E)AF director
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Sir lari Morrow hs been appointed to the board of DAF Trucks (GB) Ltd as a riorixecutive director. Sir Ian has .previously held senior board positions with such companies as Ketivvr_icd, Crane Fruehauf, Brush Elektrical and RollsRoyce, and is current,,, among other appointments, deputy chairman of U.K(.). Inern),li(.)nal Ltd, chairman of he Laird Group d Ltd an a . .
50 years After 50 years the bush less, William Pattie h' retired as transport (...,ordirir:itor o Bat-divri Hill Leicestershiie. "Ir Pattie joined Gladwyn Coaches as a hi soon after leaving sciloct and since then :ias sold and serviced almost .ry type (_,t heavy goods vehicle made and used in Britain. He joined the Bardon Hill Group ill 1965 and will ontintie as a consultant over he next few years. Mr Pattie is chairman of the Freight Transport Association (East Midlands division) and chairman 01 the Leicester .Centre Institute of the Motor nsiustry.
Alan IVIalthouse, who joined Not-folk Line Ltd in 1974, has become area sales manager for the north of England, based at the company's north i,vest office and depot at Haydock, Merseyside.
K. R. Evans has been appointed a director of Fodens Ltd. He is finance director ()ft.,: the conipany, which he joined: as chief accountant in 1974:
First chairman
HarrySkelton i lhc first chairman of the Midlands Regional Committee -klt the National Tipping Service, run by tile Road Haulage A.,,sociation, Mr Skeltcyri will also be the region's delegate to the service's national ccJiltrilit, tee 'the area is one of seven regional cornillittees set. up under the new service, and will cover the South Midlands, SI Ifi Doncaster, Derbyshire Not Joining _Itlagirus Dettty (treat Britain) Ltd as'gerteral ,ales manager is Colin Smith, who was previously marketing director with an independent coachhuilder. Mr Smith who -,pent 12 years with the Ford Motor Coll)patiy and was lease sales manager with Avis Trucls. Rentals, is based at the co pany's headquarters hi Ivslinsford,C;liesnire.
A. N. Thatcher, general manager of ;14ltra Electronics Ltd, C,onfrdi and instriirr)entationDivision, has become, additionally, a (1.irecti.-)r of Ultra Electronic.' Holdings T.td, a 1.34)‘vt).Cirottpcompany.
Michelin changes
s-eve111 made have reln , . mae ai mae ai yrg...,...ck).,41.parjy. Tat;,: Jenkins Jerik,i1 taken tip a 15C-1St original equipment d merit; Ron Beech has t senior post within rh panv and r.:,5succeede,:i.., (if the national fleets an mover department b Hill; Mike Spence sLicce Hill as area manager t1 Anglia, Northern Coinitte, Oxtordshi] Nortlittitits and Keith 1 becornes divisional manager covering Lei( shire and YVarwicli soci..eedirig Mr Spence. E. A. Wood and T. B na‘..e become directors -Paul Sykes Organisatit. _ Mr Wood has been g man:iger of the cone vehicle sales division I past two years, ar Burrows, who has bee the company for 'general manage* t ,portsdivision.
Tecaletritt Garage n-,Aent has reorganised 'vice facility in ScotIar the 1\ic)rth by dividing ti \voAlan McKay and beeri apt senie13,, ScrViCe engirret the F;istern and w areais, responsible to I Graham, who rec:en come Nortlier'n re manager.
Charles Kennedy It .(1344'4311:eila:kti:hrStd-e:Oei :M°:Pri( )rita: ler \ :ito:'1'rt.lnalSC:neGfe'dtSU' i.s..to. .hGeK1):;'11:21$: -coine assist joaind
hauliers will get a am the Greater Lonuncil with the introof communal depots Landon.
rst is even now being hed in Purley Way, , where haulier E. E. general manager Kevin las become a liaison )etween the GLC and ive haulier tenants at ..sent the first site is a )f desolation. A former ks site that has been levelled and left has sed for seven years and be the first of seven h of which may eventuse up to 10 hauliers roydon site after only s in its new role is still in with Mr Howes enin a former gas board the site making the lettings and buildings large.
looking into putting up ble buildings on the site to form the basis of Uses of the tenant corn
r sites ly Mr Howes has sites for a bus preservation I and two haulage corn,ith more sites open for which will have workI parking facilities.
)mplex will also include
for re-fuelling which iably be shared among ators on a co-operative give greater discounts .pose-built fuel storage
by the fuel company ular deliveries of bulk Sites will be around (14,500sqft) within the overall complex, but Mr Howes is wil ling to be flexible over sizes and would agree to multiples of units being used by one company.
"We want a good crosssection of transport in here —
like that we will probably be able to pat each other's backs when it comes to working and we might be able to set up an informal co-operative,said Mr Howes.
And the site is not being confined to hauliers. Already one own-account operator has booked a plot within the complex and Mr Howes sees a possibility of more doing the same kind of thing.
But he has warned anyone who has ideas of moving on to
the site that -you can't have the place looking like a diddycoy campand he added that there
is to be a seven-day week, 24hour a day security guard on the whole site.
This will be designed to give drivers and owners who might park on the site overnight some
peace of mind. -It's so that we can offer the facility of safe par
king with a permanent guard to make it a place they can call home without a lot of thefts," said Mr Howe, Plans for the Croydon site bear some resemblance to the GLC plans for break-bulk complexes which were mooted by the council last year and of which little has been heard since the Conservative GLC took over in May.
They include plans for canteens and washing and shower facilities plus the overnight parking for drivers who do not have bases within the complex.
A scale of fees involving season tickets for drivers who reg
ularly park in the complex is also planned by Mr Howes,
Greater London Council' planner Martin Foulkes told CM that the council had seven sites planned around the capital designed to meet the needs of a variety of operations in the transport field.
But he emphasised that future ventures would be run on more or less an entirely cooperative basis rather than the semi co-op in Croydon.
Mr Foulkes said that plans for the sites would also include hostel facilities for drivers and would include sets of standard rates and services which will apply to all the sites.
And the council has been approached by companies wanting to take space on the new sites where up to 70 small companies could be accommodated. giving them dry covered space with workshops which could work outcheaper than running a small base outside such a scheme.
Cost advantage..
At Croydon Mr Howes sees the scheme as a means of getting big cost advantages more usually associated with large bases for the small man. He told CM that he sees as a logical extension of the services the provision of discount contracts for all the "member"' companies on a site.
"People think this is an ideal arrangement,said Mr Howes, "'and let's face it, this will be used as a show site once the idea gets off the ground, for all the others that are planned.
GLC planning and com munications committee chairman Shelagh Roberts said that these depots were designed to bring jobs back to London and she has announced that two other sites, near Harringay greyhound stadium and at Barking Creek, are also expected to be opened soon.
"These depots will be a boon
to existing small firms and those we are encouraging to set up in London to bring back the commerce and jobs the capital needs,said Miss Roberts.
And she added that they will also be a help to local residents in some areas by taking vehicles off the streets and well away from existing unsuitable sites.
Miss Roberts singled out the Croydon site as an example of what could be achieved when the planners and the major land-holders in London got together and she said that the GLC would be encouraging the holders of land designated for long-term development to make it available for this kind of site in the interim period.
Stephen Geary