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One Hears

16th February 1945
Page 23
Page 23, 16th February 1945 — One Hears
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

_Of Scotland demanding consideration of the Fettle forthwith.

Of London bus driver and conductor working together for 25 years.

That those who fail to -keep before the public eye learn that out of sight, out Of mind " is usually true.

That being "out of mind " is a short cut to being out of pocket.

That the original Hardstoft oil well—the first in Britain—is said to be producing only 7 cwt. of oil per day.

That in the absenc of sufficient petrol and oil, municipal buses in Zurich., Switzerland, are gradually being switched over to methane in preference to charcoal producet gas

That vapour degreasing has helped to speed war production.

That such plants usually employ trichlorethylene or perchlorethilene, which are non-inflammable.

• That Don-flex is a purely -British clutch disc, despite its Spanish title..

That war seems to bring, out the best in the best and the worst in the worst That all the petroleum so far preduced in the world could be contained in a hole in the ground having a volume a t cubic mile.

That 1 cubic Mile of fuel represents, approximately, 1,101,734,940,000 gallons.

That a hole less than 1 per cent. larger would more than accommodate all the motor vehicles ever produced.

That tests show tyres thrive on wider rims.

That drivers of heavies seldom kill a baby, but are often left to hold it.

That ,N.F.S. personnel have contributed £22,500 to the Red Cross Penny-a-Week Fund. • Of 'many London taxicabs • being put out of commission owing to the shortage of spare parts. • .

That the recent snap of frosty weather has brought in a • lot of work for welding fitillS.