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°The zerhee?s f wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as 4 carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—john Beattie Crosier, The First Coach Smash of the Year.
It is distressing to have to say so early in the motor-coach season that the first fatal accident has occurred.
A party of members of the York Municipal Guild and their families were proceeding from York by way of Knareshorough, Harrogate and Grassington to Bolton Abbey. The third motor coach was stopped by the driver at Knaresborough for the adjustment of the brakes, and again when the approach to Dibble Bridge over the Hobden Beck was reached. The driver here asked a passenger to scotch the wheels while he got underneath to see to the brakes, :which, as he said, were burnt out, the hand brake being seized up. He started again, but had only just got going when he found that neither the hand brake nor the foot brake would work, but we are not told whether he took the precaution of engaging his lowest gear. Be found that the vehicle was out of control, and after a run of about 100 yds., during which it gained considerable speed, it struck the parapet of the bridge, crashed through the wall and overturned, plunging -down the banks of the stream with its wheels in the air.
Many of tho passengers were pinned beneath the vehicle, five being killed instantly, whilst two others died svithin half an hour and a number of other passengers were inured. The inquest was opened on Thursday last.
Southdown Motors Report.
According to the report of Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., for the year ended March 31st last, the profit of the company amounted to £38,948, as against £42,644 for the previous year. A final dividend of 71 per cent, is being paid, making 15 per cent, for the year, and £10,000 is being added to the reserve fund, leaving 115,728 to be carried forward, as compared with 118,655, which was brought in.
Buses v. Trams in Glasgow.
The question of passenger transport in Glasgow continues to occupy much attention. The popularity of the motorbuses in the city—all privately owned— is daily getting more and more evident, and even a few weeks make a marvellous change in their numbers and in the resourcefulness of their owners. We are told for instance that at this time last 'year cnly 12 owners were interested in this service, but at the present moment there are 34 and others are coming into the field almost every day.
A still more striking illustration of the rapid increase of road motors is furnished by a census taken on two recent dates. On April 10th last it was found that the number of passengers conveyed to and from the city by buses was 23,860, but on May 20th it had risen to 33,946.
As a result of the growth of bus services, it is understood that all tramway extension programmes have been suspended, and that schemes in course of
being carried out are being substantially modified. It must be explained, of course, that the competition is only for long-distance runs, the tramways enjoying a complete monopoly within the burgh boundaries. When it is remembered, however, that the Glasgow tram
ways system radiates into the country for very long distances, itwill be realized that the cutting in of the motorbus is a serious proposition.
Bus Restrictions in London.
The Ministry of Transport has just announced further restrictions on motorbuses operating in the Metropolitan area. An Order forbidding any further buses to those plying for hire on January 13th over some 150 principal streets has already been made, and close on 500 thoroughfares are scheduled in the present Order.
The Mersey Tunnel Project.
The Bill promoted by the Liverpool and Birkenhead Corporations for the construction of a six-track tunnel for road traffic under the Mersey, is now before a Committee of the House of Lords. Proceedings began yesterday, Mr. Macmillan, KG., being leading counsel for the promoters. The principal opposition is from the proprietors of the existing Mersey Tunnel Railway. Evidence in support is being given by the President of the C.M.U.A.
The R.A.F. Display.
On Saturday of next week (June 27th) the King and Queen, accompanied by the Duke and Duchess of York, and Supported by members of the Cabinet, ex-Ministers and a notable company of visitors, will attend the sixth Royal Air Force display, at Hendon.
Some extraordinarily interesting manceuvres will be undertaken by daybombing squadrons, whilst there will be flight evolutions by single-seated fighters, which are retained at home for defensive purposes against enemy bombing raiders. These will serve to demonstrate the extraordinary skill of the pilots of to-day.
One of the events will be a squadron drill carried out on orders given by wireless telephony from the machine of the squadron-leader, although it is probable that ono order will be given by the King from the ground station.
CoI. Sir Joseph Nall, D.S.O., T.D., M.P., has been elected president of the Institute of Transport for the ensuing year.
Demand for Relief for Tramways.
The Minister of Transport last week received a deputation consisting of members of the Council of the Tramways and Light Railways Association, the particular points dealt with by the deputation being :—(1) The desirability of placing on a permanent basis the powers contained in the Temporary Acts relating to increases in tramway fares ; (2) the claim of tramway undertakings to some measure of relief from the statutory obligations at present imposed on them in regard to the maintenance of their portion of the public highway ; and (3) the serious effect on the undertakings of unrestricted omnibus competition.
The Minister promised full consideration of the views represented by the deputation, who thanked him for the opportunity of setting their CASS before him.
Parent Trust Profits.
The directors of the Parent Trust and Finance Co., Ltd. (formerly the Parent Tyre Co., Ltd.), in their report for the year ending April 30th last, disclose a revenue for the year of £523,797, which, after the deduction of income tax, is reduced to 1407,273, to which has to be added £61,941 brought in from the previous accounts, making an available total of 1469,214.
The dividends previously declared had cleared up all arrears to April 30th, 1924, in addition to which a dividend of 25 per cent. on the old deferred shares had been paid, whilst interim dividends for the year have been paid to the end of October last. The directors now propose final dividends on the preference and 8 per cent. ordinary shares, whilst on the deferred shares a dividend of 20 per cent, for the year is recommended.
It is proposed to transfer £22,647 to reserve account, and to carry forward £63,374.
A Traffic Relief Route,
The Traffic Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Transport is engaged in the preparation of a new alterhative route in London from the "Angel," Islington, to Bayswater, which is intended to divert traffic so as to avoid much of the congestion which at present occurs in Oxford Street and Euston Road. It is stated that buses will not be permitted to use the proposed route, which will not necessitate constructional or demolition work, • for the proposal involves the use of existing streets.
The Carl-Metz Turntable Ladder.
In our issue dated June 2nd we published a paragraph dealing with the tenders which had been received by the fire brigade committee of the London County Council for a new turntable ladder. It was then mentioned that it is necessary in London to have a ladder that will carry at least two men at full elevation and Leyland Motors, Ltd., ask us to make it clear that this is possible with the Carl-Metz turntable ladder, a type already described by us.
Fordson Tractor Output.
The Ford Motor Co. reached the halfmillion mark in the production of Fordson tractors on May 21st. Since its introduction eight years ago the Fordson tractor has found favour for agricultural work in every part of the world, and as a proof of its satisfaction in service it can be said that since it was first placed on the market no basic alteration in design has been found necessary.
The metlackls used to-day in the manufacture of these tractors, however, present a striking contrast to those employed when production began eight years ago. At that time only three or four Fordsons were produced each day, and it took weeks to make some parts, whereas to-day the output is 400 daily, and the production cycle shows that 81 lire. 8 mins, after iton ore has arrived at the factory it is converted into Fordson motor blocks which are assembled into complete tractors.
Reducing Bakers' Delivery Costs. At the conference of the National Association of Master Bakers, Confectioners and Caterers, which is being, held at Margate this week, Mr. C. Holmes Waghorn, A.M.Inst.C.E., who is a consultant on road transport matters, will to-morrow (Wednesday) give an address entitled "From Bakehouse to Buyer" dealing with the subject of reducing de
livery costs.
South Shields Buying Small Buses.
In an effort to eliminate the present losses which are being incurred by the South Shields Corporation on the motorbus system and to make it self-supporting, at any rate, if not profit-earning, the authority has adopted a _recommendation from its recently appointed tramways manager, Ur. J. Austin Baker, to purchase a small fleet of onetnan-controlied14-seater Morris buses on pneumatic tyres.
At the present time six larger vehicles are in service, but it is said that these
cb not meet the requirements of the district.
• In the course of a five-weeks' review, it has been ascertained that the vehicles operating over one route from South Shields, over which the weekly mileage is approximately 700, have only taken receipts averaging 7.07d. per bus-mile, whilst operating costs have been 14d. per bus-mile. In Mr. Baker's opinion, the 14-seater vehicles should salve the ' existing difficulty by reducing running Costs, and the authority has accordingly placed an order with Morris Motors, Ltd., Birmingham, for four buses at a Cost of X420 each.
North American Production.
The Department of Commerce of America announces that the production of commercial motor vehicles in April was 47,664, of which 46,092 were made in the United States and 1,572'in Canada.
The N.S.C.'s Vice-president.
Sir Charles Wakefield, Bart., governing director of C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd., the manufacturers of Castrol motor oils and greases, has been appointed vice-president of the National Society of Chauffeurs.
Barker's Buying Guys. •
Guy Motors, Ltd., inform us that the well-known London house of John Barker, Ltd., who have had past experience with vehicles of their manufacture, have just ordered ten 1-ton Guy chassis, which, when fitted with van bodies, are to be used for delivery work.
A Licensing Limit.
The Torquay Motor Coach Owners' Association has written to the Torquay Corporation promising to give evidence at an inquiry to be held by the Ministry of Transport in support of the submission that the number of vehicles already licensed to ply for hire on char-a-banes service in the borough is sufficient for the public neede. Inspecting Sheffield's Hackneys.
The Sheffield Watch Committee has recently concluded its inspection of privately owned hackney carriages operating in the district. The vehicles were inspected for mechanical fitness as well as for the condition of the bodies. They were subjected to certain tests and certificates were not issued until the inspectors were quite satisfied as to the safety of the vehicles for public use. The brake tests were made at the junction of Derbyshire Lane and Chesterfield Road, The authorities endeavoured to carry out this inspection with as jittle disturbance to the normal acavities of users as passible, and all the buses belonging to one company who run a service into the city were inspected on Sundays.
Buses Barred on Cheshire Road. Alcieriey Edge Urban District Council has informed local motorbus proprietors that it will not permit buses to run an services over the bill road to the Wizard, which, with its steep gradients and sharp turns, is said to be the most dangerous highway in Cheshire.
A Thornycroft in Malaya.
The Government of the Federated Malay States is amongst the latest purchasers of Thornycroft vehicles. It has recently taken delivery of the interesting machine which is illustrated on this page. It consists of an example of the company's Al chassis, which ,is fitted with a special body. The vehicle is to be used for carrying opium from the Government stores to outlying districts which, in some cases, are over 100 miles distant, and to reach which the course is through heavy jungle. The majority of this opium is consumed by local Chinese, and it is perhaps of interest to mention that a sum of over f170,000accrues to the Government annually through the importation of opium into Malaya.
The van body is built of specially selected and seasoned Changhai wood,
Agents for Morse Tools.
Alfred Herbert, Ltd., inform us that they have terminated their agreement with the J. M. Carpenter Tap and Die Co., of Pawtucket, U.S.A., and have entered into an agreement with the Morse Twist Drill and Machine Co. In future the company will act as agents for all Morse carbon steel tools, such as drills, reamers, mandrels, sockets, etc., and will be sole agents in Great Britain and Ireland for all Morse screwing tackle, such as dies, die stocks, taps, tap wrenches etc. Large stocks of this range of tools will be carried at the company's head office at Coventry and at their various branch offices in this country.
A Wheel Tax Difficulty.
In a report to the Bombay corporation, the assessor and collector, referring to the collection of the wheel tax, observes that the effort expended on this work is out of all proportion to the stake involved. The difficulties are due to the largely increased number of motor vehicles in use and to the frequency with which they change hands, the prolonged search for new owners and new localities to which vehicles are moved, and the endless correspondence created by the pertinacity with which evasive ratepayers contrive to prolong flimsy disputes.
A Booklet on Brushes.
Messrs. Autocar Electrical Equipment Co., Mitchell Street, London, E.C.1, have sent us a copy of their booklet dealing with various types of brush which they supply for electrical equipment as used on British, American and Continental motor vehicles. The list contains an illustration of each type of brush as applied to different classes of equipment and gives sizes and prices.
Cadisch's New Premises.
Messrs. R. Cadisch and Sons, who are factors, manufacturers and exporters of motor and electrical accessories, advise us that they have removed to more commodious premises at 5 and 6, Red Lion Square, London, W.C.1. This change has become necessary owing to the
growth of the company's business, and the new headquarters have been planned on modern lines with the object of giving prompt and efficient service to buyers in the trade. Their new warehouses
provide adequate storage space for the large and varied stock of goods which they carry.
A New Venture.
Mr. Colin Macbeth, M.I.A.E.,M.SA.E,. who for 12 years was works manager and experimental engineer with the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., has now opened an office as consulting engineer at 67, Norwich Union Chambers, Congreve Street, Birmingham.
The Dominion Rubber Co., Ltd., at whose premises at 47-48, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4, a fire occurred last week, ask us to point out that stocks of Dominion tyres and other goods are carried at their Ogle Street warehouse, and therefore deliveries are not affected by the fire.
Goodyear Tyre Durability.
Striking testimony to the durability and efficiency of Goodyear giant pneumatic tyres is to be found in a letter which the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber
Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., have received from Messrs. Spowart Bros., of Berwick-on-Tweed. This company use the G.M.C. bus, which is illustrated on this page, on service between Berwick and Spittal, where the road surface is not all that could be desired.
it is, therefore, somewhat surprising to learn that, although the vehicle was put into service in April, 1923, the Goodyear tyres on the front wheels have only just been changed after covering well over 50,000 miles. They have been removed on account of the advent of the summer season, although the users of the vehicle considered them good for a further few thousand miles. The original rear tyres were also credited with a big mileage before being replaced, the actual figure being 35,000.
Another Bus for Stockton.
Consequent upon the successful operation of the municipal motorbus system over the past year, the omnibus committee of the Stockton Corporation has resolved to purchase an additional 26seater Leyland saloon bus, constructed witha view to one-man control at a cost of £1,082. The authority has six of these vehicles, which have been found to be most economical in operation, and they have enabled the corporation to develop new districts at a much less cost than by running vehicles of heavier capacity which require both a driver and Et conductor.
South Africa Favours Steam Wagons.
According to a recent report from Durban, steam wagons are rapidly becoming the most popular form of vehicle for heavy transport work in South Africa. Some years ago the South African Railway authorities put into service a fleet of Fodens, which were built especially for operating in the country. At the present time several makes of British steam wagons are in use on the Rand, these including Fodens, Yorkshires and Sentinels. Light Vehicles from Canada.
Statistics which have just been issued show that the number of commercial vehicles of 1-ton capacity or less exported from Canada during April of this year was 1,134, representing a value of 352,746 dollars. This figure is much higher than that of the corresponding month of last year, when only 406 vehicles Were exported. • By far the greatest number of these vehicles were shipped to Australia, which imported 594, -the nearest figures to this being 133 imported by New Zealand and 100 imported by the United Kingdom.
, For the 12 months ended April of this year 12,488 commercial motor vehicles of a capacity of 1 ton or less have been exported from Canada.
A Leyland Fire-engine's Distinction.
The Leyland fire-engine which is illustrated on -this page is of more than passing interest, since it is in use by the authorities in the city which claims . to be the nearest to the South Pole. The engine, which has a capacity of from 500 to 700 gallons, has only recently been delivered to the Invercargill Fire Board, but it has already given an indication of its capabilities, for it was responsible for preventing considerable damage on the occasion of a serious fire in the city, which obtained a good hold before it was discovered.
Demonstrations w hi c h have been carried out with the machine have also proved its efficiency. On one occasion a jet of water was thrown over the flagstaff of J. G. Ward and Co.'s building, which is 105 ft. from the ground. The water supplied was taken from the Puney Creek, which runs through Invercargill and is a tidal• creek, so is not always a source of supply. Another test was made, using water from the city mains, but this was of a fluctuating nature owing to the fact that the mains which, originally 4 ins. "in diameter, have, after many years, become furred up, with the result that the engine had the effect of emptying them at intervals.
A 5 servi clai Developing Mining Areas.
The Carrnarthenshire Main Roads Committee recently heard the claims of a deputation representing the Pontyberem, Kidwelly, Llangendeirn, Llanddaiog and Llanartlaney Councils in favour of the construction, by the county• authority, of a new road from Drefach to Trimsaran, via Pontyates, so as to develop the new mining areas in the Gwendraeth Valley.
The Mayor of Kidwelly said that one reason in support of constructing such a road was that some 500 men journeyed daily to the valley from the Kidwelly district to work in the pits, and they had to rely on rail transport, whereas road vehicles would prove more convenient At present there is no direct road communieation between Swansea, Llanelly, Burry Port and Kidwelly from the Gwendraeth mining valleys.
The Committee decided to obtain a technical report on the construction of the proposed read.
A Campaign Against Overloading,
A recent campaign in New York against the overloading of commercial vehicles resulted in 102 arrests, the offenders being chiefly users of lorries of 5 tons capacity or more. The vehicles which had the-. greatest percentage of overloads were those of 5-ton and 51-ton capacity, the next principal offender being the 7-7i-ton model. We believe that the practice of overloading is less prevalent in this country now than it was a few years ago.
Leeds Bus Conditions.
• Leeds Watch Committee has taken no action in regard to a communication from the president of the Leeds and District Horse and Motor Owners' Association asking for the reconsideration of the conditions imposed by the committee in connection with the granting of licences for motor omnibuses to run in the city in connection with services from outside areas.
Bolivian Mercantile Exposition.
The opening of a permanent mercantile exhibition will take place at La Pas on August 6th, the centenary of the foundation of the Bolivian Republic. The exhibits will be arranged in nine galleries and will include motor lorries, tractors, cars and general machinery.
Bus Emergency Exits.
At a meeting of the Truro Watch Committee Mr. F. Parkin, the town clerk, reported that he had ascertained from the Ministry of Transport that the, corporation have the power to enforce the prevision of emergency exits to omnibuses.
A Torquay Appeal.
Fleet Cars, Ltd., have appealed to the Ministry of Transport against the decision of the Torquay Watch Committee, which refused to issue licences to them for five additional motor coaches.
Lincoln Bus Results.
The general industrial depression which has long prevailed in Lincoln is reflected in diminished receipts both on the municipal tramcars and motorbuses. A report which was presented at the last meeting of the corporation showed a loss last year upon the buses of £1,371.
The difficulty has been accentuated in regard to the buses by reason of the fact that repayment of their cost, which, under official arrangements, is rendered obligatory within five years, has entailed an annual expenditure of £4,525. With the removal of that burden by the end of the present year, hopes are entertained of the possibility of a reduction in fares, which may lead to increased traffic.
Transport Costs at Rotherham.
The third annual report of the municipal transport department of the Rotherham Corporation has been issued by Mr. T. P. Sykes, the manager. The light transport section receipts in the past year amounted to £2,153 as against 11,655 a year earlier, whilst the mileage run increased from 29,341 to 35,845. Both these increases are due to the electricity department becoming regular hirers of vehicles instead of casual hirers as hitherto. The net balance after payment of interest and depreciation is £83 19s. 7d., whilst £33 13s. 11d, is carried to the tyre reserve account. The total reserve is now £345, so that the department is in quite a healthy financial condition.
The total capital expenditure on vehicles has been £2,381, of which sum £1,616 is outstanding. During the period covered by the report, the operating costs per car mile increased from 9.41d. to 10.16d., which is due chiefly to increased wages. General expenses show a slight increase, as do repairs, whilst power expenses have been slightly reduced, the number of miles run per gallon of fuel used having been increased from 16.2d. to 16.7d.
The income of the heavy transport section was £12,141 and the expenditure £9,890.
Argyllshire Roads.
Sir Henry Maybury has intimated to the County Council of Argyll that the Ministry of Transport has decided to allocate a sum of £30.000 for reconditioning the road from Ballachulish to Kinlochleven, and a further sum of £100,000 for the improvement of the main highway from Ballachulish to Fort Augustus, by way of Fort William. It is proposed to proceed with these schemes immediately, but it is difficult to estimate with any precision the time that will be needed for their execution.
The country to be opened up by these roads is fairly populous, but very indifferently served by steamers and railways. It is, therefore, considered necessary to render them accessible to commercial vehicles in order that the resources of the various localities, which are chiefly agricultural, may be permitted to develop on more modern lines.
Local Proceedings.
Carlisle Corporation has purchased a Guy lorry for the gas department.
Salford Watch Committee has prepared a scheme for the erection of a garage at a cost of £6,260.
Burton-on-Trent Corporation has purchased a Foden 5-ton three-way tipping wagon at a cost of £810.
Burton-on-Trent Corporation has purchased an S-cwt. motorvan at a cost of £200 for the gas department.
Ilford Urban District Council has accepted the tender of Leyland Motors, Ltd., for the supply of a cesspool emptier at a cost of £1,198.
The tramways committee of the Rotherham Corporation recommends the inauguration of a motorbus service to Doncaster at a fare of 1s. 3d.
Manchester Corporation is purchasing a number of Dreadnought hub-odometers from Messrs. Henry Miller and Co., London, for attachment to motor sweeping machines.
The tramways committee of the Manchester Corporation has decided to institute a motorbus service along the new arterial road between Lightbourne Road, Moston, and Middleton Junction.
Bombay Corporation has made a contract with the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., for the supply of tyres. The municipal commissioner of the city speaks in high terms of tyres of this make.
In licensing motorbuses Brighton Watch Committee is now making it a stipulation that boxes must be provided for the reception of used tickets in order to prevent the littering of the streets.
York City Council has adopted the recommendation of the tramways committee for the acceptance of the tender of Leyland Motors, Ltd., for the supply of three 26-seater one-man-operated motor omnibuses with pneumatic tyres at £1,050 each. The Port Talbot Urban District Council has decided to purchase a Ford scavenging wagon.
Newport (I.O.W.) Corporation is considering the purchase of a motorcar to haul the fire appliances.
Stoke-on-Trent Corporation has purchased a Bean motorvan from Mr. E. Goodhall, of Tunstall, for £292 10s.
Stoke Corporation has fixed a fee of 1.s. for the use of the public weighing machine by any type of motor wagon.
Manchester Corporation has purchased a Fordson tractor from Quick, Ltd., for the use of the tramways department.
Stoke-on-Trent Corporation has deferred for the present a proposal to purchase a Barrier motor sweeping machine.
Stoke-on-Trent Corporation has purchased a motor ambulance from the Newcastle (Staffs) Motor Co., Ltd., at a cost of 1520.
The works committee of the Kensington Borough Council recommends the purchase of a third low-built motor
wagon for refuse collection at a coat of £589.
The fire brigade committee of the Penzance Corporation reports that the time is approaching for the corporation to consider the purchase of a new motorpropelled fire-engine.
Stoke-on-Trent Watch Committee has decided to notify proprietors that, in future, buses must be constructed with two side entrances—which, of course, will make it unnecessary to provide emergency exits.
Truro Watch Committee has considered the question of the use of the Green and Quay for parking motor vehicles, and decided that 6d. be charged for vehicles seating up to six passengers and is. for vehicles with a greater seating capacity.
B.A.T. Traffic Receipts.
The traffic receipts for the four weeks ended May 22nd on the passenger vehicles owned by the various companies comprising the British Automobile Traction Co.'s group totalled £149,585. This figure represents an increase of 133,010 over that for the corresponding four weeks of 1924. The total receipts for the first 20 weeks of the year have aniounted to £660,992, a figure which shows an increase of £145,698 over that for the corresponding period of a year ago.
Runbaken's New Works.
Messrs. Itunbaken Magneto and Accessory Co. advise us that their new registered office and works are at 270, Deansgate, Manchester. They inform us that they are in a position to give rapid and efficient service in connection with repairs to magnetos, dynamos, selfstarters and general electrical equipment for motor vehicles, as well as to supply spare parts for such components. The company were established in 1908, and the various Runbaken products are largely used in the industry.
Ford Development in Eastern Europe. According to a report from Helsingfors, it is stated that the Ford Motor Co. contemplate erecting an assembling plant in that city, and negotiations have already been opened with the Finnish authorities for the concession of a bonded warehouse. It is believed that the company are preparing for an extensive export trade with Russia eventually.
Buses to Replace Trams, The Potteries Electric Traction Co. have notified the Stoke Watch Committee of their intention to introduce a reduced tram service on the TunstallLangton route and to replace the tramcars by motorbuses.