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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Independent Docks for the Fish Trade
We are informed that a scheme is being prepared for building fish docks at Hull, these to be independent of the railways. It is intended that the fish should be frozen into blocks of ice on board the trawlers, and then carried by road in insulated vans, with the object of delivering it in the northern provin
cial towns. Arrangements are being made with fried-fish-and-chips shops in the London area and elsewhere to deliver to them by the next day any fish at the docks not sold by the evening of its day of arrival. Should the scheme mature, the basis of the fleet of roadtransport vehicles to be employed will be six six-wheelers.
The 100-tonner to have a Gardner Engine.
An important order for Gardner LWtype six-cylindered engines has been arranged between M.R.S., Ltd., and Mr. W. H. Goddard, A.M.I.Mech.E. Twenty-six of these oil engines will be fitted, at the rate of two per week, commencing on August 24th, to the Scammell lorries forming part of the fleet owned by the concern in question, these including one for the remarkable 100-tanner which has already performed so many outstanding tasks. If, as is expected, these engines are found to be completely satisfactory, a further order will be placed to equip the remainder of the large fleet owned by M.R.S., Ltd.
The conversion of the first 26 is being nu& rtaken by the Pelican Engineering Co.; of Leeds, whilst orders have also been placed with the Michelin Tyre Co. for the changing over to pneumatic tyres of those Scammell six-wheelers which are not yet equipped in this manner, and this work will be completed within the next month.
By these revolutionary changes the M.R.S. fleet will be thoroughly modernized, and it is estimated that the saving in operating cost resulting therefrom will be considerable.
A New Double-decker.
An entirely new double-saloon bus, designed both as a four-wheeler and as a six-wheeler, is being produced by a well-known concern which, up to now has not constructed passenger vehicles larger than 32-seaters. It is at present in the experimental stage' and will be exhibited for the first time at the Scottish Show. •
• Oil from Coal in SA,
Widespread interest has been aroused in the Transvaal, South Africa, by a report that the British Burmah Petroleum Co. has secured large coal areas in Eastern Transvaal for the purpose of extracting oil from coal. It is understood that no decision in the matter has yet been reached. Municipal Motors Required in Egypt.
The commercial secretary to the Residency, Egypt, has forwarded a specification to the Department of Overseas Trade regarding a call for tenders by the Ministry of Public Works, Tanzim Department, for the supply of 24) motor vehicles, comprising eight sprinkler and flushing machines, six refuse collectors, three tractors, two sweepers and a gully cleanser. Tenders have to be addressed to the Director-General, Tanzim Department, Ministry of Public Works, Cairo, and must be received not later than noon on October let next.
The specification is available on loan, in order of application, by the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, SAVA. In the case of this tender, local representation is essential, and the Department is prepared to furnish those concerns in a position to supply British products, with the names of United Kingdom merchant houses having Egyptian connections.
Roads Surfaced with Powdered Rubber.
Noiseless and non-skid roads surfaced With powdered rubber sunixed with asphalt are foreseen by experts in Amsterdam, as a result of tests carried out with the new preparation. The method of producing rubber in powdered form is the invention of a Dutchman.
It is claimed that any road prepared with the new material will be able to carry traffic within an thour of the application of the surfacing and, although details are being kept secret, it is stated that the working methods are extremely simple.; Two Railways to Pool Receipts from Competitive Traffic.
The Minister of Transport, in pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by section 19 of the Railways Act, 1921, and after receiving the report of a committee, has given4,his consent to the heads of agreement between the London Midland and Scottish Railway.Co. and the London and North Eastern Railway Co. for the pooling of receipts derived from passenger, xmerchandizo and other traffic conveyed by rail, in respect of which there is competition between the two companies.
Another Fish Cartoon.
As a result of seeing our cartoon concerning the restrictions on the road' transport of fish from certain railway docks, Mr. W. A. Smith, of Transport Development, Ltd., ,Gaywood House, Wood Street, London, S.W.1, has sent us another cartoon on this subject which he has had prepared for Fred Cook (Transport), Ltd., and we reproduce this on a smaller scale. The cartoon will be thrown on the screen at the Victoria Palace, London, and at kinemas
Birmingham, Hull, etc.
'Pt:Import Development, Ltd., is carrying out quite a lot of work in connection with publicity for road transport.
A New Transport System for Undeveloped Country.
An interesting transport system, known as the Guide-rail Road, has been protected by Mr. C. Skelton, of Almatti, India. It is intended as a lowpriced form of transport in districts away from the main railways and where it would be expensive to build ordinary roads capable of carrying heavy transport. The transport media may be looked upon not. as. road vehicles designed for rail use, but as rail vehicles designed for road' use.
Only a narrow roadway is required, that suggested having a width of 3 ft., but this must have a sound foundation and a thickness of roadstone above, In the centre of this track is secured a single rail which does not take any of the load, but merely serves to guide the vrhiele so that it accurately follows the narrow path.
The vehicles closely resemble those for the rail, but the wheels are not flanged and the bogies that carry them are provided at each end with vertical spindles carrying roller bearings and arranged in pairs, so that they can run freely with the guide rail between them. The guide rail can, of course, be of any suitable material, even wood.
Novel Trolley-buses in Germany.
The second trolley-bus service in Germany has' recently been put into operation between 'defend Tiefen stein, near Oberstein an Nahe, a distance of about 21 miles, 22 journeys per day being made each way b y t w o six-wheeled single-deck vehicles, constructed by the Waggonfabrik Gesellschaft, of Uerdingen-am-Rhine.
A feature of the vehielea is that no chassis of the ordinary type is employed, the mechanical and' electrical parts of the equipment being supported on the steel bodywork. Another feature is that each pair of the rear side wheels is driven by a separate electric motor, thus obviating the 1.1S2 of differential gear.
German users .appear to have a partiality for steel. bodies.
Hepolite Single-cast Piston Rings.
Hepworth and Grandage, Ltd., St. John's Works, East Bowling, Bradford, claims interesting advantages for its recently introduced method of casting piston rings separately, instead of cutting them from "pots." Because each ring is a separate casting, the crystals stand at right angles to the four surfaces, and the objection of -lack of uniformity between one end of the " pot" and the other is, of course, obvia ted.
By means of crucible melting the company is able to minimize the sulphur content, making it almost negligible, and closely to control the total carbon, manganese and phosphorous proportions. Tensile strength of over 20 tons per' sq. in. is said to be regularly obtained, the Rockwell hardness lying between 99 and 101. The process of manufacture permits of production in minimum quantities of about 1,000 rings.
Tolls on Goods Traffic.
At a meeting of the ferries committee of Wallasey Corporation the town clerk reported further upon the negotiations with the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board with reference to the tolls payable by the corporation on goods traffic. Under the agreement dated May 2nd, 1924, the corporation agreed to pay 163. per cent. per annum of the
The latest-tyPe Bedford cattle carrier on the farm at Stoke Climsiand, of HAUL the Prince of Wales. Alongside the vehicle is a champion heifer from the Prince's famous herd of Devon cattle ; this animal won a first prize at this year's Bath and West Show.
f,41,0:3,7, annual receipts subject to a maximum payment of £4,000. This agreement was terminated by the Board on January let, 1932, but it was subsequently arranged that the agreement should be continued in force mail July 1st last, subject to the maximum payment being reduced from £2,000 to £1,750. The marine committee of the Board is now prepared to continue the agreement on an annual basis subject to the maximum payment being £3,500 and to the agreement being terminable by six months' notice on either side. The terms were approved.
A New Trolley-bus Motor.
At Rotherham, an experiment is to be carried out with a new design of motor for use in trolley-buses, which is claimed to reduce the consumption of electrical energy. The cost of the conversion is £136,,
American Exports Drop Over £9,000,000 in Three Years.
Marked depression continues to be the prevailing feature of the overseas demand for American commercial vehicles. During the five months ended May last, the United States exported 10,882 vans, lorries, buses and chassis, valued at *£1,016,670, as compared with 24,675 (£2,627,2410) a year ago, and 85,912 (i10,200,950) in the corresponding five months of 1929.
Thus, in three years, there has been a drop in the number of vehicles exported of 75,030 and, in value, of £9,184,280. The bulk of the exported vehicles .continues to be of the 20-30cwt. class, whilst the principal markets, in the order of their importance, are Japan,. Belgium, the Philippine Islands, India, China, Great Britain and Canada.
Continued Decline in Railway Traffic.
Statistics have recently been issued by the Ministry of Transport dealing with railway traffic for the calendar month of May and for the four weeks ended May 21st. The total number of Passenger journeys (excluding those taken by season-ticket holders) taken On all standard-gauge railways in Great Britain in the month was 93,992,331, a decrease of 6.2 per cent. compared with the figure for May, 1931. The journeys. taken at standard or ordinary fares decreased by 3,030,065. The receipts from passengers (excluding season-ticket holders) showed a decrease of £03,271.
For the four weeks ended May 21st, 1932, the coaching train-miles showed an increase of 152,703, or .7 per cent., .ccmpared with the corresponding figure for last year. The total tonnage of freight conveyed (excluding free-hauled traffic) was 18,642,113, a decrease of 2.236,487 tons on last year's corresponding figure. The freight-train receipts =taunted to £6,038,823, which is lower by 12.9 per cent. than last year's figure. The average train load decreased from 1241 tons to 1181 tons.
Petitioning for Freeing a Toll Bridge.
Some time ago the inhabitants of Woodhall Spa (Lincolnshire), following the decision of Lindsey and Kesteven County Coancils to defer the freeing of Kirkstead Toll Bridge, on the gound of economy, promoted a petition. requesting them to reconsider their decision. This petition was extensively signed and was forwarded to the two county councils and the Ministry of Transport.
Captain C. C. Allport, of Woodhall Spa, who was one of the promoters of the petition, has now been informed that Lindsey and Kesteven Councils have "reopened the matter of the freeing of Kirk-stead Toll Bridge."
Personal Pars.
The Minister of • Transport and the Secretary for Mines have jointly appointed Mr. P. R. Le Mare as a member of the Standing Committee on Mineral Transport, in place of Mr. G. Rose, who has resigned on account of ill-health.
Cruises by liner appear to have become very popular this year, quite a number of notable people in the trade having adepted this form of holiday. The latest to do so is Mr. W. A. Smith, managing director of Transport Development, Ltd., who will be away for three weeks on the P. and O. liner ." Strathaird " on a cruise in the Mediterranean. He will be accompanied by Mr. F. S. Cook, managing director of Fred Cook (Transport), Ltd.
The following changes in the constitution of the boards of Humber, Ltd., and its associated companies, Commer Cars, Ltd., and the Hillman Motor Car Co., Ltd., are announced :—Mr. W. E. Rootes has been elected as a director and deputy-chairman of each of the three companies, and Mr. R. C. Rootes has been appointed managing director of each company. Lt.-Col. J. A. Cole, J.P., continues to be chairman of the companies, and Mr. T. B. Keep as director ant! general manager of Commer Cars, Ltd.
Commercial Vehicle Entries for Eastbourne Concoprs d'El4gance.
Entrie_s for the third annual Concours d'El4gance at Eastbourne, which takes place on Wednesday, September 7th, will, close on Monday, August 22nd. Application forms can be obtained from the organizing secretary, 49a, Terminus Road, Eastbourne.
There are three classes open to commercial vehicles, viz., delivery vans, lorries and closed coaches, the entry for each class being 10s. 6d. Prizes will be awarded to the smartest and best kept.
Road Transport to Save Harrogate '£1,300 a Year.
At a recent meeting of Harrogate Town Council an interesting discussion took place on a minute of the electricity committee recommending the acceptance of a tender for the present year's supply of coal and coke to be brought by road instead of by rail.
The 13,000 tons of coal and coke required annually for the electricity department has hitherto been transported by rail,but it is said that the corporation would effect a saving of £1,300 a year (15 per cent, of its annual expenditure for coal and coke) by the use of road motors.
A member pointed out that, although the corporation would effect a saving, other interests would suffer, including a local haulage contractor, who would lose about £600 a year, whilst the local railway service would suffer a loss of £400. He also thought it unlikely that the vehicles would observe a prescribed route after the first month or so.
Another member, who thought that heavy vehicles carrying coal and coke to the town would be detrimental to it as a spa and a residential town, emphasized the fact that the railway company was a big ratepayer.
The chairman of the electricity committee asked whether the members arguing along these lines suggested that 822 the council should su,bsidize a railway company out of the pockets of the ratepayers.
On a division, the minute was carried by 16 votes to 9.
The Toll-bridge Situation in Brecon-.
Brecon County Council, in some cases in conjunction with Radnor County Council, proposes to acquire some of the toll bridges in the county.
The need for such steps to be taken was emphasized by a case before the 13redwardine justices, when the owners and trustees of the Whitney-on-Wye toll bridge, which was built before 1800, summoned a Sheffield coach driver for disregard of the notice board at the bridge entrance, which prohibits the use of the bridge by vehicles weighing five tons and over, by driving an empty coach over it.
The magistrates asked how was the driver to know, when passing through Hay, that he could not proceed when he reached Whitney? The driver had not wilfully offended.
A fine of 1s. was imposed, with no order as to costs.
Forthcoming R.H.A. Meetings.
Meetings of the area committees of the Road Haulage Association are announced as follow :—West Midland, August 26th, at the White Horse Hotel, Birmingham ; Northern. September 16th and October 14th, at Newcastle.
A New Maker of Fittings for Drivers' Cabs.
Early in June last Capt. Percy Lane, who is well known in the motor trade, decided to start in business for himself as a manufacturer of windscreens, sun vizors, window louvres and similar fittings, including much of the equipment required for the drivers' cabs on coaches and buses. On June 22nd his company, Percy Lane, Ltd., was registered, and on July 1st he took possession of a new factory, and within six weeks production was in full swing.
While all this was going on, manufacturers were approached, and Percy Lane, Ltd., is, we understand, now in the happy position of holding contracts for some 90 per cent, of its output for the next 12 months
Russian Trial of Oil Engines As announced in our news columns some weeks ago, Arcos, Ltd., is inviting entries of compression-ignition oil engines for an international competition of such units for vehicles and tractors.
The engines must be fitted to chassis of vehicles and tractors made in the Soviet Union, but oil engines in other chassis may take part by special permission of the Technical Commission. Such permission will be given, subject to the testing of the units on Soviet chassis. At least two engines of each make must be represented.
Pull details regarding entry are given in our advertisement pages. Application must be made not later than August 25th, so that the matter is urgent.
A New Heat-resisting Paint for Exhaust Manifolds. A new heat-resisting paint, which is claimed to be a rust preventive and actually improved by intermittent heat
iug and cooling, is being produced by Nobel Chemical Finishes, Ltd., Slough, Bucks, which concern is associated with Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd.
The new paint is particularly suitable for dealing with engine parts, and when the exhaust system is treated it will not burn off. " Kemick," the name by which the paint is known, has a liquid and volatile content which serves to spread the material evenly on the surface and hold the pigment in place before heating. When applied it is black, but when heated it bubbles slightly and liberates a fine white powder, which, mixed with the black pigment, gives the surface of dark grey colour. It is said to be equally satisfactory when applied to steel„ iron, zinc, copper, brass, tin or aluminium. .‘• quarter-pint tin sells for 1s. 6d.
A Salary and Commission Salesman Required.
A London concern specializing in the production of number plates requires a first-class salesman who is personally known to important members of the motor industry. Salary and commission will be paid, but no one without the highest credentials and selling ability need apply. Applications should be addressed to "Salesman," care of the Editor.
Accessories, etc., Required by a Merchant in India.
S. M. Ishaq and Co., general merchant and manufacturers' representatice, Sadarbazar, Delhi, India, desires to be put in. touch with reliable shippers and manufacturers who can make exclusive arrangements to quote competitive prices for such products as accessories, batteries, body-finishing materials, chamois skins, gaskets, compressor gauges, jacks, genuine factory replacement parts, pistons, rings and gudgeon pins, cotter pins, small tools, etc.
Inquiries in connection with references should be made of the National Bank of India, Ltd., and the Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd., London. We understand that the company has a buying agent in this country, but his address is not given in the communication to us.
Activities of Diesel Engine Users Association.
The provisional programme for 19321933 of the Diesel Engine Users Association contains some interesting papers, including one by Mr. W. A. Tookey,
M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., on "Rated Output of Diesel Engines " ; this will be read on November 16th. The committee's report on heavy-oilengine working costs (1931-1982) will he considered at a meeting on December 13th.. On March 7th, 1933, a joint meeting of several societies, arranged by the histittition of Automobile Engineers, will be held, at which Mr. H. Ricardo will read a paper.
French Campaign in Favour of Eleetrics.
M. Charles Baron, a French politician, hes started a campaign in the French chamber in favour of electric vehicles. This type of vehicle has not yet been developed in France, to anything like the extent that it has in England, Germany or the United States, although electric power is cheap throughout the country.
' M. Baron proposes a 50 per cent. reduction in all taxes on electric vehicles and general State encouragement of their use, in the interests of national economy, as petrol and oil fuels have to be imported.
At the moment, the electric vehicle is almost non-existent in France, but the few transport enterprises employing this type of machine appear to be quite satisfied with them. The refusecollection service in the city of Lyon has employed electric vehicles since 1925 and is, at the moment, increasing the size of its fleet.
Two Experienced Men Available.
We know of a draughtsman, aged 37, who has had experience with many wellknown concerns in the industry, including Walker Bros., Dormans, the L.G.O.C., Dennis Bros., and others, in addition to serving with the R.N.V.B. Letters addressed to "Draughtsman," care of the Editor, will be forwarded.
The second man has had extensive service, maintenance and sales experience. He was with Commers at Luton from 1907 to 1914 engaged on chassis testing and, later, on inspection work and demonstrations to English and foreign users, and the general supervision of agents' repair depots and spare
part stocks. He was also concerned with the development of paraffin vaporizers. Following the war, he became works manager and engineer to Commercial Car Hirers, Ltd., then engineer and manager to Coventons Engineering Co., and, later, sales engineer with Commers. From 1930 until a short time ago he was a service and sales representative to Bristols. Letters addressed "Sales and Service," care of the Editor, will be forwarded.
A Fire-engine Required in Johannes burg.
Johannesburgi Municipal Council is inviting tenders for the supply of a chemical fire-engine required for the Germieton aerodrome. Tender forms, etc., can be obtained on application. from E. W. Carling end Co., Ltd., St. Dunstan's Buildings, St. Dunstan's Hill, London, E.C.3. Tenders close in Johannesburg on September 8th, so that British tenders must be in by the middle of August.
Bradford Impressed by the Oil-engined Bus.
The tramways committee of Bradford Corporation has been impressed by the successful working of a heavy-oilengined bus which has recently been tried out in the city, and it is said that the council may place an order for certain vehicles frf this type. A similar bus is to be kept on trial in the city for . an experimental period. An Amlulance Brigade's Growing Motor Activities.
According to the annual report of Major-General Sir John Duncan, the Chief Commissioner of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, there was a great increase in the motor-ambulance side of the brigade's activities during 1931. During the past year 216 motor ambulances were operated, and the vehicles carried 80,586 patients to and from hospitals or nursing homes.
In his references to road-accident service, the Chief Commissioner mentions that from Easter to September, 688 first-aid posts were in existence throughout England and Wales, the comparable figure for the year 1930 being 550. Statistics show that 11,859 road accidents were dealt with by the personnel, as against 6,082 in 1930. It is pointed out in the report that this activity must grow in importance, and the Chief Commissioner imegesses on all Commissioners the necessity of extending this service where possible.
Magnesium Alloys Not on Free List.
The Import Duties Advisory Committee announces that it has decided not to make any recommendation for the addition of magnesium metal and mag nesium alloys to the free list. This is important, in view of the amount of magnesium alloy which is now employed in the construction of crankcases, gearboxes, etc.