles will be entirely new.
New London Garage.
It will interest many London users, and those who send their, vehicles to the capital, to know that Messrs. George Newman and Co_ ,. of' 319-321, Euston Road, 12naon, N.W. have recently opened a garage at 21-22, tipper Rathbone Place, London which is within three minutes of Oxford' Circus, where the have accommodation • for about 250 vehicles. The ground floor is specially suitable for the accommodation of motor lorries, and should be a convenience to hauliers who are staying in London over night and wish to garage their machines. The company are, of course, in a position to offer the usual services, whilst, they are conveniently situated near a tyre press, `where solid tyres can be quickly renewed.
The London General Omnibus Co., rather than part with B43, the war bus which was inspected by the.. King, have agreed to supply •a scale model, of the vehicle for presentation to the'Imperial War Museum.
Wolverhampton Buses.
The accounts of the Wolverhampton Corporation Tramway's undertaking for the year ended March 31st last show a gross profit for the year on the tramcars of £18,837, to which must be added 2812 profit on the motorbuses.
Seven new motorbuses were purchased during the year, and under the powers contained in the 'Wolverhampton Corporation Act, 1920, the motorbus service between Wolverhampton and Cannock was started in January of this year, and is proving very satisfactory.
Motorbus traffic receipts for the year amounted to 225,245, as against 215,620 for the previous year, the total mileage run being 276,130; as compared with 206,623 for the-previous year, the average receipts per mile run amounting to 21.941d., as against 18.143d.
Petrol from Linseed Oil.
A paper read before the Academy of Science in Paris describes a discovery made by a M. Mailhe' who claims to have Railed a means of manufacturing motor spirit from linseed and other vegetable oils. His method consists in passing the vegetable oil over special apparatus formed of parts called catalysers, which deprive the oil of its water and hydrogen. The volatile product thus obtained is then passed over nickel which gives to the vegetable oil the aromatic hydro-carbons which render it in all respects similar to petrol.
Sparks from Road Vehicles.
It is understood that the Departmental Committee on the Taxation and Regulation of Road Vehicles has had its attention drawn to damage caused to property by .fire due to the emission of sparks from passing locomotives and ()Hier steam vehicles. The committee considers that this damage can be avoided to a great extent by the use on these vehicles of efficient spark arrestors, and owners are accordingly urged to do their utmost to minimize the possible destrudtion of property from this cause by arranging for such devices to be .fitted on their vehicles.
The prices for the Concord six-speed transmission gear for the Ford chassis, a description of which appeared in our last week's issue, are as follow :—For the Ford van, 245; and for the one ton truck, 248.
Tractors and agricultural implements were a feature of the. Perthshire Agricultural Show which has recently taken place. Examples of the Peterbro, Austin, Glasgow, Fordson, and other tractors were shown by Scottish agents.
In our reference to the fact that Commercial Car Hirers, Ltd., is to be,transferred to a new company, called Goods Transport, Ltd., 112a, junction Road, London, N., which was published in our issue for July 26th, we referred to the managing directors' names as Major E. H. O'Farrell and Mr. J. C. Smith. Many of our readers will probably know that the latter should have been Mr. J. C. Moth, who is well known in connection with the old company's activities.
Bus Fares Reduced.
The enterprising Northern General Transport Co., whose headquarters are at Chester-le-Street, and who operate bus services on an extensive scale in the North country, have just made a step in the right direction in the way of effecting a much-needed reduction in the cost of travelling, by bringing into operation a . revised and considerably decreased scale. of charges.
The new rates came into force on July 30th, and now the charge for the through run from Durham to Gateshead, which was formerly is. Etd., has been reduced to Is. 4d. For the journey from Plawsworth to Gateshead, a charge of is. is now made as against is. 4d, formerly charged. Other fares have been reduced as follow i—Chester-le-Street to Gateshead, 9d.; Chester-le-Street to Low Fell, 7d, ; -Chester-le-Street. to Durham, 7d.; and Gateshead to Birtley, 6d.
American Tractor Demonstration Plans Abandoned.
NO tractordernonstrations will be held this year under the direction of the Tractor and Thrasher Department of the National Implement and Vehicle Association of the U.S.A.
• A month ago the demonstration cotm mittee called off the event that had been planned to take place in Oklahoma in July and announced that, further consideration would be given to the proposed demonstration at some point in the Central West.
It.is likely that certain demonstrations will be held next year, but, of course, this question will be decided by the committee during the. coming winter. The preceding remarks do not-,apply to, shovis.
The attendance at the great tractor show held at Fargo lastJune wassmall and disappointing.
Taxicabs or Corporation Buses ?
To what extent is it permissible for corporation motor omnibuses to compete with the ubiquitous taxicab?
The question is raised by the strike of the Liverpool taxicab drivers at the pier head. Saturday is always a good day for Liverpool taxi owners at the pier head, owing to the arrival and depar7 tare of isle of Man passengers desiring quick transit between the stations and the landing stage. On a recent Satur day two of the Liverpool Corporation motorbuses endeavoured to " scoop " the traffic ,at fares of a few coppers a journey.
The Liverpool Motor Hirers' Association advised their members to withdraw their vehicles from the stands as a protest. The motor omnibus sub-committee of the corporation contends that the buses may run anywhere within the city boundary if it -meets the convenience of the public, This point is engaging the attention of the Motor Hirers' Association, their belief being that the claim is 'beyond the legal rights of the corporation.
A "No-trouble" Tail Lamp.
Last week our contributor, " Vint" drew attention to the need for the highest-grade and most substantially made accessoriesfor commercial vehicles. This need applies particularly to lamps, and one of the tamps which usually gives • the most trouble is the tail lamp, as this cannot be seen by the driver whilSt the vehicle is running, and it is the lamp most liable to: damage whilst reversing or by beinwain,into by a following vehicle.
One of the strongest tail lamps which we have yet, seen is that known as the binbrea'kable electric tail lamp, designed by Mr. Granville Bradshaw, and manufactured by Motor Gadgets, Ltd., of 45, London Street, Chertsey. The body of the lamp is formed of twe aluminium diecastings, and the red glass is protected faun injury by means of wedge.shapedibars formed radially in the body of the lamp, the glass being held in placebetween rubber washers by a spring. The number plate is illuminated through a circular white glags, also held in position between rubber washers and protected by a raised edge on the body of the lamp. A similar white light is' provided at the off-side of the larnp. This has been found to be of value to the driver for reversing at night, as it gives sufficient light to show the position of gate posts, walls, etc. The price of this lanip has now been reduced to 30s.
Macclesfield's Sole Survivor.
With only one " growler". left on the 'streets as the result of the taxicab's competition, the Macclesfield Town Council has decided to remove the cabmen's shelter from near Ifibel Road Station, and transport it to one of the parks, there to be used for the convenience of the chi I dr en.
Northern Ferry Charges. .
New ferry charges for conveyance over the river between North and South Shields, which amount to an increase of 100 per cent., and which have come into force recently, greatly affect motor traffic, and considerable indignation is being expressed by users. The new scale is as follows:— Passengers, 2d.; motorcycle, ls. 6d. ; horse and .cart., 2s. 6d.; motorcycle and sidecar, 2s. 6d.; motorcar (small), 3s.; motorcar (large), 7s. 6d.; taxicab, Sc.; motor coach (small), 10s.; motor coach (30 or more passengers), 15s. In addition, motorists and vehicular passengers must pay the individual fare of 2d.
It is generally expected that with regard to the popular motor coachtrips to Morpeth, Rothbury, and other celebrated Northumbrian beauty spots, which have been finding so much favour of late, these will have to be discontinued, unless it is found sufficiently economical to go round by Newcastle, an action -which will, of course, necessitate considerable petrol consumption, as the distance from either side of the river to the city is in, the vicinity of 8 to 10 miles. . Business men denounce the new rates as being almost prohibitive, and will be severely hit by the advance.
Monmouthshire County Council has asked the County Councils' Association to deal with the present indiscriminate system of granting driving licences.
Durham ,Hackney Carriages.
At a meeting of the Durham City Council it, was recommended that the Northern . General Transport Co. be licensed for six hackney carriages and six drivers. A protest to the application of this company was forwarded by Mr. J. W. Wood (Durham Motor Transport Co.), Mr. W. A. Palmer, Messrs. Forster, Cover&le and Co., Mr. J. Lockerbie, Messrs. Smith Bros., Mr. W. Lightfoot and Mr. L. Ridsdale. They regarded themselves as being quite capable of meeting the requirements of the city in the direction indicated, and thought. it would be unfair to ratepayers in the same line of business to accede to the request of a company which contributed much less than did the petitioners to the rates of the city. They also expressed the belief that they could, with confidence, appeal to their representatives on the council for protection. It was explained that the vehicles had commenced to rim.
The Mayor said it was a very intricate point, and the council could only decline to grant the application on certain grounds, and whilst he sympathised with the petitioners, he did not, think they could refuse to grant the application on the grounds of local trade: The petition was set aside.
Czecho-Slovakia ImPort Duties.
The Parliament of Czecho-Slovakia will shortly discuss a legislative scheme concerning the increase of import duty on automobiles and parts of automobiles. According to this bill, the import duty will be augmented, for countries to which the general tariff (autonomous) applies, by 90 per cent, of the invoice price; for countries to which a special tariff applies, 65 per cent, of the invoice price. For motor engines and motor ploughs, tractors, locomobiles and motor boats the duty will be determined according to weight : .up to 50 kilos., 6,000 crowns as minimum tariff, 7,500 crowns for the general tariff; from 50 to 250 kilos., 5,500 crowns, minimum tariff, 7,000
crowns general tariff. Aeroplane engines, without distinction, will be subject to the following duties : 15,000 Crowns each, minimum tariff ; 20,000 crowns each, general tariff.
This increase in cestoms duties is caused bs the fact .thaa.• the present tariffs do not protect home production, and bear no comparison with analogous deities levied ley France, Italy, Great Britain and the United States.
How Roads are Wrecked.
A report of the East, Riding County Councilrecords damage by the haulage of a 75-ton boiler over four miles of newly repaired roadway from Arras mu to Bishop Burton.
A Blackpool Road Scheme.
Details of the new Blackpool arterial road scheme, prepared by the Preston Corporation, were given at the official inquiry into the application to borrow £103,000 for the purpose. The object is to divert the enormous traffic which now goes along the Blackpool road, and to absorb the traffic from Yorkshire and East Lancashire,
A Bridge Traffic Limit.
Though Norfolk Bridge, Shoreham, has been strengthened, it, has been necessary for the county council to 'decide that no vehicle weighing more than 12 tons shall be allowed to cross; no 'heavy vehicle shalt cross at a speed of more than three miles an hour, the speed of other vehicles being limited to five miles an hour ; and that no heavy vehicle shall cross whilstanother is on the bridge.
Signs that are Useless:
In refusing to impose a speed limit at Christchurch, the Ministry of Transport says the provisions of the Motor Car Act are sufficient to cope with such danger as may arise from the driving of meter vehicles at a rate of speed in excess of 10 miles an hour, particularly if -additional and suitable warning signs are erected.
Commenting on this, the Motor Car Committee of the Southampton County Council expresses the opinion that the ereotion of signs in streets of towns is useless and unnecessary, as the danger of fast driving in such cases must be apparent to anyone. This opinion, adds the committee, excepts hidden corners and cross roads, of which there do not appear to be any along the length of road to which it was desired that the reduced speed limit should be applied.
Tramways Not Wanted.
Gateshead Borough Council has resolved, by a large majority, not to exercise its power to purchase the Gateshead Tramways undertaking in 1922, on the terms provided in the Gateshead Tramways Act 1899.
They all knew, Mr. j. L. Watson pointed out, during the discuezion, that many corporations were scrapping their tramways, on account of a different means of transport which was coming into vogue. He referred to motor traffic.. It was being discovered that to have a fixed line of traffic was .dangerous. The council, as a matter of expediency and prudence, would not be doing a wise think in purchasing the tramways at the moment, and even if it were a wealthy corporation, and could afford a "flutter," it would be extraordinarily stupid to invest £500,000 m a system in the condition of the Gateshead undertaking,
Workshop Lorries for India.
The illustration which we publish at the bottom of this page depicts an interesting fleet of Leyland vehicles which left the Lancashire works of the company quite recently for delivery overseas to the Indian Mechanical Transport.
The machiues are all 3-tormers Meerporating 36 h.p. engines. They are bevel driven, and it will be noticed 'that the wheels and tyres, both front and rear, are of the same size. Each machine comprises a complete electrically driven workshop, which includes a Eni in, lathe with an all-geared headstock, a grinding machine, a large and a small drill, fitter's bench complete with tool vices, anvil and forge, and a complete kit of blacksmith's tools for the lathe. An electric fan, four electric hand lamps, and two three-cluster cargo lights are -also .among the equipnient.
The whole of the woodwork on the machines is of teak, and canvas side screens are fitted to the body when open, which protect the interior from dust and rain. The. driver's cab has been specially constructed, and possesses a double canvas hood, whilst a luggage rail is also a feature.
The lorries are finished in a light khaki colour, the lettering, " Armonted Car Company, • Tank Corps," standing out in bold relief in black.
Northern Bus Services.
Further progress in the task of linking up bus services in Durham was notified at. a meeting of the Easiegton Rural District Council, when the highways committee reported that the United Automobile Services, Ltd., had commenced services between Wingate and the Hartlepools and between Wingate and Black hall Colliery. On the question of the routes between Murton and &ahem Harbour, a letter had been received from the inspector of police with respect to overcrowding on this route. He was giving attention to the matter.
Permisaion so far as the couneirs roads were concerned, at the usual terms, was granted to Mr. John E. Hughes to run severalmotorbuses. between Murton and Ryhope.via Seaham Harbour.
Garaging. on Roadside Wastes.
Can fees be levied on vehicles garaged on roadside wastes? This question has been raised by the Durham County surveyor who reports having had an account for 21 14s. 6d. from the Sedgefield Parish Council in respect of fees for standage of a steam roller and two vans on waste spaces in the village, the charge being at the rate of 6d. per day per vehicle. The Parish Council states that the toll charges of fees for standage on any of the waste spaces in the village belong to the Ecclesiastical. Commissioners, who have leased them to the Parish Council. The County surveyor expresses the opinion that the standage ground in question ie within the limits of the highway, and has informed the Parish Council that as roadside waste it is vested in the County Council which has the power to use such waste for highway purposes.
Fares at Worthing.
The Licensing Committee of the liVorthirer Corporation tlaas had under consideration the question of recommending the council to amend the by-laws so as to allow an increased charge to be made for the hire of motor hackney car; riages within the borough. Information has been obtained from other seaside-towns which shows that the fares authorized to be charged by the Worthing by-laws are much below those in operation in neighbouring towns though the committee has received complaints of even higher fares being charged. Inquiries are being made as to the possibility of fittiag meters to the local taxi carriages if increased fares be allowed and the committee hopes to he in a position to report to the council upon the matter later or,.
The Highland Show."
Reports state that business at the Highland and Agricultural Show-, held at Stirling, though not so good as it might have been, was much better than at the Royal. Several firms were able to get some quite valuable orders from farmer& It is thought that trade would have been even better had it not been for the fact that manufacturers -find themselves saddled with machines that, were made at a very high cost, arid that consequently the reductions in price Were not quite what some people expected.• There was a good representative display of motors, tractors, and agricultural machinery. Among the tractors were the Case, Titan, International, Glasgow, SaMS-0/1, Sauralerson, Wallis, Peterbro, etc. 'there was a good &splay of tractors and tractor implements on the stand held by Messrs. James Gray and Co. Ransorne, Sims, and Jefferies had two
stands that were full of interest. Asimilar display was found on the stand of Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., and the old-established firm of NV. Foster and Co., Ltd., Lincoln.
Cast Aluminium Lamps for Lorries.
We have received from G. Davenport and Co. Ltd., of 99-105, Clerkeuwell Road, London, E.C., some particulars of the Inspees cast aluminium lamps. These lamps have only recently been put on the market, and the range comprises both electric and acetylene lamps from 4 in, side lamps up to large omnibus searchlights of 1% in. diameter and fitted with special swivel brackets for
suspending them from the canopy. The lamps are made from sand castings and are highly polished, and they appear to be designed with due regard to the hard service required in commercial vehicle work. In this respect the flush-fitting glasseta should reduce the risk of break age to a minimum. The fittings and hinges throughout are Of brass, and in the case of the smaller acetylene types the lamps can he fitted with Mangin lenses and reflectors The prices ea-mid appear to compare favourably with many other makes of lamps, the construction of which makes them less suitable forniommereial vehicle work.
In addition to the ordinary type lamps, the company manufacture special roof and rear lamps for omnibuses.
A Petrol Storage Protest.
In connection with a seheme of the Anglo-American Oil Co., for a, petrol service station at Fulham. Palace Road, the Fulham Borough Council reports on the undesirability of permitting the storage of considerable quantities of petrol in close proximity to houses in this populous district., and has communicated with the London County Council to the effect that it considers the storage of Retro." on the site is a menace to the safety of the inhabitants and property in the neighbourhood, and should not -be permitted.
Level Crossings.
The Lee-on-the-Solent Railway Co. have applied to the Light Railway Commissioners for an order to enable them to do away with the gates at level crossings, and to substitute cattle guards.
The Southampton County Council, having regard to its experience with other light railways, made representations as to the importance of securing a free view by the traffic on the road of approaching trains, arid 'on the other hand a free view by trains of the traffic on the road.
The Commissianers have held an inquiry, and decided to grant the application subject, however, to the retention of power by the Minister of Transport to require gates to be restored at any time he may consider it necessary for public safety, and also to the discretion of the railway company to restore them on'their own initiative if a change of circumstances in the fixture makes that course advisable.
The Commissioners will further impose certain restrictions as to the rate of speed upon the railway, and in particular as to a speed with-in 200 yards from a level crossing on a public road when without gates. In this connection, the railway company have given an undertaking that no tram shall move over any such level crossing at a rate exceeding five miles an hour, and the Commissioners have fixed this speed limit to the order.
Thornycrofts in Java
Thephotograph reproduced on this page shows one of a fleet of eight Thornycroft vehicles, supplied by the company, through their agents, between the years 1912-1914, for service on the tea and rubber plantations in Java. The lorries are fitted with special bodies, as illustrated. The machine shown in the picture, which is the company' a 30 h.p. type D model, has been in continuous service since 1915, operating over mountain roads a bad state of repair, and driven solely by natives. The fact that the vehicles are continuing to give satisfaction after between eight and ten years' arduous service is commendable testimony to the durability and quality of Thornyeroft productions. Many similar vehicles are in use overseas
A New Wheel Puller.
One of the neatest adjustable wheel pullers which we have examined is the Bradbury, marketed by Messrs. A. J. Dew and Co., 19-25, Endell Street, London, W.C.2. In this device there is a. special crossbeam carrying a chain at each side. At the end of each chain is a claw. Some of the chaiti link pins are extended at each. side of the link, so that they can be held in the grooves cut in the crossbeam. The flexibility of the chain arms enables obstructions to be cleared, which otherwise would render the puller ineffective. The retail price of the implement is £2 12s. 6d.; and it can be adjusted for any length of pull up to 12-ina.
Worcester Parade.
The second annual C.M.U.A. parade for Worcester ands District area, will take place at Pitcheroft, Worcester, on Monday, September 5th, at 2.30 p.m. The parade is open to members and nonmembers, and there are nine classes in all. The substantial cash prize in each class will be awarded to the drivers.
The last. date of entry is August 29th, and all communications should be sent to the secretary, Mr. John Howell, 12, The Foregate, Worcester.
An Ingenious Lamp.
We have recently had brought to our notice an ingenious ball-jointed lamp, designed and mannfactured by the Motor Lamp and Radiator Co., of 30, Oldbury Place High Street, Marylebone, London, W., which is intended for use on commercial. vehicles as a side lamp.
The average heavy-vehicle user has probably not considered the need for a swivelling •light, although there is little doubt that such a lamp is an invaluable asset on machines which are employed on night work. Now that the long winter days will seam be upon us, there cannot be Many drivers, especially those in charge of vehicles engaged on the long journeys, who would not find the usefulness of a spot light which can be directed on to street names, signposts, and the aidm of country roads, thus en.abling, the driver-to pick his way with
out risk of becoming ditched or meeting with some such untoward accident; the accessory can also be used as an inspection lamp.
The Motor Lamp and Radiator Co.'s accessory possesaes several novel features. As will be seen from the illustration published on this page, the lamp
body is mounted on an, expandable ball joint. The ball is split about its centre, and the expansion or contraction of the joint is controlled by an internal spring; which is tensioned or compressed by the movement, of a screw. The lamp can be fixed so that the light is thrown in any upward or downward direction, or it, can be directed straight ahead. The example we inspected was strongly constructed in brass to withstand the rigours of commercial service, and its workmanship was of high quality. The method of mounting the bulb is also an interesting feature of the lamp, for it enables this component .:to be readily withdrawn. The lamp sells at £2 10s. net (a generous discount is given to the trade); and at this price it should make special appeal to heavy-vehicle users.
Other constructional details of the lamp can be seen from our drawing.
Local Proceedings.
Macclesfield Corporation is spending £380 on the repair of its steam road roller.
Carlisle Town 'Council is to borrow £2,000 for thepurchase of a Karrier road-sweeping machine.
Malvern Urban District Council has been recommended to purchase a steam lorry at a cost of 21,200.
Bradford Guardians have arranged for the construction by "test " labour of an inclined concrete road to its garage.
The question is to be considered by the Northallerton Urban District Council as to the advisability of obtaining a motor fire-engine.
As a consequence of a gentleman's generosity, the Bradford Guardians are able to arrange char-a-bancs rides for the paupers. • • Burton-on-Trent Corporation Works committee has asked the borough surveyor to get prices and particulars of a new light motor lorry.
8130 is being contributed by Wiltshire County Council towards the cost of a motor ambulance for the Swindon and District Hospital Board.
Bolton Corporation Waterworks Committee has asked its chairman and vice. chairman to report on the need for a new motor wagon•for the department.
Sheffield Corporation has accepted the tender of the Steel Barrel Co., Ltd., to supply. and install a 1,000 gallon petrol storage tank at Lodge Moor Hospital, at a cost of £187 10s.
• An inquiry is to be held into an application made by Ashton-under-Lyne Town Council for sanction to borrow £1,900 for the purchase of two motor chassis and accessories.
Rotherham Corporation Watch Committee is considering • the purchase of a new motor ambulance, as the Chief Constable reports that, the present vehicle is in a dilapidated condition.
To deal with any further. outbreaks of ,fire at the council's dust shoot at Northalt, the Marylebone Highways surveyor has been empowered to purchase a small petrol-driven pump at a cost of about £56.
The Public Works and Tramways Committee of the county borough of Burton-on-Trent has (subject to the usual sanctions) authorized the borough surveyor to obtain prices and particulars of a new light motor lorry, a wornout motor be taken in part payment of the purchase price.
A.A. Patrol and Road Repairs.
Workmen engaged in tarring and repairing roads are occasionally apt to hurry through their task towards " knocking-off '' time, and to leave stretches of newly tarred roads insufficiently covered with sand or gritting material.
A.A. road patrols, in such circumstances, are sometimes able to ensure the safety of road users by borrowing a wheel-barrow and some sand and covering the neglected patches.