Financial News of the Industry.
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NEW COMPANIES Wesbridge Automobiles, Ltd.—PrIvate company. Reg. Angust 1 Call 535,000 in El shams. To acquire part of the undertaking of Weybridge Automobiles. Lid., carried on at Weybridgc. Directors: Gilbert-J. Arldav. M BE., and Marjorie Alldav, both of Lane End,_ St. George's Hill. Weybridge. Solicitor: 1 has. K. Dotison, Walton-on-Thames Regoffice: QUecn Road, Weybridge, Surrey. Reading Automobiles (Weybridge). Ltd.—Private company. Reg August I. Cap. £25,000 in El shares To acquire part uf the undertaking of Weyhrulge Automobiies, Ltd., carried on at Reading. Directors: Gilbert J. Midas and Marjorie Aliday. both of Lane End, SI. George's Hill. Weybridae. Solicitor: T. K. Dobson. Reg. office: 13:15. Caversham Road. Rcading. Enterprise Tours ISouthporn, Ltd.-Private company Reg July 11. Cap 55.000 in £1 shares. To acquire the business of a coach touring agency carried on by Albert E. Dodd at 197. Portland Street. Southport Directors. Gerard P: Blakemore and Mrs Gwen L. Blakemore. both of Ram's Head Inn. Tarleton, Lancashire, and Leonard Thomason. 63. Ilankfield Lane, Southport. Solicitor: R. Walford Sumner Southport. Reg. Mlle,: Si, iloghton Street. Southport.
ASH Transport Service. !Ad.—Prime company. Rcst. Jiky 31. Cam 52,000 in £1 shares. To carry on rim business of a haulier, carting contractor etc. Directors: Alfred S. Horn and Mrs. Mary E. M. Horn, both of 35, Coburg Street, Gateshead-on-Tyne, Secretary: David Henson Reg office: 35, Coburg Street, Gateshead-on-Tyne
Axles, Ltd.—Private company. Reg. August 2 Cap. ELM) in El shares. To carry on the business of a manufacturer and repairer of. and dealer in, trailers, uucks, water carriers, etc. Directors: Percy C. Bright and Mrs. Gertrude O. Bright, both of 22. Christchurch Avenue, Kenton, Middlesex. Reg. office: 2, Alderton Way, Hendon, London, N.W.4.
Taylor's Supply and Travel Agencies, Ltd.—Private company. Reg. July 31. Cap. £750 in LI shares, 'Jo carry on the business of a proprietor of coaches, buses, lorries, etc. Directors: Ernest A. Ta001% 5, Wralham Road. Broadatairs, and Geo. W. 13. Eitintley. 15a, Grottvenor Road. Broadmairs. Reg. office: 95. High Street. Broadmairs, Kent.
LAST year, Warrington transport undertaking made a net profit of £7,418. Working expenses were £8,424 higher than in 1944-45, but running expenses were reduced from 20.803d. per mile to 19.369d. per mile: Bus mileage was increased by 236.669. During the year. expenditure on maintenance was reduced from £28,324 to £25.226.
The transport committee states that if buses are to be replaced after 12 years' service, it will be necessary to buy 46 vehicles during the year 1946-47. Towards this amount the undertaking has a total surplus revenue of £83,820, comprising £53,099 standing to the credit of the appropriation account and £30,721 in the reserve fund FIVE-DAY WEEK FOR RENOLDS (IN August 26 the Renold and %—/Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., is introducing for all employees a five-day working week at RenoId Works, Manchester, and Coventry Chain Works, Coventry. Standard hours in the works will be reduced from 47 to 43 per week; and piece-work prices are being adjusted to yield the same earnings.
The company's central office at Manchester and its branch offices will be closed on Saturday mornings.
DFSPITE the fact that the demands on the motor trade are steadily increasing, it is interesting to note that Remax, Ltd., has just introduced a fiveday week. It was felt that, with sound organization and satisfactory co-operation between management and workers, efficiency could thus be increased and the staff made happier and healthier.
A STUDY OF POWER FARMING A STUDY of a 200-acre clay farm in Warwickshire with regard to use of machinery has been carried out by the National Institute of Agricultural Engineering, and its findings have been published in booklet form by His Majesty's Stationery Office, price Is. Comparisons between mechanical working and old-fashioned methods employing the horse are given in great detail. This publication, which can be obtained from the Stationery Office, Kingsway, London, W.C.2, should be of great value to those concerned in the mechanization of agriculture.
BOLTON Town Council has adopted a fares scheme providing for a lid. minimum charge on all bus and tram routes. Voting on the question was even, and the Mayor gave his casting vote for the scheme. Unless fares had been raised, the transport undertaking would have faced a loss of £90.000.
AND SO IT GOES ON 4R. W. G. MARKS. general manager of Liverpool Corporation's passenger transport undertaking, has supplied to members of the city council a comparative statement showing how the cost of materials has advanced since March, 1939. About 50 items are listed. Presentday costs show the following percentage increases: Petrol, 36.49; oil fuel. 33.33: motor grease, 125.45; bus tyres, 327.68; electric lamps, from 8730 to 157.14; pistons, liners. etc.. 50: paraffin, 173.68; timber (English oak and ash), 205.22 to 209.68.