News of the Week
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ASRED by Mr. W. J. Brown when a statement might be expected on the policy of the NI.O.W . T. -regarding the organization of postwar transport, Mr. Noel-Baker. Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry said : " Lord Leathers is actively considering the many complex problems involved in the post-war organization of transport, but he has not Yet reached the stage at which he can submit definite proposals to his colleagues in the Government."
He added that a great deal of preparatory work had been done, and that the Minister was in consultation with the Minister Without Portfolio, Sir William Jowitt, regarding plans.
THE proposals for the formation of a Joint Committee of Vehicle Manufacturers and Retailers, formulated by the immediate past-president of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, and the president of the Motor Agents' Association, have now been ratified by the councils of both
these bodies. . • The Committee is designed to act in an advisory. capacity and to take care of questions affecting only light commercial vehicles and private cars, the heavy commercial-vehicle manufacturers not desiring to participate in the scheme.
PETROL which had been recovered from scrap motor vehicles was the subject of a prosecution at Bradford City Police Court, last week, when Mr. Ernest Simpson, motor wrecker, of Bolton Road, Bradford, pleaded not guilty to unlawfully acquiring it..
Giving evidence for the prosecution, a senior clerk from the Petroleum Board's regional office said that defendant bad inquired what he was to do with petrol from scrap vehicles, and a letter was sent to him, asking for further particulars. There was no record of defendant having been granted permission to use such supplies of petrol.
The witness said that there was no record of a reply to the Board's letter, and, in reply to the defending solicitor, stated that he had no knowledge of defendant calling at the Petroleum Board office with the log books of 20 cars, to ask what was his position regarding petrol taken from the tanks of scrap machines.
Defendant said that some of the cars from which petrol had been taken had
been' laid up since the outbreak of war, and the petrol taken from their tanks was pre-war spirit. He had obtained two or three gallons a week from scrap vehicles, Since the present proceedings were instituted he bad not used his car; instead, he had employed a haulier for the purpose 01 bringing in cars for wrecking.
The summons was dismissed under the Piobation of Offenders Act R.T.C. NAMED IN PARLIAMENT
TN the House of Commons, last week, lin reply to Mr. Crowder, the following was given as the complete list of Regional Transport Commissioners in Great Britain, by Mr. Noel-Baker, Parliamentary Secretary to the
Northern: Sir John Maxweil. C.M.G. North-eastern: MOOT F. S. Eastwood. • Norrh Midland: Mr. J. Mirk, M.Inst.T., J.P.
Eastern: Sir Alfred Faulkner, all. C.H.E. London: Mr. 11;eel-on E. Robinson, M.C,, IA.B. Southern: Sir Henry Piggott.. CAI, C.E.E. South4western: Sir Alfred Robinson, K.E.E.,
M.Insi.T. •
Wa:es Mr. a Trevor 'Morgan, MC., K.C., J.R.
Mid:and: Sir Arnold Mints, C.I.E.. M.Rnst.C.E. Nortb-western: Sir William Chamberlain, Minst.T.
Srcrtland: Mr. Archibald Henderson. South-eastern: Lient.-Coinnel F. Gordon' Tneker, O.R.Fi., T.D.
All these are-full-time appointments, but for the time being the R.T.C. for the Eastern Region continues to act, in addition, as director of alternative potor fuels.
TO the Defence (General) RegaleCons, 1929, has been added another. No. 915, by which, in the event of a breakdown, when a tractortrailer is drawn by another vehicle, the combined unit will be tfeated as a single trailer. The trailer portion must he so superimposed on the tractor part that when it is uniformly loaded, not less than 20 per cent. of the weight. of its load is borne by the latter.
AS• hinted at in our issue for last week, the Minister of War Transport is to amend Regulation 82 (3) Of the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations, 1941, to permit a motor vehicle propelled by producer gas to be left unattended without the engine being stopped. It is felt that it is often desirable that engines of such vehicles engaged on work involving frequent short stops should be kept running so as to maintain the gas supply and to enable the vehicle quickly to start again without the use of petrol.
Operators of producer-gas vehicles are urged to see that the hand brakes of such vehicles are maintained in a fully efficient manner, thus reducing the risk of accidents. The Ministry is to issue instructions to vehicle examiners to pay special attention to this matter.
The notice of operators is drawn ao the fact that, if they avail themselves of this concession, they must make provision to comply with security requirements in the matter of immobilization, in those areas where it still applies.
FEWER SINGLE-DECK BUSES TO HAVE CONDUCTORS UNDER Regulation 16 of the Public Service •Vehicles (Equipment and Use) Regulations, 1941, the power of the Regional Transport Commissioners to certify that a conductor is not required on a single-deck bus on a particular service or in particular circumstances, is confined to vehicles with a seating capacity which does not exceed 26.
, The Minister of War Transport has intimated, in a notice dated July 7, that, he proposes, after the expiry of 40 days, to amend the regulations to ektend the discretion of R.T.Cs. to cover all single-deck vehicles. It is hoped that this will lead to some economy in man-power.
Copies of the draft Regulations may. be obtained from the AsSistant Secretary, Road Transport Division. B. 2, Fitzmaurice Place, ,Berkeley Square, London, W.I.
PLANS for a large number of road improvements, which can be carried out when conditions permit, have been prepared by the M.O.W.T., said Mr. Noel-Baker, Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry in the "Commons," last week. He was not able, however, to make any statement about the general policy of the Government with regard to post-war development! nor about the specific proposals which it has in view. He could not foretell when a will be necessary to ask for whatever statutory powers may be required.
GET RID OF ONE-WAY STREETS TO SAVE FUEL AND RUBRER I AT week, at a meeting of Mani-A cheater. CityCouncil no objection was raised to a suggestion from the Divisional Road Engineer of the M.O.W.T. (North-Western Division) urging that the suspension of certain one-way streets in the city for the duration of the war would be a method of conserving supplies of petrol and tyres. In all, 18 streets are affected.
The Ministry official said that it was claimed that a reduction in the volume of traffic had rendered one-way streets ■ unnecessary as a safety measure, and pointed out that he had been informed that since the Government control of long-distance haulage was brought into operation 8,000 vehicles had disappeared from the roads and that still further reductions were anticipated. He quoted the case of the vehicles of a Stockport haulage concern, delivering cloth in the Manchester Warehouse quarter, which almost doubled their mileage because of the need for using one-way streets.
APPLICATIONS were recently submated on behalf of the Transport and General Workers Union, the National Union of Railwaymen, and the National Union of General and Municipal Workers, for increases in war wages and changes in conditions of service of passenger road transport workers employed by the London Passenger Transport Board, the municipal undertakings, and the provincial bus companies in England and Wales.
After discussions within the appropriate industrial negotiating machinery, joint discussions between the representatives of all the parties have resulted in a common settlement of the claims, subject to ratification by Trades Unions' Conferences. The decision relates to employees in the operative, maintenance, and other grades of labour previously covered by transport awards or decisions, and will, if ratified,. take effect from the commencement of the first full pay period in July.
Provision is made for an incrtase of 4s. 8d., per week in the war wage for adults, calculated on the hourly rate of pay, with agreed increases to other staff concerned, and is in settlement of the unions' applications for alterations in wages and improvements in conditions of service.
THE nominal capital of Hay's Wharf Cartage Co., Ltd., 205, High Hole. born, London, W.C.1, has been increased by the addition of £871,008
in £1 ordinary shares, beyond the registered capital of £1,350,000. The increase is for the purpose of acquiring the whole of the issued share capital of Carter Paterson and Co., Ltd. To Feb. 8, 1943, 138,292 preference and 1,211,708 ordinary shares had been issued. Large blocks 'of shares were held by the Gt. Western Railway Co., L.N.E. Railway Co, Southern Railway • Co., and L.M. and S. Railway Co. Directors are Sir Jas. MiTne, Sir Herbert A. Walker, Mr. Wm. J. Elliott, Sir Ernest Lemon, Mr. Eustace j. Missenden, Mr. Chas. H. Newton and Admiral Sir Aubrey Smith.
DURING the year ended February 28 last the East London Rubber Co., Ltd., made a trading profit of £136,432, compared with 2114,199 in the previous year. The report announces that £6,000 has been set aside for the staff pension scheme.
Provision for taxation takes £95,000 and £17,500 has been placed to deferred repairs account. The net profit comes out at £41,432, compared.with £21,949 in the previous year. The preference dividend takes £5,500 (net) and a 10 per cent. dividend on the ordinary shares will absorb £11,667 (net), lealring £28,804 to be carried forward, as against £28,039 brought in.
The report mentions the fact that the company's business has broadened so considerably that its name no longer correctly describes its activities, and it is recommended to change it to Kerry's (Great Britain), Ltd. Kerry was the name of the founder of the business over 70 years ago.
NECLECT by . haulage contractors, their drivers and suppliers of sand and ballast to a Government site; to comply with the Weights and Measures Act, 1936, resultedin the hearing of 107 summonses at a special session of the Ormski4 Police Court. There was no suggestion of fraud.
It was explained that the consignor was responsible, under the Act, for supplying the haulier who was conveying the material with correctly completed conveyance notes and, together with the haulier, was responsible for the use of vehicles correctly marked with their tare weight. It was vital fOrthe protection of the purchaser that these regulations should he complied with in detail.
It was the haphazard method of checking consignments that led to the detection of the offences. Most of the loads were correct in weight, but there had been some neglect by drivers to carry conveyance notes. In other cases the tare weight of the vehicle had not been entered on the note, and there , were cases where the tare weight had not been shown on the side of the vehicle. Hauliers and ballast contractors were fined from £2 to £5 each, and mOst of the drivers were fined £1 each. .
ONE of the most useful -books to the novice driver of a commercial or other vehicle is "How to Drive a Motor Vehicle," obtainable at 3s. 6d. from all booksellers, or at 3s. 9d. (including postage) frompublishers, Temple Press Ltd. Its nany chapters, informative and well illustrated, constitute a valuable and comprehensive guide.
UNDER a new Defence Regulation, No. 55AA, a competent authority, which, in the case of road-transport undertakings, would be the M.O.W.T., probably through the Regional Transport Commissioners, may give directions to any undertaking or class of undertakings to keep, such books, accounts and records as may be prescribed.
WIIEN opening the lyre economy exhibition in Glasgow last week, Lord Rothes, Director of Tyres at the Ministry of Supply, emphasized that urgency for economy in the use of rubber remained, in spite of statements that synthetic rubber in quantity would shortly be available in the United States.
• Big savings had already been effected, but he thought that the inajor portion of any possible further economy was in the hands of ;:hose who used and maintained tyres. Careful tyre maintenance Was of vital importance. At the present time there were more than 50/500 tons of rubber in, the form of tyres running on the roads of this country, fitted to civilian transport.
-Mr. A. Henderson, Regional Transport Commissioner, asked operators to allow their drivers the opportunity of, visiting the exhibition to see what could be done in the way of saving rubber. The exhibition remains open at 41, Bothwell Street, Glasgow, until' August 7.
Training Centre in London has set up a permanent paper-saving exhibition, where officers and men undertaking salvage duties are shown the variety of uses to which paper is being put in the war effort.
The monthly average for the first quarter of 1943 for the London District Command alone was 141 tons, compared with 43 tons per month for a similar period Of 1941. WEST HARTLEPOOL BUSES SH,OW PROFITABLE RESULTS
DURING the year ended March 31 last, the transport undertaking of West Hartlepool Corporation made a profit of £11,409, comprising £9,327 on the buses and £2,082 on the trolleybuses. It has been decided to allocate £8,000 to meet income-tax demands, whilst•£909 is being transferred to the reserve fund and £2,500 to the general
• rate fund. The reserve fund now stands at £13,639. • ROAD TRANSPORT " WINGS " YIELD TOPS £429,000
FURTHER investments in response to the road. transport " Wings for Victory " drive. in 'the north-eastern region have brought the total yield to £429,804, which is over £179,000 more than the target.
WEhave received from Dennis Bros., Ltd., Guildford. a copy, of a partsectional drawing, in colour, of. the Dennis turbine-type centrifugal .pump, of which there are many thousands in service throughout the country. Accompanying the drawing, which •is . An excellent piece of work, is an explanatory leaflet, which gives a
brief description of the working principles of the pump. The information supplied, in conjunction with the drawing, should go. far to assist firemen in giving an instructional lecture on this -piece of fire-fighting equipment. This useful material can be obtained from' Dennis Bros., Ltd., for is. 6d. Post free.
4 HARD THOUGHT FOLLOWING directions from the M.O.W.T., Loridon Transport has put into service a limited number of buses with wooden-slatted seats. They are of the standard G-type (Guy) fourwheelers, of which there are now 71 in use on London routes; they each seat 56 passengers, 30 on the upper deck and 26 on the lower deck. Such vehicles normally have soft seats composed of rubber or other filling, and are covered with moquette, and it is to save these materials that the slatted seats are being adopted. A.11 future war-time buses in the London Transport area will have seats of this pattern.
THE transport committee of Bourne1 mouth Corporation has obtained an Order extending for three years the time for the commencement of the use of tr011eybuses On certain routes.
NORTHERN industrial communities , 'fare specially interested in the new powers given to Regional Transport • Commissioners to sanction the running of single-deck buses with driverconductors (the official notification is. ,referred to elsewhere in the " sews " pages), which is considered a comparatively simple arrangement on some services but to be impracticable in populous areas, Where so many short journeys are made and buses are so largely used by war workers. The elimination of nrany stopping places will, however, facilitate the alteration.
In the main, transport trade unions do not favour the scheme, which may be reviewed by the Municipal Transport Association. It is not unlikely that some unified policy will be fol 'lowed in counties like Lancashire.
THE examinations committee of the Institute of Transport has decided that it will not be practicable for the intended changes in the subjects of its examination scheme to come into operation on October 1 next, and it announces that the changes will -take effect on the same date in 1944.