New Equipment, Processes and Publications
Page 45

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Range of Self-cleaning Filters
ANEW range of self-cleaning filters has been introduced by Zwicky. Ltd., Slough, Bucks. It is 'suitable for j-in. to 2-in. connections. The smaller sizes are either screwed B.S.P. or U.N.F., whilst the 11-in., R-in. and 2-in. are flanged. Three stages of filtration
may be arranged to giVe aperture sizes of 0.003 in., 0.006 in. and 0.010 in.
The method of filtration is the edge type, the element being built up of hollow steel discs, separated by spacers of a given thickness. Steel knives are arranged between the discs in such a way that one full turn or the external handle completely removes all impurities, which drop into the bottom of the SLIM p.
When it becomes necessary to remove the sump for cleaning, the complete element is withdrawn with the sunup, and dripping is avoided.
Fan Belts for 600 -Models ARANGE of fan belts known as the • Compact 40 has been introduced by the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (GL Britain), Ltd., Wolverhampton. It comprises 40 belts that will supply replacements for 600 models, including 1957 recommendations. The retail price of the complete range is 117 13s. 3d.
Anti-dazzle Light 2-1 A N anti-dazzle device named Anti blenda has been introduced by John Somers, Ltd., 142-8 lAaware Road, London, W.2. the sole distributors for Great Britain.
The equipment, consisting of a container fitted with a 6-v., 12-v. or 24-v. standard festoon bulb, is fixed to the pillar behind the driver's seat. A regulating switch can be mounted on the dashboard to control the illumination of the windscreen with a green light across its full width.
On long night journeys the device is claimed to soften the glare of headlamps of approaching vehicles. It has not been tested by The Commercial Motor.
King Dick Newcomers
"THE comprehensive range of hand tools produced by Abingdon King Dick, Ltd., King's Road, Tyseley, Birmingham. 11, has been supplemented by two items. These are a flat, hammer-operated ring spanner which will reach recessed nuts and bolts, and a solid-forged cranked box spanner. Both these new products are made in chrome-vanadium steel, heat treated to withstand rough usage.
New All-weather Tyre 1-1 A NEW de luxe all-weather tyre is
announced by the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., Wolverhampton. The tyre, tempered by the 3-T process, is claimed to • give improved mileage over its predecessor, with greater stopping safety resulting from the deep anti-skid tread pattern.
Bedford Roof Rack AROOF rack is now available for
the Bedford 10-12-cwt. van. It measures 47 in. by 48 in., and it is stated to fit also most of the many conversions of the van.
Built from strengthened welded tubular steel, the rack has adjustable feet with neoprene non-staining semisuction pads and cadmium-plated side fixing clamps. It costs £5 I9s. 6d.
Degreasing Metals ABOOKLET entitled "Metal Degreasing by Trichloroethylene " has been published by Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Imperial Chemical House. Milbank, London,
SW.!. Besides describing the degreasing process and the nature of the trichloroethylene solvent employed, the publication covers the different methods of degreasing and the types of plant which can be used. Safety precautions are also enumerated.
The Brazing of Light Alloys AFURTHER publication in the series of information bulletins on joining processes for aluminium; "The Brazing of Aluminium and Its Alloys," has been produced by the Aluminium Development Association, .33 Grosvenor Street, London, W.I. Costing 2s., the bulletin opens with a brief comparison of the main methods of brazing and covers the basic principles, including an essential note on the operation of capillary flow.
Properties of aluminium and some of the alloys suitable for brazing are tabu * lated, and corresponding data are given for aluminium filler alloys, together with notes on the extremely useful form of clad brazing sheet. Preliminary notes to the various operations are given, including information on fluxes, joint design, preparation for brazing, fluxing and stopping off.
The different procedures of flame, furnace and flux-dip brazing are described and there are notes on flux removal and the finishing of brazed components. Information is also provided on the brazing of aluminium to other metals.