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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs,"—John Beattie Crozier.
Thorn ycroft Report.
The report of the directors of John L Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., for the year ended July 31st last shows a profit, after the deduction of debenture interest and an interim dividend, of /55,324. As mentioned in our last issue, the company are paying a final dividend of 3 per cent. on the preference shares (making 6 per cent. for the year), and this will absorb 25,940 and leave a balance of /49,384 to be carried .forward.
According to the report, the commereial vehicle sales of the company have increased by 40 per cent, during the period under review, and there is an encouraging demand for the new W.D. 30-cwt. subsidy type vehicle which the company placed on the market in October last.
From the balance sheet we notice that the reserve account stands at £200,000, and a special reserve fund at /50,000.
• Inst. of Transport Lecture.
In the lecture theatre of the Institution of 'Electrical Engineers, Victoria Embankment, London, W.C.2. this (Tuesday) evening, Mr. H. B. Osler (of Carter, Paterson and Co., Ltd.) will deliver a lecture to members of the Institute of Transport on "Considerations Affecting Running Costs of Modern Commercial Road "Vehicles," The chair will be occupied by Sir Joseph Nall, D.S.O., M.P. (a vice-president).
A Seasonable Publicity Vehicle.
An illustration on-this page shows a Ford delivery van around which a realistic representation of a house has been built by Messrs. Hill and Sons, fancy goods merchants, of Reading. On the occasion of each Christmas festive season this company make a point of devising some attractive advertising scheme for the purpose of inducing the public to visit their stores, and this is certainly a most effective idea.
It is interesting to note that in the construction of the model house, it was not found necessary to alter the standard van body in any way, so that when -the parts forming the house are dismantled the van will be available in its more businesslike guise.
Dangers of a Thames Bridge.
The dangers of Richmond Bridge are well known to road-users who have occasion to cross the River Thames at this point, and to overcome its present nar rowness a scheme is being put forward for building footways on each side' of the parapets. A deputation recently placed this suggestion before the Minister of Transport, and be has promised to investigate the possibilities of the scheme _at all early ,date, but, apart from the question of improving traffic facilities, the resthetic aspect has to be considered.
Lectures on Transport.
The London School of Economics and Political Science, Honighton Street, London, W.C.2, has recently in ranged an interesting series of lectures on the economies of road transport, in co-operation with the Institute of fransport, whieh are tt. be given by a number of distinguished experts.. The course consists of 10 lectures, for which a fee of £2 will be charged, and various phases of the subject of road transport form the theme of the lecturer
Each of the lectures will be given on a Thursday, and the first will be delivered at the School on January 15th, the concluding lecture taking place on March 19th.
Scotland Yard Inspects a Six-whee7ed Bus.
One day last Week the officials of the Public Carriage Department of Scotland Yard inspected the Carrimore six. wheeled bus which was shown at the Commercial Motor Show, in London in 1923. As was stated in a recent "One Hears" paragraph, the Minister. of Transport desires to see any vehicles of this type which have been produced, and, we believe, will 'also he interested in designs when proposals have not proceeded beyond the drawing-board stage.
. A Traffic Manager Available.
We know of a very qualified traffic manager who desires to make a change in the New Year. He is an expert in all branches of the transpod industry, with a full knowledge of rates, the handling of claims and of the provisions and working of the 1021 Act. He is a good organizer and administrator and has had a sound commercial experience. We shall be glad to forward to him all letters addressed "Princep.s," care of the Editor of this journal.
London Bus Owners' Dinner.
The Association of London Omnibus -Proprietors, Ltd., are, as already mentioned, holding their first annual dinner and dance at the Holborn Restaurant, London, on Thursday of this week. Tickets, which are priced at 12s. 6d., can be obtained from the offices of the Association, at 7, Great St. Andrew's Street, Bloomsbury, London, W.C.2.
A Bus Company Sold.
It is stated that the Mid-Cheshire Motor Omnibus Co. have entered into an agreement for the sale of the company's properties properties for a sum of 121,500. It is anticipated that important davelopments are foreshadowed by this move.
A M. of T. Appointment.
The Minister of Transport, Lt.-CoL Wilfrid Ashley, M.P., has appointed Captain A: S. C. Reid, D.F.C., M.P., to he his Parliamentary secretary (unpaid).
The accounts of the British Motor Cab Co., Ltd. for the year ended March 31st last reveal a profit of /3,590,
East Kent Report.
The report of the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., for the year ended September 30th last, which has recently been issued, makes it clear that the unfavourable weather of the past summer, and the counter-attraction of the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley, affected the company's operations, although it is indicated that, in spite of these adverse factors, the directors are satisfied with the year's operations. The actual report shows that after the deduction of items chargeable to revenue, including depreciation, and also expenses incidental to the increase made in the company's capital, there remains a profit of 222,074. To this sum must be added 26,401 brought forward from the previous year. From the total sum the general reserve account has been credited with £1,000, and a dividend, at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, absorbs 219,968, leaving a balance of 27,507 to be carried orw ard.
The company have made much progress during die year, and have pur chased additional vehicles of the latest type, whilst new garages have been erected • at Dover and Herne Bay.
Additions to the Range of Reo's.
Harris and Hasell, Ltd., the concessiormaires for Reo vehicles in this country, inform us that several new models have recently been added to the Rea range, and that deliveries will shortly be available.
The Major chassis is being introduced for 36-cwt. loads, or 18-seater passenger bodies, and will sell at 2460. and a new six-cylinder Pullman chassis will be available early in 1925 at a price of 2595. Other new models include a 14-seater de luxe motor coach with steel disc wheels, framed all-weather curtains, streamlined bonnet, etc., and coaches to seat 18 and 22 passengers; the prices for these models will be 2545, 2625 and 2740 respectively. The company will, of course, continue to handle the exist.ing range of Reo vehicles.
Chesterfield Favours Trolley-buses.
The Chesterfield Corporation has recently decided to abandon the present electric tramway system, which has been in existence for a period of 20 years, and to substitute a service by trolley-buses. Certain members of she tramways committee of the corporation expressed a strong leaning towards petrol buses, but, after seeking advice from the tramways manager of Birmingham, it was recommended to adopt trolley-buses. It is stated that the tramway service has become obSolete, and certain renewals which are necessary are estimated to cost. up to 2100,000. The first cost of installing trolley-buses, including a sum of 28,000 for making good the roads and altering the overhead equipment, is estimated at 239,000, so that, apart from modernizing their passenger transport service, the corporation will reduce the expenditure considerably.
Cardiff Wants More Buses.
The Cardiff City Council Tramways Committee has recommended the council to expend 220,000 on the purchase of new motorbuses. The number of vehicles to be procured was not definitely mentioned, but it was stated that at least 20 buses -would be required to augment the fleet.
Stepney Tyres Annual Meeting.
At the 18th annual meeting of Stepney Tyres, Ltd., held at Llanelly. a few days ago, the chairman of directors, Mr. Walter Davies, introduced a balance sheet showing a net. loss of 212,118 on the trading for the year ended Septem•
her 30th last. After deducting a sum of 23,462 brought forward from the previous year, a debit balance of 28,656 is shown. The sum of 210,000 has been transferred from the reserve fund to the profit and loss account, thus enabling a sum of 21,344 to he carried forward.
Foreign competition is said to be largely responsible for the trading loss.
Tilling-Stevens Buses in Shanghai.
A service of motorbuses has recently been started in Shanghai by the Chinese General Omnibus Co., Ltd. Tilling-Stevens petrol-electric vehicles driven by Chinese are being employed.
An Unwanted Toll Bridge.
As a result of complaints made by farmers and others that they are prejudiced against bringing their commodities to Hay Market on account of the levy of a toll for the use of Hay Bridge, the Hay Council has joined in a movement to obtain, by purchase, the abolition of the toll.
Gaeon's New Company.
It is announced by Gaston, Ltd., in the advertising pages of this issue that a separate company, entitled Gaston Auto-Service, Ltd., have been formed to conduct the automobile and commercial lorry works and spare parts departments. We would point out that this advertisement merely gives publicity to an internal reorganization, and that the actual personnel of the two companies remains the same as heretofore.
Stoke Bus Appeals.
The Ministry of Transport has now given its decisions in regard to appeals against the refusal of the Stoke-on-Trent Watch Committee to renew the licences of certain omnibus proprietors as follow:— Mr. E. Wells and Mr. G. Ei Jenks.— Appeals allowed, subject to certain comments and criticisms.
Mr. S. Hill.—Appeal allowed. -Mr. Albert Turner, Mr. A. Findlow, and Messrs. Cooke, Robinson and Co.— Appeals refused.
Mr. L. Harvey.—Appeal refused, subject to the suggestion that the watch committee should give further consideration to this particular case.
A Market for British Accessories.
The Department of Overseas Trade informs us that H.M. Consul at Liege reports that, as a result of new regulations recently made affecting the use of the public highways by vehicles in general, and motorcars in particular, it would appear that there will undoubtedly be a large demand for cheap
mirrors, rear lights, and other accessories.
British manufacturers who may he interested in the market can obtain further particulars from the D.O.T. at 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1, by quoting reference AX 1527. The new regulations chiefly affect touring cars, to which the speed limit will no longer apply although requirements in this respect, which have, hitherto, existed for commercial vehicles will remain in force. One of the clauses • of the regulations insists that lorries must carry a reflector.
The South Wales Trunk Road Scheme.
The route of the trunk road to be constructed in South Wales, which figures as a Government scheme, has now been indicated in a communication made to the Carmarthenshire County Council by the Ministry of Transport, The Ministry has indicated that it will bear nearly the whole of the cost of draining and widening the road linking up Pont ardulais, Goss Hands, Pontyahyd, Carmarthen, this being a section of the main road from London to Fishguard. The cost is estimated at 235,000.
The other improvements to the Welsh section of the road include the widening of the Cardiff to Newport road (2150,000), the remaking of the mail coach road between Crack Hill and Larleston in Mid-Glamorgan and the improvement of the road's Whitland-Robeston Wathen and Wolfe's Castle-Llana tinam in Pembrokeshire.
National Omnibus Profits.
The report of the directors of the National Omnibus and Transport Co., Ltd., for the year ended October 31st last, shows a profit' of £38.995. From this sum certain deductions have been made which total in the aggregate £35,304, the largest item being that of £20,000 allocated to the reserve for depreciation on buildings and rolling stock, although £13,304 is absorbed by the payment of a dividend at the rate of 10 per cent. (less tax). A sum of. 23,691 remains to be carried forward.
• A.-cording to the report, each of the 10 depots from which the company run their passenger vehicle services—Bedf.'771.7d, Chelmsford, Colchester, Clacton, • Shepherd's Bush, Stroud, Taunton, Trowbridge, Watford and Yeovil— shows a profit on the year's working, due, in a large measure, to the fact Mi.-at more vehicles are in service, and a bigger mileage has been run.
Road Traffic in Rhodesia,
recea report of the Under-Secretary for Mines and Works on Roads, Rhodesia, indicates that road traffic continues to increase, and that as greater use is 'being made of the public highways, an insistent demand for better
roads is being ventilated. There are now. approximately 324 miles of roads in the. country, for the repair and• maintenance of which convict labour is mostly used.
;The Royal Automobile Club informs us that no legislation affecting roads in the country was introduced in the period covered by the report. The Automobile, Association of Rhodesia has become a live force and works in .close co-operation with th'e'roads dep.rtment.
Priyate,Buses to Enter Barrow. .Barrow Town Council fecently passed a resolution to prohibit the entrance of prjyate Atha services into -the town past the Furness Abbey terminus, as they Were said to coniiiete,ivith the tramways of the corpoiation, and the matter was referred to the Ministryof Transport for settlement.
The iiiritOrloils owners received the siipport of the Dalton and Ulverston Ntincils, and, after hearing the eyi dence of both sides, the. inspector of the Ministry announced that an agreement had been reached and the buses . would continue to run into the town under certain conditions.
Bradford's Trolley-bus Proposal.
Bradford Corporation Tramways Committee is approaching the Binglev
Urban District Council with a proposal for instituting a service of. trolley-buses between the centre of Bingley and Stock bridge in lieu of a scheme for extending the tramways.
Glasgow Adopts Buses.
Miring last week the Glasgow Corporation Tramways Committee instigated a service of motorbuses from the east end of the city to Maryhill, via Partick and it is probable that this development foreshadows the adoption of
buses for. use on other routes. It is worthy of record that the corporation laid down its first tramways in 1872, subsequently leasing them to a private omnibus and tram company, from whom they were again acquired at a later date.
India's Lorry Imports.
The report on the import trade of India for the period from April 1st to Septernber 30th of this year, which has just been issued by the Department of Overseas Trade, shows that a considerable expansion has taken place in connection with the supply of motorbuses, motorvans and lorries, and that imports have
increased 'from 482 vehicles, valued at Its. 13 lakiis, to 843, valued at Rs. 18 laklis and that, although the number of British lorries imported into the country rose from 32 to 43, their value de clined slightly. '
Daring the period ,under review, 311 lorries were supplied from American factories and 489 from other countries which are not specified.
A Large Co-operative Fleet.
'The co-operative societies throughout the country are now large users of motor vehicles of all kinds. One of the most extensive fleets operated by a society of this description is that owned by the Birmingham Industrial Cooperative Society, Ltd., who use 52 motors for transport p,urposes in and around the Midland city.
Centralizing Blackpool's Transport.
The Blackpool Corporation is considering the advisability of organizing a transport department for its motor vehicles and placing the whole of the road vehicles in its service under one central +authority. With this object in view, a deputation from the corporation is visiting Halifax and Huddersfield to report on the systems which are in operation in those towns.
The M. of T. and Anti-splash Devices.
After considering the recommendation of the Bradford Watch Committee for the use of anti-splash guards, the Ministry of Transport states that it has been represented • at several public demonstrations of motor vehicles fitted with such guards, but the efficiency and suitability of the devices has not been such , as to justify the Ministry in either approving a by-law or making a regulation prescribing their compulsory use on motor vehicles.
Demonstrating a Dennis.
A Dennis street-washing and watering wagon recently undertook a series of tests in Glasgow for the benefit of officials of the corporation and members
of the cleansing committee. The vehicle was a 4-4-tonner carrying a 900
gallon tank. It was subjected to a series of demonstrations, and proved its efficiency on macadam surfaces and also on granite setts; the squeegees, with which the vehicle is equipped, were not used in the latter case.
The cleansing department is carrying out further trials with the machine under ordinary working conditions with the object of considering the adoption of such vehicles for 'service in Glasgow.
New Bridge Over the Wear.
The need which has long been apparent on Wearside for the provision of an additional crossing over the River Wear, at Sunderland, is now to be met, The Sundetland Corporation, in a determined effort to provide adequate river crossings, prepared, some time ago, suggested schemes for the construction of a bridge 80 ft. or 90 ft. wide, and the Ministry of Transport having officially approved of the plans, and agreed to contribute 65 per cent, of the cost of construction, an early start is to be made, so soon as the Corporation has finally decided upon the width it considers best suited to the demands of the district. The cost of constructing the 90-ft. bridge is estimated at £300,000.
Development of Road Transport in Uruguay.
According to a recently issued report dealing with economic conditions in Uruguay, commercial motor vehicles are being increasingly used in the country. It would appear that for light transport the Ford in various guises is favoured, whereas the Renault vehicle appears to have gained a firm foothold in the heavy vehicle market.
The total number of motor vehicles of all types imported into the country during 1923 is shown to be 2,422, representing a value of 1,394,695 dollars. It. is worthy of note that only 591 vehicles found their way into the country from abroad in the year 1922.
Municipal versus Private Enterprise at Cardiff.
The Cardiff Rural District Council has declined to permit the Cardiff City Council to run a bus service between Cardiff and Rhubina in opposition to that established by Mr. J. Rich, of Rhubina. The council has also deferred consideration of an application from the city council for sanction to run vehicles on the route from Cardiff to Culverhouse Cross to Wenvoe.
These decisions of the rural district council have since been the subject of discussion by the tramways committee of the Cardiff City Council, which has decided to ask .the Ministry of Transport to hold an inquiry into the matter.
A long debate ensued at a recent meeting of the committee on the question of private versus municipal enterprise, and it was stated that the public's requirements would he better met by a council than by a private service, inasmuch as the public would be certain of its continuance under municipal management, whereas running at a loss would
not be tolerated under private ownership.
Incidentally, it was stated that the council's long-distance service between Cardiff and Newport is proving very profitable.
. America's Production for October. The number of commercial motor vehicles produced in American factories in the month of October was 31,433, which compares with an output of 30,805 for the previous month.
Inspecting Whitehaven's Buses.
At a meeting of the Whitehaven Corporation, the bus inspectors suggested that before any omnibuses are licensed to ply for hire in its area in 1925, all vehicles should be examined by the inspectors to ascertain their fitness for public-service work., The inspectors were asked to meet a committee to discuss the questions of overcrowding and examination of omnibuses, and a sub-committee was appointed to consider and report upon the suggested revision of the omnibus by-laws.
German Lorries in Persia.
A former German consul in Persia has done much to establish the prestige of German commercial motor vehicles in the country by recently making a trip from Berlin to Ispalian on an N.A.G. motor lorry. A roundabout route was followed, so that the total distance covered by the vehicle was about 2,750 miles.
To Build a Light Railway Abroad.
We know of a gentleman, now in this country, who holds a concession to construct a 22-mile light railway abroad. Contractors and manufacturers prepared to take some financial interest in the scheme can get into touch with him by forwarding letters c/o the Editor of this journal, who will see that they are sent to the proper quarter.
Conductors for Small Buses.
Dorking Rural DistrictCouncil has urged that there should be conductors on small omnibuses. In view, however, of the fact that the services maintained by small buses in some of the outlying localities appear to have been found useful to the inhabitants, and of the probability that the cost of the provision of a conductor, as well as of a driver, might prove prohibitive to the running of the vehicles, the Surrey County Council does not propose to take any action in the matter. This consideration for the interests of owners is deserving of commendation.
India's Tyre Imports.
Of the total imports of pneumatic-tyre covers into India during the period from April 1st to September 30th, 1924, the United Kingdom shipment amounted to
Rs. 12i lakhs, the French shipment Rs. 12f lakhs, the United States shipment Rs. 4A lakhs, and smaller quantities came from Canada and other countries. — A statement recently issued by the Department of Overseas Trade states that the principal competition during this period has been between British makers and the Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd.
The total trade in solid rubber tyres during the period under review amounted to nearly Rs. 7 lakhs, and was met as to Rs. 4 lakhs from the United Kingdom, Rs. 14 lakhs from the United States, and lesser values from Germany, Canada and other countries.
Stretford's Bus Proviso.
• Stretford Urban District Council has consented to the application of the Altrincham District Motor Services, Ltd.:, for permission to run a bus service between Altrincha.m and Trafford Park for the definite purpose of conveying workmen, but not for the general picking-up and setting down of passengers along the tramway route in the council's area.
Kentish Road Costs.
In the annual report of the county surveyor of Kent for 1923-24, it is shown, that the mileage of first and second-class and unclassified roads in the county is 610.965. The cost of maintenance of rural main roads for the year averaged £410.7 per mile and for main roads £932.3 per mile, the heavy nature of the traffic which uses many of the roads being held responsible for these high figures.
The report shows that the average hourly cost of working steam rollers was 4s. 60., steam tractors 5s. 6c1., and pet rol lorries 5s. 6d. The Foden steam wagons in the service of the county surveyor's department performed their work at a cost of 5s. 4d. per hour.
In spite of the increased traffic carried by the roads in the county, it is reassuring to learn that their condition continues to improve, largely as a consequence of the extensive substitution of bituminous surfacing and the more modern and efficient methods employed for maintenance work.
Hebburn's Fire Brigade Plans.
Further headway has been made by the Hebhurn Town Council in connection with its scheme to provide an adequate fire-fighting force to protect the large industrial, and residential district which comes under its charge, and to this end it has been resolved to establish a fire brigade, which is estimated to cost £876 per annum to maintain. It has been decided at the outset to purchase a motor fire-engine with firstaid appliances, and a 60-ft. fire-escape at a cost of £285. Pending the establishment of the Hebburn brigade, an arrangement has been entered into for the attendance of the Gateshead force, in the event of local outbreaks of fire.
Attractive Vehicles for Travellers.
One of the most attractive of travellers' broughams which is available at the present time is that mounted on the Chevrolet 10-cwt, chassis and sold by General Motors, Ltd., of the Hyde, Hendon, London, N.W. This chassis is ideally suited for the hard work often associated with the life of a traveller, especially where only the minimum of attention can be given to mechanical maintenance, and where run
fling economy is of primary importance. The Chevrolet brougham possesses a dignified appearance, and is built to carry two passengers as well as a full range of goods.
The company also market a salesman's box car, which is finished in the front like a standard touring car with the usual type of hood, behind which is located a spacious box carrying a series of trays. Both these vehicles are well finished, and are offered at attractive prices.
Obstruction at Brentford.
Brentford Urban District Council has called the attention of the local inspector of police to the frequent obstruction of the highway fronting the market by the loading, unloading and standing of vehicles.
Municipal Motors in Belgium.
The municipal authorities of Saint Gilles, near Brussels, recently invited tenders for the supply of a number of dust-collection motor vehicles. Tenders were received from French (2), Swiss (1) and Belgian (1) companies, the lowest being that of the Delahaye Co., of Paris.
A Mann Demonstration Wagon Available.
Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd., inform us that they are now in a position to despatch a demonstration Mann express wagon to interested and potential purchasers in any district for the purpose of enabling them to conduct trial runs in their own areas and on their own particular class of work.
Bus Employee's Useful Suggestion.
One of the suggestions recently put forward by members of the staff of the Underground Companies relates to a device for assisting the working of buses which have incurred broken selector rods in the gearbox whilst in operation. The suggestion, sent in by a garage employee, has been adopted by the L.G.O. Co., and a suitable award made.
According to a recent advice from Australia, the Ford Co., of Australia, Ltd., has been registered in New South Wales with a nominal preliminary capital of £100.
Controlling Bus Traffic.
Determined steps taken by the Houghton-le-Spring Rural District, Coun nil to secure authority properly to regulate and control motorbus traffic in the neighbourhood have resulted in sanction being obtained from the Ministry of Transport f or an order conferring on the authority powers of •the Towns (Police Clauses) Act, 1847 and 1889.
It has been further agreed to ask the Ministry to approve of new by-laws, including those providing for emergency exits on all public-service vehicles, and prohibiting the filling-up of petrol tanks whilst passengers are in the vehicles.
It Pays to Advertise.
Although the proportion of German motor vehicle exports is not so great as it was before the war, no opportunity is lost by Teuton manUtacturers of advertising their products overseas. It is stated that an N.A.G. bus, equipped with giant pneumatic tyres was recently bought by a Teheran contractor, and it proceeded to its destination all the way Irons Berlin, via Constantinople, by road. On the sides of the vehicle was painted, in large Arabic letters, Berlin-Stamboul-Teheran."
• Experiments with Benzole.
Certain experiments have been made by the National Benzole Co., Ltd., in order to ascertain if any carburetter adjustment is necessary in view of the slightly altered constituent parts of National benzoic mixture. The company's experiments have proved that the reduction of 10 per cent. henzole in the mixture which has recently been made does not call for the alteration of the normal carburetter setting, providing it be satisfactory for the use of a 5111-50 mixture. The company also point out that, as henzole is now priced at 6d. per gallon shave that for petrol and that 40 per cent. is guaranteed in National benzole mixture, which is sold at the price of No. 1 petrol, the purchase of benzole in 'the form of the mixture is the most economical method of securing that product.
It is officially estimated that there are now 31,000 commercial vehicles in use in Ontario, Canada.
A Non-turn Washer.
The non-turn washer, made by the Non-Turn Washer Co., 19-21, Charlotte Street,' Parade, Birmingham, is designed to fit the head of an ordinary square shank bolt, and is equipped with a square hole and two triangular projections which can be forced into contact with the wood so as to form a positive anti-turning lock for the roundheaded bolt of the type frequently employed for the woodwork of bodies. The non-turn washer can not only be used under the head of the bolt but also under the nut itself. These washers are supplied in steel and any non-ferrous materials, and in a natural, galvanized or nickel-plated finish in all standard sizes from A in. upwards. They can also be supplied boxed in assorted sizes silitable for use in garages or repair works.
A New Type of Jack.
The Royal Automobile Club has recently observed a -demonstration of a Sparklet motor jack, which is marketed by the Sparklet Motor Jack and 'elevel Co. of 39, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. The main body of the jack consists of a pressed-steel cylinder, 317a in. in diameter, in which is contained an india-rubber bag. A piston slides in the cylinder and its base rests on the upper surface of the bag. The handle of the jack contains a receptacle for a gas-bulb of the well-known Sparklet type. The rotation of the handle punctures the capsule of the bulb, thus admitting gas to the rubber bag and causing the piston to rise and thereby elevate the jack. When the gas is allowed to escape from the bag, the jack is lowered.
The jack was demonstrated upon a 40 h.p. Rolls-Royce car weighing 4,595 lb., and two tests were made with the front axle and the back axle. The demonstration served to prove that the
raising and lowering of the car could be effected in a few seconds.
New Prices for Henley Tyres.
We learn that Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., have recently improved the terms for the purchase of Henley solid-band tyres, and that complete details of the new prices can be obtained on application to 20-22, Christopher Street, London, E.C.
Commercial Vehicles in Belgium:.
The Belgian Ministry of Finance has recently issued a series of statistics which shows that the number of motor vehicles declaredas taxable prior to October lst• included 16,390 light lorries and camionettes and 6,997 heavy lorries and tractors.
Pickavant's Scottish Branch.
Pickavant (Himself), Ltd., of Birmingham, inform us that they have now opened a Scottish branch at 108, North Street, Glasgow.
The dividend which is being paid by W. T. Underwood, Ltd., is at the rate of 15 per cent, per annum, less tax, and not as stated in a paragraph appearing in our issue dated December 2nd.
Local Proceedings.
The Stockton Corporation has decided upon the purchase of two 26-seater Leyland saloon buses at a cost of £2,022.
Following on complaints as to the slippery nature of many roads, the Salop County Council is now experimenting with non-slippery surfaces.
Luton Corporation has asked its tramways manager to report as to the adoption of motorbuses or trolley-buses for passenger transport extensions.
Bradford Watch Committee has appointed a special committee to con• sider and report. on the question of the regulation and control of street traffic.
Bradford Corporation. has asked a committee to prepare a scheme for the operation of a central garage for all the corporation passenger motor vehicles.
Wakefield City Council has appointed a sub-committee to consider and advise upon the regulation of motorbus traffic in the city under the existing powers of the corporation.
All practical drivers will endorse the action of the chief constable of the North Riding of Yorkshire in issuing a bill which draws attention to the danger cyclists incur by riding at night without some form of red rear light or reflector.
We are informed that the Autrosol Co., Ltd., have removed to 281, Deansgate, Manchester.
The committee of the Jarrow detachment of the St. John Ambulance Brigade is promoting a scheme for the purchase of a motor ambulance for the town, to replace three horsed ambulances which have been in use for the past eight years.