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Sub-area of R,H.A. for Woollen District Operators?

16th February 1945
Page 26
Page 27
Page 26, 16th February 1945 — Sub-area of R,H.A. for Woollen District Operators?
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WAR-TIME increases in railway companies' fleets of read vehicles were commented upon at a meeting of the Heavy Woollen 'District Transport Association, held in Dewsbury, last

week. Generally speaking, . it was suggested that these fleets have been increased during the war by a Much greater proportion than the fleets of . haulage .contractors. Railway substiL _ tutions of motors for horses during the

years 1939 to 1941 were stated to have reached as high a ratib as flize. or six

to 10. .

This point' was mentiOned. following allusionsthe additional vehicles which, during the war, hauliers have been permitted to put into operation under defence permits. Anticipations that they will not be allowed to retain such tonnage after the war unless they prove need for it gave rise to the cornineekt that for every case in which extra tonnage had been allowed to -hanliers.there would-be 10 in which. the railways had obtained additional motor vehieles.

Mr. T. Jackson, of Dewsbury, hon. secretary; said it was to be anticipated that the need for retention ofextra tonnage granted in war-time under defence permits would have to be proved at hearings in the licensing courts, which w,ould be re-opened after the war " as surely as night follows day." • Mr. 'I', Bailey, of Batley, the chairmatt,-.-aphiplized that, after the war, all caii-iers. haulage licences and defence permits would. Come . up for re-examination, Raising another post-war questi4n, Mr. Bailey suggested that in prepara.tion for the switch-over from control, they should make. mutual .arrafternents for cibtaising, and dealing with traffic at present 'allocated through "controlled

channels. .

These post-war topics arose in a diecu.ssion on the question of whether the Heavy Woollen District ,Transport Association should be Merged 'hi the new Road Haulage .Assbciation., The valtie of national ,organization. among • hauliers Was stressed by Mr. Bailey, who made the point that hauliers doi* long-distance work needed something more than. a local association to serve the widespread character of their business. . On the other hind, he felt. that machinery for .dealing with loe41. problemsand for promoting local . co-operation among operators was also necessary..

.Mr. Jackson said that from the road. haulage standpoint the heavy woollen district . was different from many districts in that its traffic was largely of a specialized character. Alluding to the Association's rates schedule, he wondered what would be the R.H.A.'s attitude to this schedule in relation to the question of the national stabiliza• tion of road haulage rates.

-It was decided that Mr. Bailey and Mr. Jackson should make contact with • the West Riding (LeedSJ Area of the R.H.A. to explore the possibilities of merging the Association .-with the national organization, on the basis of forming a Wavy: Woollen -District. Sub-area of.the

A CLEARING HOUSE CONFERENCE A T a meeting of the Clearing House and Haulier Sections of the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses, North-Eastern Area, held at Leeds on January 31, Mr.. Benjamin Spink (haulier member) was elected chairman of the Area; Mr: J. F. Archbold (clearing-house member), honorary secretary; and Messrs. Albert Hopkinson (haulier) and Harold Firth (clearing house) members of the comrnittee.


THE following meetings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers may be of interest to our readers. They will be held at the prerniseS of the Institution, Storey's Gate, St. James's Park, London, SW.!.

February 23, 5.30 p.m.: Informal meeting with open discussion, " Let's Talk of Troubles." March 9, 10.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m.: Conference on Surface Finish, with series of 12 short papers in five groups; there will be an exhibition of apparatus, records, 'and parts. March 16, 5.30 p.m.: Informal meeting, "Invention after the War." The Graduates' Section will also hold the following meetings:—February

24, 2.30 p.m.: The Problems•Involved in the Establishment of a Large Works in a Country District." March 17, 3.30 p.m.: " British Machine Tools During the War,"

The president of the Institution is Mr. H. R. Ricardo, LL.D., B.A., F.R.S.


THE National Cbuncil of the new PassengefVehicle Operators' Association has unanimously elected Mr. F. J. Speight as Chairman, and Messrs. H. Allen and A. E. Smith as vicechairmen. The director is Mr. F. G.


AT the first meeting of the National Council of the recently formed Traders' Road Transport Association, Colonel Arthur Jerrett was unanimously elected chairman. He is a pastpresident of the C.M.U.A., and a well-known ;gum in transport circles. The director is, of course, Mr. F. G. Bristow, C.B.E. Messrs. R. E. Clough, J. Jane,s, Chris Smith and W. E. Vicary were elected vice-chairmen,

• The T.R.T.A. has for its purpose the protection of the trader operating his own goods vehicles. It will seek to obviate unnecessary or irksome restrictions of any nature, and endeavour to maintain the right of trade and industry to ,freedom of choice in the use of the various means for transport. Through the National Road Transport Federation it will fully co-operate with the other two associations which have been similarly established.