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The Commercial Motor Users' Association.

16th January 1908
Page 2
Page 2, 16th January 1908 — The Commercial Motor Users' Association.
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A meeting of the executive committee of the C.M.U. Association was held at 1, Albemarle Street, Piccadilly, W., on Wednesday, the 8th instant, at 2.30 p.m. There were present Col. R. E. Crompton (in the Chair), Capt. R. K. I3agnall-Wild, Messrs. E. Shrapnell Smith, F. C. A. Coventry, W. C. Lobjoit, W. J. Baker, H. Thomson Lyon, E. Godfrey Brewer, J. C. Mitchell, S. D. Gilbert, Douglas Mackenzie, and Rees Jeffreys (Secretary).

" The Commercial Motor " Prize Scheme.-The Report of the judges committee in connection with this scheme was received. The question of future meetings was considered, and it was resolved that the scheme be enlarged and that a sub-committee, consisting of the members of the judges committee, be farmed to consider the whole question in conjunction with the proprietors of " TIIE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Lectures before Chambers of C0117777eYCC.—The Secretary reported-that arrangements had been made for Mr. Shrapnel" Smith to deliver his lecture on " Commercial Motor Vehicles " before the following Chambers of Commerce : Loth January, Kidderminster ; 22nd January, Bath; 7th February, Limerick; loth February, Belfast; 2.5th February, Exeter; and 26th February, Penzance. It was intimated that the lecture at Aberdeen, on the 20th December, had been well received and reported locally.

Delays of Motorvans at Docks.—A letter was read from

Burroughs, Wellcome and Co., Ltd., with regard to the undue detention of motorvans at London Docks, and a special sub-committee was formed, consisting of Colonel Crompton, Messrs. Douglas Mackenzie, Charles Wheeler, W. J. Baker and E. Shrapnell Smith, to endeavour to improve the facilities for motor vehicles in docks generally.

Experiences of Users of Commercial Motor Fehicles.—A letter was read front Mr. Henry Sturmey suggesting that a pamphlet be compiled giving the experiences of users of commercial motor vehicles. The idea was approved in principle, and it was resolved that Mr. Sturmey be invited to elaborate the scheme he had outlined, and to submit it.

Enfield Loch Railway Bridge.—Mr. Douglas Mackenzie called attention to the Great Eastern Railway Bill, which had been deposited for the coming session, restricting the use of Enfield Lock railway bridge by motor traffic, and it was resolved that this be opposed.

"{lark Bridge.—A Report was received from Mr. Howard. Humphreys as to Wark Bridge, and the recommendations therein were adopted. In the event of its not beingpossible to settle, it was resolved that the Association should act conjointly with the National Traction Engine Owners' and Users' Association in appealing to the L.G.B.

Dinner.—It was resolved that the Dinner be held, if possible', at Olympia, during show week.