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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by ad difficulties of transport at whatever paints arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—john Beattie Crozier,
Charging Facilitizs for Electric Vehicles.
The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has just issued a register of the charging stations in the British Isles where facilitieis are provided for the replenishment of the current in the batteries in electric motor vehicles. Accompanying the register is a large map mounted on cloth, showing dearly every town in which a ehargmg station is located, and, on reference to the register, under the name of the town, there will will he found full particulars of the facilities 'provided, including the name and address of the station, the voltage of the current supplied, the charging amperage, the number of vehicles which can be charged under cover, the charging houre (stating whether or not charging can be carried out during Sundays), and the prices per unit. In addition, it is stated, in connection with each station, whether the standard charging plugs which have been approved by the British. Engineering Standards Committee ale provided.
New Brighton Road.
The proposal to construct a new road which will give more direct access to and from Hove to the main Brighton Road, without necessarily passing through Brighton itself, is receiving much support locally. The suggestion is to construct the road in two sections, one having a width of from 20 ft. to 30 ft.' with a grass side-path, extending from Patcham to the Dyke Road, and the other forming a new route from near the Dyke Station into Hove. The estimated cost of the entire scheme, exclusive of the purchase of land, is £26,000, and, as might he expected, it will give employment to a considerable number, of men. The most severe gradient throughout the length of the road is a rise of I. in 14 for a stretch of about 300 yds.
Financing Credit Sales .of .Commercial Vehicles.
As a matter of importance to those interested in the sale of commercial vehicles in the Antipodes, we are informed that the New Zealand Guarantee Corporation, Ltd., will presently came before the public. It has been promoted by a strong financial group. The capital of the company is to be £200,000, the object being the financing of credit sales of commercial vehicles. The Origin of this corporation is American, and latterly it was established in England. Similar corporations have..been established in Sydney and Melbourne, with, it is claimed, so much success that it has become imperative for facilities which they provide being made available in New Zealand, which is a virgin field. The new corporation has been thoroughly considered by the New Zealand Motor Trade Association.
At the recent conference of that body in Dunedin it Was decided to accord it the active and whole-hearted support of the Motor Trade Association, so long as the interests of the trade were cen
B18 sidercd and the public received a fair deal. It was recognized at the Dunedin conference of the trade that credit sales present a real difficulty to the average motor trader, whose capital is soon locked up if he undertakes this class of business..
in many cases, it is understood, bust-Tiess from reliable sources has had to be declined because of the inability of the motor trader to give the credit required. The establishment of the corporation would, it was realized, go a long way towards removing this difficulty, and credit. sales made that would be impossible under present conditions. For the time being the corporation will confine its business to commercial vehicles.
A Huge Taxation Cheque.
An example of the revenue which is derived 'from the taxation. of motor vehicles is forthcoming from the cheque which was drawn by the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., at the beginning of the year for payment for the renewal of licences on the London buses for 1923. The actual sum, £245,823, is probably the largest single chenoe of the £14,000,000 which is contributed annually by owners of motor vehicles.
Atkinsons in Australia,
Australian Road Transport, Ltd., of .Melbourne, Australia, who have just. issued their prospectus, whirls announces an authorized capital of £50,000, will run Atkinson steam wagons in connection with their goods transport system.
More Powers for Hull.
Hull Corporation Tramways Committee bas asked the Parliamentary. Committee to consider the desirability of securing power to enable the corporation to run _motorbuses outside the city.
Remember This Number.
Clerkenwell is the name of the new telephone exchange which came into operation on January 1st, from which date the telephone number of Tine Commercial Motor has been altered to Cierkenwell 6000.
The Citroen-Kegresse expedition which set out to cross the Sahara Desert has successfully accomplished its object. The members of the party arrived at Timbuctoo on January 7th, and thus conformed with the original time-table.
Right-hand Steering Now on Fords. •
The 1923 manufacturing programme of the Ford Motor Co. (England), Ltd., her; now been announced, substantial reductions being read° in the prices of all chassis and vehicles, and improvements in the vehicles themselves being announced.
In future the whole of the, output of Ford cars, trucks and chassis for this country will have right-hand steering, a decision which will be received throughout. the whole of the motor-using community with a large degree of pleasure. There is no doubt about it that left-band steering is quite unsuited for use in a country where the rule of the road is to keep to the left. We need not go into details as to the improvements that have been made in the touring cars. They are mainly concerned with the provision of lower seating, better -protection from the weather, and bodywork of improved COD51ruct
From Thursday last the following prices prevailed, delivery being at the works at Manchester :— New price. Old price.
Ford chassis £105 £120 Delivery van £130 £150
1-tonchassis £145 £160
1-ton truck 2170 £185 1-ton van ... £175 £190 Tractor ... £120 £120 Touring car £128 £152 Runabout ... £120 £140 Coupe ... £215 £230 So far as the chassis, touring car and delivery van are concerned, a starter can be fitted at an extra cost of £15, whilst demountable rims are £5 extra. The standard truck models are not equipped with the starter.
Company Registration in 1922.
We have just received from Jordon and Sons, Ltd., company registration agents, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. 2, a complete statistical report prepared by them of companies registered during 1922. The report is most instructive, and it, shows that the increase in the number of registrations of private companies during the first six months of the past year was maintained throughout the latter half of the year,
Although the number of registrations of companies increased in 192 as cornpared with 1921 by over 1,400, the average capital of the companies fell from £15,486 to £15,165, a condition which is believed to be due almost entirely to the onerous capital duty still imposed. It is interesting to note that the average capital for each company registered in 1920 was £56,522.
The narnber of companies interested in motor vehicles which was registered in 1922 was 413, six of these being public companies with a combined capital of £332,000, the companies other than public having a capital of £2,500,543. Seventy-four companies interested in oil were registered with a capital of £3,897,450. Lancashire Drivers' Wages.
Motor drivers in East Lancashire have settled their wages dispute with employers by accepting the modified proposal of a uniform reduction of wages of 3s. a week, instead of 4s. a week; for the more highly paid men, and 3s. a week for the others. The employers have agreed not to propose any further reduction unfit the cost of living has fallen below 65 points, and as any change will be on the basis of a shilling for every five points, no further reduction can actually leo put in force until the cost of living index is at, 60 points, The rates of pay now will be :—Steam-wagon drivers, 66s. ; . steam-wagon steerera, 55e. ; petrol driver of wagons of 2 tons and over, 635. ; petrol driver of wagons under 2 tons, 56s.; petrol wagon assistants Or loaders and stable and garage hands, 53s. All the other clauses in the agreement of August, 1021, remain. These guarantee, among other things, a 48-hour week and payment for overtime and Sunday ostling.
£490,000 for Surrey Roads.
Many big road schemes are being put in .hand in order partly to relieve the unemployment situation, and two of the latest are concerned with the construction of new arterial roads in Surrey, which are to be known as the Kingston.
and Sutton by-pass roads. .
The county surveyor of Surrey. estimates that, including the purchase' of the land, the cost of the two roads will involve an expenditure of a sum of about 2490,000.
South Africa Wants Stearn Wagons and Trailers
His Majesty's Senior Trade Commissiener in South Africa (Mr. W. G. Wickham) reports that the Municipal Council of Johannesburg has issued a call for tenders for the supply of three steam wagons and three trailers.
The steam wagons are to be of six tons capacity, fitted with rubber tyres and with a mechanical end-tipping body, the operation of which is controlled from the driver's seat. A complete outfit of tools must be supplied with each wagon and included iii the price quoted. The trailers are to be of three or four tons capacity, side-tipping, and fitted with rubber tyres and suitable brakes.
A copy of the conditions of contract and tender form .can be seen by regreaantatives of British makers at the offices {Room 50) of the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street., London, S.W. 1. A further set is available for loan to those concerns unable to arrange for in.spection in London.
New Traffic Rules in France.
The new decree codifying the'relelef the road in France as applied to all kinds of vehicle has been issued and is now in active operation.
One of the principal changes. in the regulation is that offending drivers will have theinattention drawn to any breach of the rules which they may commit by a shrill whistle with which all the 40,000 road police in France are now equipped. Previously those who offended in matters of this sort were acquainted with their misdemeanour as the result of a summons, but, by the new method they will be immediately warned of their offence.
Another. regulation provides for a more severe test of drivers of heavy vehicles before licences are issued to them, and no driving licences are to be issued to persons under 15 years of age. .
All motor lorries in France must., in future carry a driving mirror, and as this is one of the immt important features of the new decree, we have keen fit,to make reference to it in an editariaa In future farm vehicles will onlY be reauired to
carry a simple torch, thus dispensing with the white headlight and the red rear light with which they have hitherto had to be provided.
Seeking Cheap Transit.
A few days . ago the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport (Col. Wilfrid Ashley, M.P.) received a deputation from the National Association for the Promotion of Cheap Transit, The deputation was introduced by Mr. C. W. Bowerman, MP. The speakers on the deputation put forward twri main points, the first dealing with the lack of accommodation and general overcrowding, more particularly in connection with passenger traffic in London. The second concerned the high cost of travelling, In his re-ply, Col. Ashley pointed out to the members of the deputation the very great difficulties with which the companies were faced, and explained the efforts which are constantly being made by the companies concerned, the Ministry of Transport and the police authorities to lessen. present inconveniences. In dealing with the question of fares, Col. Ashley reminded the deputation that in Part III of the Railways Art, 1921, there had been established the Rates Tribunal, amongst whose duties was that of hearing fare complaints.
-We would remind readers that, when buying or selling goods which are advertised in ti]e classified advertisement see. lion of this journal, the approval deposit system is a safeguard both to buyer and seller. Full particulars of this system appear in the classified advertisement section of our columns.
The Council of the S.M.M. and T. has approved the proposal that members of the steam vehicle section shall be allowed to exhibit at. any four Agricultural Shows (including Smithfield) in addition to the shows approved by the Society.
Personal Pars.
Mr. A. J. Malrower, who is chairman of the electric yernele section of the S.M.M. and T., has written an introduction to the register, in which he points out the advantages which will follow from the widespread adoption of electric vehicles and of the dissemination of the information contained in the register. Over 230 towns in Great Britain and Ireland are mentioned in the register as having charging stations, whilst the total number of stations of which details are given exceeds 300. This register is pub.lished at 2s. 6d. by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Ltd., 50, Pall Mall, London, SAVA.
In his position as chairman of the electric vehicle section of the S.31.111. and T., Mr. A. J. iMakower, M.I.E'.E., has been a pillar of strength to the Society. Ile is managing director of Massey and 'Co., Ltd., who design and are selling agents for commercial motor electric vehicles, and he was personally associated with the first efforts to mannfact-ere electric vehicles in this country. He has a distinguished scientific and scholastic record and has done a great deal towards applying electricity to practical needs. He has been the head of the electric vehicle engineering department at the South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea, and was at one time secretary of the Board of Studies in electrical engineering of the University of London and chairman of the Board (.4 Examiners in electrical enginearing. He is the author of many valuable papers on wireless.
Lodge Plugs Ltd., Rugby, have recently secured the services for their technical department of Captain A. C. Burgoine, lately of the directorate of the research department, Air Ministry. For sonic years past Captain Burgoiee has been responsible for technical and research work in connection with the equipment of aircraft engines, and be is generally regarded as an authority en the subject of ignition.
Road Transport Helpful to Railways.
Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, C.B.E., president of the Commercial Motor Users Association, recently delivered an address on " Road Transport " before the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce. In opening the address, he traced the growth of mechanical transport from 1896, when there were not more than six or eight. experimental vehiales aced for goods purposes, or attempted to be used for carrying passengers, down, to the present day, when, according to the latest figures, there were 151,000 goods vehicles and 77,000 licensed hackney motor vehicles.
Having discussed the influence of motor traffic on economic life, Mr. ShrapnellaSmith dealt with the relations between motor and railway transport, maintaining that the development of motor facilities was really helpful to the rail way companies.
On the question of road maintenance he said that 22 years ago the highways cost 212,000,000 per year, whereas now, inclusive of improvements and, in some cases, new roads, the figure was in the vicinity of 237,000,000.
N:N-Te regret that in our acknowledgITIPIlt of seasonable reminders, WO omitted to thank the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., for several packs of playing cards.
Allen-Liversidge Report.
The report of the directors of Alien Liversidge, Ltd., for the year ended October 31st last shows a net profit, after providing for depreciation and other items, and including dividends on investments, of £32,696. Adding transfer fees and the balance brought forward from the previous year's trading, this
amount is brought up to £35,972. After providing for interest on loans and debenture stock to the extent of £6,382, and for directors' and other fees, there remains a balance of £27,075. An interim dividend at the rate of seven per cent. per annum absorbed £7,845, and Of the remaining sum of £19,230, £923 is allocated to writing off expenses on new debenture stock issue and amalgamation, 83,500 to writing off part of the discount and commission on debenture stock issue, and £10,086 to the payment of a final dividend, as reported in our last issue.
Wanted—a Bus.
Replying to the request from the sural district council for a bus to be run froni Hollins Green to Warrington at 10 a.m. each day, the Lancashire United Tramways Co., Ltd., state that during last summer an extra morning bus was operated on market days, but it was found that it was not required. The tratfie is increasing considerably, however, owing to a number of works becoming busier, and the matter is being carefully considered, and it is hoped to run the extra bus not later than March next.
Scottish Agriculture and Motor Taxation.
A meeting of the Perth District of the Scottish Chamber of Agriculture was held in Perth recently, when, during a discussion on motor licences and petrol taxation, the chairman stated that one section of the Chamber was in favour. of the tax being put upon petrol and the other favoured its imposition on meehanically propelled vehicles. At present he said, the cost of maintainingthe roads was largely levied on occupiers of houses and farms, and upon many ratepayers who did not have a car in use. What was intended by the Chamber was that a proportionate charge upon those who used the roads should go to defray their cost in upkeep. After discussion, the
B20 meeting agreed to leave the decision as to the nature of the tax in the hands of the Chamber, who had meantime con tinuecl consideration.
Brecon Bus Services.
A now motorbus service is to be opened during this month between Brecon and Crickhowell, and a bus will be run specially each day to facilitate the attendance of children living in the latter place at the secondary schools in Brecon. Season tickets at special rates are to be issued for the benefit of school sitending children. A weekly service .between Brecon and Abergavenny is also to be opened up. The services are arranged by Mr. F. E. James, Trenewydd, Brecon.
Bowser's New Address.
On and after February 1st the address of S. F. Bowser and Co., Inc., will be Windsor House, Victoria Street, London, -S.W. 1. The company are moving into these more spacious offices owing to the increasing business which is being coped with by the various departments dealing with petrol and lubricating oil storage systems, dry-cleaning and continuous clarifying equipment, paint-oil storage, etc.
Parking in Sheffield.
A joint committee of the Sheffield Corporation recommends the use of the following places for the parking of charsahanes and goods vehicles :—Open space at Tenter Street, square at bottom of Townhead Street, and small space at bottom of Snig Hill.
The Pictures on this Page.
One of the illustrations on this page shows a F.W.D. lorry, which has been remodelled by the Four Wheel Drive Lorry Co., Ltd., 44-46, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. The vehicle was shipped by one of the company's customers to Guatemala, and the following extract, which has been taken from a communication received from the user overseas, gives an indication of the efficient performance of the vehicle.
" The truck arrised in excellent condition. On the trip up to the plantation (from the railway station), a distance of 10 miles, starting at 600 ft.. and ending at a height of 2,200 ft., with a constant switchback •formation, having some grades as much as 25 per cent., the truck, with a load of about 25 centals, showed first-class pulling power, notwithstanding that it was operating axle-deep in mud for the .greaterspart of the journey. The manager of the estate, who was a passenger, was agreeably surprised at the performance, and especially at the almost. complete absence of skidding, to avoid which a rope webbing had been affixed to the wheels in the absence of chains."
The other pictureshows a Dennis 60-70 hp. 500-600-gallon turbine motor fire-engine, fitted with a 50-ft. escape. Firemaster . Bell, of the Aberdeen Brigade, writing to the company, says:—
"I am pleased to state that the combination is giving every satisfaction, and there has not been a hitch of any sort since delivery'. It has answered most of the calls—somewhere about BO—and some of them have turned out stiff jobs. The last we had was about two weeks ago. This happened at the Aberdeen Coal and Shipping Co.'s premises; there was about an 18 ft. lift for the pump (sea water), but the machine made no trouble of this. The engine was working hard for about ai hours with one 16-in. and two 1-in. nozzles, with splendid results."
An Albion Appointment.
fhe Albion.Motor Car Co., Ltd., advise US that they have appointed Messrs, Thomas Ayliffe and Sons, 41, Frederick Street, Cardifl, to act as their concessionnahes for the Sale of Albion vehicles in Cardiff, Newport, and the surrounding districts. Messrs. Ayliffe are one of the oldest concerns in the motor trade in Cardiff, and with their splendid garage accommodation and repair facilities aye in a position to give the fullest and most efficient service to the many users of Albion vehicles in the territory which they represent.
A New Ford Commutator.
We learn that Mr. Arthur W. Ratcliffe, until recently the London manager for Messrs. 'Timson Bros., has severed his connection with this concern for the purpose of marketing a. patent Ford commutator, which will be known as the Acme Ford timer. It is stated that the postal authoaities already have a number of these timers on test on some of their motor vehicles. The sales offices of the company are at 59, New Oxford Street, London, W.C. I.
Are You Going by Road?
In the interests of members travelling to Scotland to attend the Scottish Motor Show' which will be held in Glasgow from January 26th to February 3rd in• elusive, the 'Automobile Association has .instituted special arrangements for distributing en route road information during this period.
A special map has been prepared, indicating the best available routes to Glasgow under normal weather and other con ditions. Copies of this map will be placed in all the A.A. roadside telephone boxes situated on the recommended roads ; any changes in the routes, necessary on account of weather conditions— roads under repair, or roads rendered impassable by snow, flood, etc.—will be indicated daily, on these maps. Members will be able to see the maps by using their keys of the sentry-boxes.
A.A. road patrols will be present in full strength along all the roads indicated.
Owing to a considerable portion of the Great North Road in Huntingdonshire arid Lincolnshire being under repair, it will be necessary to take an alternative route, which, as shown on the map, ultimately rejoins the main artery at Newark.
Bad Roads in Wales.
The Ministry of Transport has notified the Narberth Urban District Council that the state of the road between Robeston Wathen and Whitland is in a state calculated to cause unnecessary punish
ment to road vehicles. The letter stated that there were large patches of unrolled stone in the road and that this was an example of road repair methods which are not favoured by the Ministry for a alassified road.
It is stated that there is also need to roll the main Tenby-Cardigan road.
Chepstow Approves New Services.
At a meeting of the Chepstow Urban District Council a letter was received from Mr. Blight, of Mager, stating that he intended inaugurating a motorbus service between Newport and Chepstow, and another via Portskewett, Caldicot, and Magor, and he requested to be allotted a standing place at Chepatow for the buses. The request was granted.
A Great Road Scheme.
The biggest road scheme projected in Scotland at the–present moment is that relating to the widening and strengthening of the main thoroughfare between Glasgdiv and Edinburgh, extending in length to something like 40 miles. The work is estimated to cost about £100,000 and to occupy close upon two years in execution. It will rep:esent the first serious endeavour ever made north of the Border to construct a thoroughly substantial
highway specially designed for modern traffic.
The number, size and weight of the motor vehicles that plyconstantly between the two cities can scarcely be exaggerated, and the present road is found utterly incapable of carrying them in anything like a satisfactory manner. Throughout its whole length the road is said to need complete reforming, arid, in addition, angles are to be modified and gradients to be made more easy.
The particular surfacing material to be selected has not yet been decided upon, but it is believed that Trinidad asphalt will meet with much favour. It is expected that the Ministry of Transport will pay half the cost.
Bus Conditions in the Isle of Wight.
At a meeting of the Newport (I.O.W.) Town Council a letter was read from the Sandown. Urban District Council, giving information as to certain requirements imposed by it upon the motorbu-ses plying in its area, and asking the Newport Council to impose similar requirements.
It was decided to refer the matter as to by-laws for motor omnibuses, etc., to the sub-commit Lee for consideration.
Cardiff Bus Gain.
A further financial report on the running of the Cardiff Corporation buses shows that in the nine months ended December 9th an increase in revenue of £551 was experienced, as compared with the corresponding period of the previous. year.
Bus Powers for Tramway Board.
West Riding County Council reports that powers to run motorbus services are being sought by the Stalybridge, Hyde, Mosslcy and Dukinfield Tramways Board.
. Blackpool's Buses.
In his annual report, Mr. C. Furness, tramways manager of the Blackpool Corporation, mentions that for the first time in the history of the department it is possible to refer to motorbus operation, as on July 2nd, 1921, a service was inaugurated between Cleveleys and Thornton, under powers obtained under the Blackpool Improvement Act, 1919.
Two buses were purchased, and for the nine months of operation the traffic receipts were £1,771; the number of passengers carried 152,647; and 62,900 miles were run. After meeting working expenses there was a balance of £89, but interest and sinking fund absorbed £129, áo that there iva.s a net loss of £40.
An effort was made by the trannvays committee to institute certain bus. routes within the borough, as authorized by the Blackpool Improvement Act of 1920, but after many reports and meetings the proposals were not adopted, and private enterprise subsequently entered into an agreement to provide certain services for a period of three years.
The net revenue, as stated, was £1,771. The expenditure was made up of traffic expenses, £74.3; general expenses, £244; general repairs and maintenance, £239; and power expenses, £456; a total of £1,682.
Body-panelling Material.
For more than 50 years G. D. Peters and Co., Ltd. (who have recently removed their head offices to Caxton House, Westminster, London, S.W.), have been marketing with conspicuous success a multitude of fittings and furnishings suitable for use on motor vehicles of all descriptions.
Among their products of direct interest to readers of this journal we can mention Sundeala panelling material, which possesses an established reputation amongst coachbuilders for reasons which it is not difficult to appreciate. Sundeala is not made in layers, but is of homogeneous construction, and, as a result of this feature, the makers can guarantee the material against the troubles of blistering, warping, and splitting which, not infrequently, cause dissatisfaction in a body appearing,, as it i322 emerged from the paint shop, to be of first-class build.
• Linseed oil enters largely into the composition of this material, which readily takes all kinds of paint, distemper and varnish, and enables a high finish to he secured. Sundeala is guaranteed weather and water proof. and, as it can be readily heist to any desired shape, it is not limited in its uses, which those who show preference for decorative or special advertising bodies will not be slow to appreciate. One of the illustrations which we publish on this page shows a smart delivery van built by the Chelsea Motor-Building Co., Ltd., 164, King's Road, London, which Sundeala is used. foe the body side panels.
We might mention that in our last issue, in the advertisement of the company, the sizes of the sheets in which Sundeala is supplied are given errone ously. These sheets are marketed in sizes of 11 ft. by 4 ft. 6 ins. and 8 ft. by 4 ft. The former size has been found to cover all practical requirements.
The Ashton Motor Co., Ltd., of the Borough Garage, Ashton-under-Lyne, announce a reduction in fares for cars on private hire of 2d. per mile all round.
Traction Engine Studs.
Fenrith Rural Council recently asked the Ministry of Transport to take steps to restore the war-time suspension of the restrictions with regard to using studs on the wheels of agricultural locomotives, on the ground that the liability to prosecution caused engine proprietors to suspend threshing operations during frosty weather, when they could not move without the use of studs. The council also expressed the view that the use of proper studs when roads were frozen did no damage. Now the Ministry has replied that it does not concur in this opinion, and declines to take any steps to permit the use of studs.
A Works Fire-engine.
Cadbury Bros., Ltd., of Bournville, the fatuous chocolate and cocoa manufacturers, have recently acquired two new fire-engines for their large works; these will augment an already large firefighting equipment with which the works are furnished.
The 65 h.p. Leyland machine, which is illustrated on this page, is equipped with a turbine pump of 500 gallons capacity, which is capable of delivering
water at 160-1b. pressure. Telescopic ladders are also part of the equipment, as well as instantaneous hose couplings. Messrs. Cadbury certainly believe in the use of modern equipment as a protection against outbreaks of fire.
New Roads in the West.
The opening up of the 'Monmouthshire valleys has been furthered by the decision to bring the Ynysddu area into more direct communication with other mining centres by the construction of a new road from Blackwood at a cost of £70,000. An immediate start is to be made with the work, which is, however, not expected to he completed before the end of the year.
The linking up of main highways between Glamorganshire and Carmarthenshire is being advanced by the construction of a new road from Pontarclulais to Pontyffynon hy joint action between the Swansea Rural District Council, Ammanford Urban District Council, and other local authorities. This route will complete a direct communication between Swansea, the mining valleys of West Glamorgan, and Llandilo, Carmarthenshire. '
. Local Proceedings.
'Bootle Town Council has authorized the purchase of a motorcar for official !Ise.
Dundee Watch Committee urges the need for the provision of a new motor fire-engine. . .
York City Council has now decided to install a petrol storage plant of 2,000 gallons capacity. ..
The-Burton Town Council proposes to purchase a motor ambulance at an estimated cost of £200.
York Watch Committee reports that it has purchased a six-cylinder Dennis fire-engine for £650.
Finchley UrbanDistrict Council has asked a committee to consider the desirability of purchasing a motor ainbulance.
TroWbridge Urban District Council his' decided to seek sanction to raise a loan of £1X0 for the purchase of a Motor fire-engine.
Blackburn Corporation Health Committee has authorized the purchase of a motorcar for the general use of the department.
Tunbridge Wells District Council has decided to purchase a light motor at a cost of about £200 for conveying the brigade to fires.
Leeds Corporation has empowered the cleansing eanunittee to purchase a new motor chassis for the bedding van, at a cost not exceeding £500.
Surrey and Middlesex County Councils are being asked to consider the erection of another Thames bridge, connecting Weybridge and Sheppertun. Twickenham Urban District Council has asked a committee to report on the desirability of introducing mechanical traction to replace horsed vehicles.
Ossett Town Council has decided to purchase an 8-toui compound steam road
roller from Marshall, Suns, and Co., Ltd., of Gainsborough, at a cost of -£930.
Salford Corporation Tramways Committee recommends the purchase of a Yukon 21-seater one-man motorbas at a cost of £741 from the Lancashire Motor
Trades, Ltd. i Sydney (N.S.W.) Municipal Council has asked its London agent to send a.
report as to a Karrier gully-emptying machine, which the council. is proposing to purchase.
Wimbledon Town Council is .considering the desirability of purchasing a motor road sweeper, and has a machine which has been loaned for demonstration purposes. The Merthyr Tydfil Corporation Highways Committee has decided to purchase
a new steam roller at an estimated cost br £1,000. The Ministry of Transport is expected to pay one-third of the cost.
The Municipal Council of Albury, New South Wales, has decided to take a referendum among its ratepayers on the question of installing electric motorbuses, at an estimated Cost of £10,000.
Halifax Corporation Transport. Committee has authorized the purchase from the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co., 1,td., of a 20 h.p. ebas.sis, on which is to• be fixed a horsed ambulance body, for •
the sunfof £546 10s. .
York Corporation Tramways Conunit
rfrecommends the purchase of three :ieyland one-man omnibuses, at a cost £996 each, the bodies to be built in accordance with a specification prepared by the tramways manager. • _ Southgate -Urban District Council has decided to purchase a motor lorry at a cost of £375.
Hull Corporation Kitchens Committee has decided to purchase a Ford van at a cost of £190.
Manchester Corporation Electricity Committee proposes to purchase a Ford closed car and a Ford van.
Bath Watch Committee proposes to place a traffic mirror at the corner of Bridge Street and the Grand Parade, at a cost of £40.
Sheffield Corporation Tramways Committee has promised to consider the advisability of running a motorbus service to •Manor The Ministry .of Transport has sanc
tioned the establishment of ee through
service of motorbuses between Rother ham and Doncaster.
Sheffield Corporation Cleansing Committee has formed a transport section to deal with questions relating to motor and other vehicles.
Hall Corporation Tramways Commit tee is negotiating for the purchase of the mothrhus service now run by Mr. MacMaster to Hessle.
West Riding County Council Highways Committee recommends an expenditure of £1,185 in having eight Clayton steam wagons fitted with 2k-ton tipping hoppers.
At a meeting of the Bradford Watch Committee the town clerk reported that the .Ministry of Health had confirmed the council's_ by-laws with respect to the illumination-of taximeters.
Peterborough Watch Committee is reviewing 'the whole question of vehicle licensing, and meanwhile has decided that, no omnibus will be licensed unless it has a rear emergency exit:
Sydney, N.S.W., Municipal council repoets the delivery of a Karrier street sweeping maehine., which, after trial, proved to be Satisfactory. It is proposed to'Firchase three additional machines.
At a meeting of the York Corporation Highways Committee, the engineer reported. as to damage to a footpath and railings by a showman's traction engine, cud instructions were Givento make a claimfor the cost of the repairs.
The Value of a Governor.
The value of an engine governor on a motor vehicle was instanced at the Caerphilly Police Court recently. A Poritypridd motor lorry driver was summoned for exceeding the speed limit of 12 miles per hour, and he successfully applied for an adjournment to call expert evidence as to the action of the governor on the lorry by which it was contended that, it was impossible to exceed a speed of 12 m.p.h.
At the adjourned hearing, two police constables alleged that the defendant's speed was 19 m.p.h.. but the niagisarate, after hearing the expert evidence of motor engineers, dismissed the case.
A Two-purpose Trip.
The picture we reproduce on this page shows a section of a fleet of lorries and cars which are being sent up by road by General Motors, Ltd., from London to Glasgow in time for the Scottish Show, which opens on January 96th. Depicted in the picLure are a Chevrolet vari, a G.M.C.-teue K16 bus, and a
G.M.C. chassis, which are seen drawn up in Birmingham during their stay at the Birmingham Garages, Ltd. The vehicles are stopping at various distributing agents en route for Glasgow.
Motorbus Terminus.
Doncaster Watch Committee is to arrange for a central terminus for the corporation motorbus services, with the idea of relieving congestion in streets where the vehicles now stop.
Parking in Birkenhead.
Birkenhead Corporation Markets Committee has arranged that the Market Square be available for the purpose of parking vehicles at owners' risk on cerairin days and at certain times, and that a charge be made in respect of each vehicle accommodated.
Loading Vehicles.
A joint committee of the Sheffield Corporation, which has been inquiring into the question of the congestion of traffic caused by loading sad unloading vehicles in the centre of the city, recommends that so far as possible this work should take place before 10 a.m.