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"The wheels of wealth Will be slowed by all difficsaties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roseghness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
French Industrial Vehicle Trials.
The annual industrial vehicle trials which are held in connection with the French " Routes Payees" meeting, from September 17th to 25th, comprise a four dais' out-and-home run from Lille. The route taken will be via Pommies, Mezieres, Rheims, Beauvais, Soissons, Amiens and Arras, and from there back to Lille. Exhibitions of the vehicles will be held at Pommies, Mezieres, Saint-Illenehould, Rheims, Soissons, Beauvais, Arras and, of course, at Lille.
The Publicity value of the demonstration will thus be retained, but at the same time the organizers intend to make this year's event more of a genuine reliability trial than on fornker occasions. With this in View the regula• thins have been, stiffened. All vehicles will, as usual, carry full leads. Six categories are arranged, namely, vehicles carrying 500 kilos., 1,000 kilos., 1,500 kilos., 2,000 kilos., 3,000 kilos., 5,000 kilos., and above .5,000 kilos.
It would he of interest to see a few British commercial vehicles participating in the event this year. Full particulars may be obtained from the Commissaire General, M. Leon Manaud, 3, Cite Bergere, Paris.
A Bus with Removable Body Panels.
Thetramivay's • comfoittee ' of the Wallasey Corporation has just put into s:erviee a new Karrier 31-seater motorbuS 'of the JKL type. with bodywork to the design of Mr. H. H. Lincoln,: A.M.I.M.E. It is working on the Harrison Drive route conveying holidaymakers to the shore.. The main feature of the. bodywork is the reinovable'panels in' the near sides During the summer season this side. of the vehicle is open,
• enabling passenger's to ascend and
descend with': ireater -speed. The removal of four: -pariela-provides six exits and the kotorhuss-can be .unloaded in
about three-quarters of a minute. In summer the vehicle functions as a toastrack model, but for winter work the panels can he restored, thus providing complete protection. • The corporation has a fleet of 13 motorbuses, two Karrier 40-seater sixwheelers having been put on the road in July.
An Improved Valve Reseater.
We have recently received particulars of the Hall valve reseater, which is marketed by Mr. E. J. Smith, 3, Claverton Street, London, S.W.1. ThiS is a hand-operated tool 'of somewhat unusual design. With the object of improving on the solid type of cutter, which is obviously, more in its element When operated by power, the Hall tool is fitted with light, removable blades. These are strongly held in a special type of slotted housing, from which they only project 1-32 in., thus reducing all chance of breakage to a miniMum. The holder is made of gun-metal, so that there is no risk of the blades, which are held in position by a collar C20 with three screws, becoming rusted into their slots. The main shaft is fitted with brass screws for securing to the pilot, when necessary.
It is stated that very little pressure is needed to operate the tool effieiently, as the blades can be made keen enough to bite through any carbon deposit and into the metal with ease, and without any tendency to skate over the surface, thus, causing blunting.
A special feature of the cutter .is that, when a blade wears oat, it can he easily replaced by another An less than a minute. Eleven sizes of -blade housing and 25 sizes of pilot are stocked. The prices vary from 35s. .for a single tool to 130s. for a combination set. .
A Subsidy Scheme for the Irish Free State.
The suggestion has been put forward that the Irish Ministry of Defence should adopt a system of subsidizing mister lorrieS suitable for military purposes in the Irish•Pree State similar to that adopted by the British War. Department.
Bussing's Profits. •
-The II Bussing Automobilwerke Gesellschaft, of Brunswick, one . of the largest builders, of motor lorries and bases in Germany, reports a net ?refit of £14,130 for the last financials year,
as compared with £13,529 in 1925. .
A Large Fleet for Demonstrating Empire Goods.
One of the largest convoys of motor vehicles which has ever been used for such a purpose and which is to be devoted to the demonstrating of New Zealand products is stated to be commencing a 2,500mile tour through New Zealand early in September. The outfit will include both.' a cinema and a wireless transmitting plant, both of which will be used for propaganda purposes.
A New Glasgow Company. We learn that Glasgow and London Industrial Motors, Ltd., has taken over the premises lately occupied by Scottish Commercial Cars, Co., Ltd., and the Caledon Motor Co., Ltd., and is now installed at 98, Duke Street, Glasgow. Mr. W. L. Lithgow, who was a director of the above companies, is associated with the new company, which IS to undertake repairs and alterations to all makes and types of commercial vehicle. It would like to receive from manufacturers copies of their, latest catalogues dealing with the chassis they produce, as well as spare parts lists.
llidre "Restricted " Roads for Bus Traffic.
The Minister of Transport has just announced that he proposes to make an Order tinder Section 7 of the London Traffic Order, 1924, declaring a number of suburban thoroughfares in Edmonton, Paddington, Leytcnistone, Kensington, Epsom, Merton, 14lorden, Croydon, Enfield, Southall and certain other suburban areas as streets in which the plying for hire by omnibuses should be restricted either generally or during particular hours.
The Minister has referred the matter to the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee, which has to report upon it, and any person who desires to snake representations in connection with the proposed Order must do so to the Secretary, Ministry Of Transport, London Traffic Branch, 7, Whitehall Gardens, SAVA, not later than August 22nd.
• The object of the proposed Order is to prevent any further increase in ,the number of buses in use on the roads concerned, but it does not involve any reduction in existing services.
:Buying Thornycroft Fleets.
• Several users have recently placed 'orders for fleets of Thornycroft vehicles, and amongst those received during a recent period was one for five frontentrance buses on the makers' UB chassis from the Leopoldina Railway Co., Ltd.; another for five type Al 30-ewt boxvans from the Imperial Tobacco Co., Ltd.; and a third for four type A2 long bus chassis from the Bombay Electric Supply and Tramways Co., Ltd. In the same period the company also received on order for eight type A2 2-ton chassis
from its branch in Singapore, another for six chassis of the same type from its headquarters in Brazil, and a third for four.type d' • 4-ton chassis from Thornycroft. (India), Ltd. A. Hatriek and ,Co.,-Ltd., of Wanganui, is buying fens. typeAl 30-cwt. chassis and four type A2 2-ton chassis.
Modern Plant for Bus Washing.
The bus manager of the Eastbourne Corporation reports that be has attended a demonstration of vehicle washing carried out with the B.E.N. washing apparatus, and suggests that the installation of one of these outfits would lie a great improvement on the present method, being quiches, more efficient and economical in usc. The quotation submitted by BEN. Patents, Ltd., is £160. The chairman and general manager are to inspect the washing apparatus in use at Brighton and report their recommendations.
Electricars for Municipal Use.
Electriears, Ltd., Landor Street, Birmingham, has recently received au order from the municipal authorities at Acton to supply six 2iston electric • refusecollection vehicles. The company has just delivered a vehicle of this type to the Wallasey Corporation, this being a repeat order, • as well as three30-cwt. low-loading machines to the cleansing department of the Sheffield Corporation. Tyre Charges by Mileage.
At a meeting of the tramways committee of the Rotherham Corporation the tramways manager reported that he had been in communication with the Continental Rubber Co., the Michelin Tyre Co., the Dunlop Rubber Co., and the British Goodrich Tyre Co. regarding mileage rates for pneumatic tyres. The comnattee recommends that the following offer of the Michelin Tyre Co., be accepted for a period of 12 months:— .61d. per car-mile for 32-in. by 6-in. tyres ; .68d. per ear-mile for 36-in. by 6-in. tyres ; .83d. per car-mile for 38-in. by 7-in. tyres.
An Informative Book on Motor Boating.
Motor boating is a sport which is rapidly growing in popularity. This is especially so among motorists, many of whom are finding relaxation from the dusty and crowded roads on peaceful rivers and coastal stretches.
The marine cOmmittee of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Ltd., has recently published an interesting book dealing with this pastime in all its branches. Almost every possible detail concerning motor boating is discussed. Chapters on boat design, river law and club information are included, and those describing racing and navigation are particularly informative. Anyone who is a prospective motor boat owner should peruse a copy of this book, as it will provide him with all the information concerning running and navigating his boat that he will find necessary, whilst seasoned motor boatmen should glean further knowledge from it.
The book, which is neatly bound, is well printed and illustrated. It is entitled "Motoring Afloat," and can be obtained from our offices at 5-15, Rose bery Avenue, London, at the pried of 2s. 9d. per copy, post free.
Fine Record of a Commer Bus.
The success of the Commer commercial vehicle is reflected in reports which the company frequently receives from satisfied users in many parts of the country. . One which has lately come to hand gives details of the -work which Commer bus has done, and relates that the vehicle has run consiStently 1,000 miles weekly for two years over a difficult route without an involuntary stop.
Germany's Growing Export Trade.
An official return lately to band indicates that German manufacturersof motor lorries are steadily gaining ground in foreign markets. During the first five months of the present year 411 such vehicles, valued at £603,250,
were exported from Germany, as corn pared with 309 vehicles in the corresponding period of 1926. Russia is at present the principal market for German commercial motors, being credited -with 88 vehicles of the total, followed by Brazil with 49, Holland with 31, Spain with 23, Austria 18, Persia 16, and Hungary 14. During the same period 530 lorries., valued at £261,100, were imported into Germany, as against 442 in a similar period a year ago, the vehicles being chiefly of American make: Where the Tractor lorry-Scores.
The illustrations which are reproduced on this page will serve clearly to emphasize a problem with which many users have undoubtedly been faced. They show, in a particularly striking manner how an ordinary four-wheeled vehicle carrying a body with an extensive overhang can be converted into a satisfactory type of tractor-lorry.
The particular conversion to which these pictures apply was carried out by using the body on the four-wheeled chassis, but it was found possible to increase it atthe front end by about 4 ft., thus not only eliminating certain difficulties attendant upon the use of an extensive overhang, but providing considerably increased loading space.
The semi-trailer attachment which is used is a Carritnore, manufacturer by Carrimore Six Wheelers, Ltd.' Carrimore Works, North Fincbley, London, N.12, and the chassis of the primemover is a Morris-Commercial.
One-way Traffic in Wigan.
Wigan Corporation has instituted a system of one-way traffic in King Street, and all vehicles using this thoroughfare after August 19th will be required to proceed in a northerly direction, i.e., from Darlington Street towards Wallgtite. No traffic will be allowed to pass into King Street from the Waligate end.
More Meat by Motors.
The annual report of the markets committee of the Manchester Corporation states that the quantity of imported meat delivered at the wholesale meat market by motor vehicles is still increasing, and, in addition, deliveries are marle by the railway companies. During the year ended March 31st last the amount of meat conveyed by motor `vehicle was 14,396 tong, as against 7,567 tons by the railway, these figures comparing with 11,409 tons and 8,476 tons in the previous year.
Producer-gas for French Buses.
Hitherto the adoption of producergas plants on motor vehicles in France has been mainly in cimneetion 'with lorries. Recently, however, a commencement has been made with their use on public-service vehicles. We learn
that the Societe Generale des Chemins de Fer Economiques has lately put a motorbus driven on producer-gas in service between Vigneulles and St. Mihiel, The SocietO Generale de Transports Departments.= has also for some time been running between Blois and Ouzouer a 25-seater bus the engine of which is run on gas produced on the vehicle. The bus makes two round trips per day, the total distance covered being about 133 miles. This company has also recently put in service a similarly equipped.light 10-seater bus in the Lone-le-Saulnier district.
Linking-up mining Areas.
An important long-distance bus seevice was commenced on August 5th by 'Western Valleys Omnibus Services,' Lewis and James, Ltd., Newbridge Ofon.), to connect the mining areas of Monmouthshire with Cardiff. The buses run between Blackwood and Cardiff, through 2sTewbridge. Cross Keys and Rogerstone, and cater for a huge Monmouthshire population. Blackwall Tunnel Closed: The Minister of Transport announces that as from August 8th Blackwell Tunnel is to be closed to vehicular traffic until September 3rd, and, accordingly, traffic which normally uses it will hays to proceed via Tower Bridge, Rotherhithe Tunnel or Woolwich Ferry. It has been necessary to close the tunnel so that a large area of the carriageway can be resurfaced. It was not found possible to carry out the resurfacing in half-widths for the reason that the tunnel is only just sufficiently wide to carry one line of traffic
in each ditection. The work will be carried on continuously until completed.
Kettering's Meat Vans.
The Kettering Co-operative Society has 13 butcher's shops, which during the last half-year did a trade of £27,474, an average of £2,113 per shop. The society has also two motorvans equipped as shops, from :which the sales of meat were £2,068 and £2,001--practically the same as for the ordinary' shops. Motor vehicles used by the society in its business have cost £7,695 and have been depreciated to a value of £2,582.
Refuse-collection Costs at • Sunderland.
Sunderland Corporation, which just ever a year) ago replaced its horsedtransport facilities for refuse collection by a small fleet of S.D. Freighters, has amply justified its action by the figures which are contained in the recently issued annual report of the cleansing superintendent (Mr. T. Marshall). The total cleansing bill for the year ended March 31st last amounted to £42,864, representing a saving, as compared with the previous year, of £881, despite the fact that a larger amount of work was undertaken. The department collected and disposed of 60,641 tons of house refuse in all, or 5,000 tons more than in 1925-26, and in this work the motors are stated to have given-every satisfaction. The average cost per ton
collected was reduced during the year— the first in which motors have been employed—from '7s. 4.56d to 6s. 3:6d. During the( year the corporation's electric water tank used 1,368,000 gallons of water, the cost of street watering averaging 4s. 11d. per 1,000 gallons.
A Dennis Model Demonstrated. Thirsk Rural District Council has recently had a demonstration of the 45 h.p. Dennis motor fire-engine with a capacity of 350-400 gallons per minute..
General Motors ,in Canada.
The erection of two additional plants announced by General Motors, of Canada, Ltd., brings the total building programme of the company for the current year to a value of nearly 2,000,000 dollars. This scheme is in connection with 'its Oshawa (Ontario) plant. Cooling Disc Clutches.
With the exceptionally powerful engines and heavy loads encountered in the Safeway six-wheeled buses used extensively in the U.S.A., it was found that ,a great amount of trouble was ex-.
perieuced with burning-out of the clutca discs, and to avoid this a means for cooling the clutch by air has been devised.
The rotating flywheel is carried in a housing, and air is adteitted through a. titer, which replaces' the usual inspection plate in the upper, part of the housing. After being carried around tee clutch drum the air is discharged through an opening at the top of the housing, a scoop being formed at this point to assist in the escape of the air. It is claimed that this small alteration has caused a reduction of 80 per cent. in eases of burning-out.
Busy Building Bus Bodies".
Mr. A. J. W. Laslett, commercial manager of Davidson (Trafford Park), Ltd., Manchester, informs us that Mr. Harry Corber has been appointed works manager to the company, and Major J. Fitzgerald Jones, M.C., municipal sales manager.
Amongst orders which the company has in hand at the present time can be mentioned those for ten bus bodies for the Lancashire United Transport and Power Co., Ltd. ; six each for Karrier Motors, Ltd., the Manchester Corporation and the Yorkshire (West Riding) Electric Tramways Co., Ltd.; and four for the Midland General Omnibus Co., Ltd., in addition to contracts which the company has with Morris-Commercial Cars, Ltd.
Progress of the 30-cwt. Bean.
Since the introduction of the 30-cwt. Bean commercial vehicle, which was described at length in our issue dated June 21st last, many orders have been received not only from users in this country but from overseas. As indicating the world-wide interest which this vehicle is now evoking, it can be mentioned that Bean Cars, Ltd., Tipton, mar Birmingham, has in hand orders from Spain, Egypt, South Africa, Gold Coast, Nyasaland, Malay States, Dutch East Indies Ceylon, China, Australia, New Zealand and the Argentine. A Fuel Economy Trial.
• In connection with the French
Routes -Payees meeting, which takes place in September, it may be noted that industrial vehicles of. not over 5 tons capacity are eligible for the " Criterium deS Carburants Econorniques." This event is a novelty. It is a fuel economy trial to be held on the famous Pont-a-Mareq circuit, which is the scene of the car and motorcycle races.
Not more than 50 per cent. .a petrol may be mixed with any of the fuels employed on the participating vehicles, -and the trial will be held under very strict supervision. Tanks Will be filled and sealed by competent officials and, as the circuit is closed and guarded, unauthorized replenishment of the' tanks during the trial will -be rendered impossible. In view of the reellY excellent organization which •has' been a feature • of previous Routes Payees
meetings, we can predict, without hesitation, that the regulations will be rigidly enforced.
The trial comprises a 4-hour run over some of the most abominable pave to be found in the north of Prance.
Parking at Ripon.
A special committee of the Ripon Corporation has discussed the question of the utilization of the parking ground, and after various suggestions were submitted the following decisions were. arrived at :—
(1) That (with the exception of Thursdays) all vehicles (other than passenger vehicles) be diverted to the parking ground.
(2) That (with the exception of Thursdays) private cars be allowed to park in the market place for one hour free of charge.
(3) That motor coaches he allowed to stand in the market place as hitherto.
(Ii) That notices be placed round the market place as follow :— "No car may be parked here for more than one hour. Public parking ground —Queen Street oppdsite."
The question of erecting garages on the parking ground was discussed, and, although the scheme was agreed to in principle by the committee, it was decided not to embark at present on any further capital expenditure.
Entries for the Brtissels Show, British motorbus and lorry manuf seturera who inay • he contemplating the eXhibition of their vehicles at the nekt Belgian Motor Show, which is to be held in Brussela from December 3rd to 14th next, May he reminded that the last date for the receipt' of applications for space is August 31st.
Manchester to Burnley by Express
A new express bus service has been put into operation between Manchester and Butnley, and 26-Seater vehicles of a particularly comfortable type are being used The fare for the journey is 2s. 6d: single or 4s. 6d. return, and on the score of reduced charges alone as compared with ,the railway, on which the rates are 3s. 5d. single -and 6s. 10d. return, the new service should make a strong appeal to the public. The rail journey is about 28 miles long and normally takes about 1 hrs. to complete.
Leeds Grant Licences. .
Leeds Watch Committee has granted licences to the Harrogate and District Road Car Co., Ltd., and Blythe and Berwick, Ltd., for motorbuses to run within the city in connection with proposed services between Shipley and
Leeds and Keighley and Leeds.
More Buses for Halifax.
Halifax Town Council has approved a recommendation of its tramways committee for the purchase of six bus chassis at a cost of £1,290 each, and the carPoration is to seek powers to borrow money for the purpose.
Lakeland Passenger Services.
Some of the most important bus companies throughout the country now run a series of coach tours during the season, in addition to their regularservice activities. One of these enterprising concerns is the Lancashire and Westmorland Motor Services, Ltd., the headquarters of which are at Lancaster, which has sent us a copy of an interesting and well-illustrated booklet describing its motor tours in Lakeland districts. Out of the 42 different tours run by the company from Bowness-onWindermere, Ambleside and Morecambe, 24 are through the Lake District. Brief details of each run are given in the guide, as well'as the itinerary which is followed in each case. Certain special tours are also run, whilst the company's buses link up many Lakeland centres.
It is interesting to learn that the company operates an hourly through
service between Lancaster and 'lowness and Windermere, a two-hourly through service froth " Morecambe to Keswick and a half-hourly service from. Windermere to Keswick; so that an intending passenger can board one of its 'buses at Preston and go through to Keswick, a distance of about 75 miles, with only one change, this being made at Lancaster.
At Preston the Lancashire and Westmorland services run in, conjunction with those 'of Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., so that it is now possible on any day to reach the heart of the Lake District from East Lancashire by changing at Preston and Lancaster. These services are operated with Leyland Lion 30-seater saloon buses.
India's Imports.
A return lately to band shows that 672 motor lorries were imported into India during May last, as compared -with 710 vehicles in the corresponding month of 1926. S.D. Freighters for Poland. It is always interesting to learn that British makers are achieving suc eesses in overseas .markets. In this connection, a few days ago Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd.. Letchworth, Herts, despatched 10 S.D. Freighter chassis to Poland, where they will be employed by the Municipality of Poznan. Upon arrival, flat platform bodies will be built on them, and they will be used for refuse collection on the Continental system, in which the bins are stacked upon the vehicle, clean bins being left in .place of those taken away for emptying.
Municipal orders in Britain continue
to be received by the company, anti many of the authorities are being careful to place their orders before going into recess until the end of September.
Advertisements on Licences.
Some time ago the London County Council decided to take no action on a suggestion as to the insertion of advertisements in motor-vehicle driving licences issued by the council. In consequence of a letter from the Ministry of Transport stating that no objection would be offered to such action being taken, the council has again considered the matter. In view, however, of the fact that the draft Road Traffic Bill deals, amongst other things, with the licensing of motor drivers, the council has decided to adjourn sine die the consideration.of the question.
Breaking New Ground.
Llandudno Council has decided to rescind a resolution passed on December 17th last .relative to the establishment of limited services by passenger vehicles in the town on Sundays_ The effect of this decision is to open up the possibility of Sunday motorbuses in the district. The by-laws committee is to meet at an early date to consider the applications for Sunday running, which includes one from the Great Orme Tramways Co., and its recommendations will be brought before a special meeting of the council.
More Buses for Lincoln.
At a meeting of the Lincoln City Council held a f6w days ago, the proposal to abandon'. the municipal tramways in the city and to substitute therefor motorbus services Was confirmed. It was mentioned that during the past seven years there had been an average annual loss on the operation of the tramcars of £350. The track is now in a state when it needs reconstructing-, and this work would involve an approximate expenditure of £30,000. It was stated that the better policy would be to provide a complete and continuous
bus service throughout the city by securing 10 or 12 additional vehicles at a cost of about £15,000, the repayment being spread over a period of six years. • At the time our analysis of municipal bus services was prepared in May last the Lincoln authorities had 19 Dennis 32-seaters and two Guy 20seaters, and it is evident that the authorities are inteqt on providing further passenger transport facilities by vehicles of this type.
"National" Services at Watford.
At a meeting of the Watford Watch Committee, the town clerk submitted a letter from the National Omnibus and Transport Co., Ltd., accepting the licences for its motorbuses upon the conditions set out by the corporation, fhovided they be amended to allow letting out for private-hire work when not required for the maintenance of the schedules deposited with the corporation. The committee reports that it has no objection to the company's buses being let out on bona-fide private-hire work provided they are marked " private " on the front and rear and that all schedules are properly maintained.
Lorries for the Spanish Government.
The Hispano-Sniza Co., of Barcelona, the largest motor-manufacturing concern in Spain, has recently received an order for 100 motor lorries for employment by the Spanish Ministry of Public Works.
Loads on Cheshire Bridges.
Cheshire County Council has had Cos . respondence with N. E. Box, Ltd., as to
-an injunction obtained by the Cheshire Lines Committee restraining the company from driving heavy motor vehicles or trailers over the bridge at Hartford Station, on the Chester-Northsvich main road, and with the Crosville Motor Co., Ltd., as to notices served upon it by the committee to prevent the use of the railway bridge at Helsby by motorbuses. The county council asked the surveyor to interview the Ministry of Transport on the question of liability for the reconstruction of these railway bridges to carry -thti standard load fixed by the Ministry.
Road Costs in Urban Districts.
At a meeting of the ChCihire County Council a letter was received from Northwich Urban District Council concerning the inereased cost of °repairing Whalley Road, Brockhurst Street and Ilayhurat Street, alleged to be due to the diversion of traffic, consequent upon the closing of NorthWielt Town Bridge, and asking the county council to contribute towards the expenditure involved. It was decided that without prejudice, and as a special ease, a contribution of f/35 be made to the district council towards the estimated outlay of £687 for the year 1927-28.
Another Welsh Council to RaiBuses.
The Gellygaer Urban District Council has decided to establish a municipal bus service. The council has instructed a committee to negotiate with the proprietors of existing services for garage accommodation for the municipal buses and to see if it is possible to obtain four of the necessary vehicles from proprietors in the area, and thus lessen the opposition to be encountered.
There is some opposition to the idea on the ground that the time is inopportune, but the council holds the view that if the scheme be deferred the expansion of existing private services will render the inauguration of a municipal service at a later date a precarious undertaking.
Dresden's Municipal Buses.
In addition to the tramways, the municipal authorities of Dresden are now operating, by means of a fleet of 55 vehicles, five motorbus services over a distance of about 24 miles. During the past year the buses carried a total of 5,717,778 passengers, equal to 5.79 per mile run.