News of the week (continued)
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SUMMONSES were heard recently at Wimborne, against Strong and Co., the brewery concern of Romsey. Wilts, and a driver, in respect of alleged overloading, the lorry and trailer concerned being on hire from a firm of local haulage contractors. The circumstances were that more than 8 tons were, according to police evidence, transmitted to the road surface by two wheels, the total exceeding 12 tons.
On the_company's behalf it was contended that it was not responsible, since although it had 32 lorries, this vehicle was not its property, neither was the driver its employee.
The driver said that he had been ordered by his employers, Messrs. Hatchers, of Totton, to collect a load of 13 tons from the brewery and deliver it in the Poole area. He helped to load the lorry and trailer, but had no idea that the load exceeded 13 tons.
It was said that had the load been properly distributed between lorry and trailer, it would not have exceeded the regulation allowance of 22 tons. Chiefly, the complaint was improperly regulated load distribution. The Bench fined the company Ll 16s. for permitting the use and 1 8s. 6d., plus costs, for permitting excessive total weight. The driver was fined 2s. 6d. on each count.
Horse Substitutes Not Automatic.
A FEW days ago an important
adjourned application by William Burgess (Bristol), Ltd., of 107, Redchile Hill, Bristol, came before the Western Licensing Authority, Mr. Trevor Morgan. It was for the addition of five vehicles (12 tons 5 cwt.) to a B licence, for general goods, restricted to eight miles.
At the original hearing at Bristol on May 22, in opening the case for the applicant, Mr. A. Stanley Brookes informed the Licensing Authority that in September, 1937, Burgess (Bristol), Ltd., owned and used 86 horses, but it had been the policy to get rid of the horses and it now owned 66 horses. The company was thus worse off, by 20 horses, than in September, 1937, and the sole reason for the application was to replace the shortage by adding five new vehicles, of 2i tons each.
In cross-examination by Mr. T. D. Corpe, on behalf of the objectors, the applicant admitted that the work which it really required to do; was the carriage of tobacco from Avonmouth, and paper from St. Anne's Board Mills. It was also admitted that this was work which had been done by hired vehicles and the contract from St. Anne's Board Mills commenced with the present applicant only in January of this year.
Mr. Corpe pointed out that the appli:ation at first appeared as a simple application to delete horses aid add
n2 vehicles, and he asked the AuthOrity to refer to Section 6 of the At, which stated that the deletion of horses was to be taken into consideration, but the section did not state that such an application was bound to be granted. In his opinion, the deletion should only carry a bias in the applicant's favour, but that bias could be disturbed. He submitted that the objectors had shown that the work was entirely new work, which had never previously been carried out by horses, and the applicant should justify this work with the usual evidence for additional vehicles.
The Licensing Authority adjourned his decision.
Field-service Engineers Required.
SEVERAL vacancies exist for field service engineers for the north of England, the Midlands and Scotland on the outside staff of F. Perkins, Ltd., Peterborough, and men with experience of high-speed oil engines are, naturally, preferred.
Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
THE following is the number of ships ,arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetties named, from June 16 to 25, inclusive. Docics :—King George V, 5; Royal Albert, 4; Royal Victoria, 4; Surrey Commercial, 7; West India, 4; Tilbury, 11; Tilbury Stage, 2; Millwall, 2; Royal, 1. WHARVES :—Hays, 5; Butlers, 1. Regents Canal, 1.
TENDERS OF INTEREST TO HAULIERS. MENDERS are invited by the following. (Latest dates given in parentheses):— Great Yarmouth Corporation for approx.'. mately 1,000 tons of house coal, 900 tons of steam coal, 50 tons of Welsh smokeless coal. 200 tons of bituminous coal, 6 tons of atrthracite, 1,250 tons of coke, over a period of 12 months. Apply to the Borough Engineer s Office, Town Hall, Great Yarmouth. (June 19.) Kettering Corporation for 550 tons of Glapwell hand-picked hard coal and 250 torus of best Leicester, Northampton and Wellingborough gas coke. App.), to the Borough Surveyor, 3, Gold Street. Kettering. (June 20.) Hastings T.C. for 400 tons of anthracite peas, 260 tons house coal, 860 tons English lump and machine broken gas coke, also 'haulage of 1,500 tons of steam Coal, 100 tons haute, coal, 140 tons of coke. Apply to the Borough Engineer's Office, 37, Wellington Square. Hastings. (June 21.) Darlington T.C. for steam coal, household coal and coke for a period of 12 months. Apply to the Borough Surveyor and Waterworks Engineer, Town flail, Darlington. (June 204 Banff C.C. for coals to schools in the county for 12 months ending July 31, 1940. Apply to Mr. Win. I). Kennedy, Education Offices, Keith. (June 24.)
Blackjeol T.C. tor 50,000 tone of washed
screen doubles and/or singles over a period of eight months. Apply to the Gas Engineer and Manager, Gas Department, Princess Street. Blackpool. (June 20.1 Bristol T.C. for 400.000 tons of washed biturainotoi OT semi-bituminous small steam coal to Portishead generating station for a period of 13 months. Apply to Mr. A. .J. Newman, Electricity Department, Colston Avenue, Bristol. (Jvne 21.) Cardiff: coal to the South Wales Institutions for year commencing September 1. Apply to Ike Secretary, Walsh 1'atio-114 Memorial Association, Cathays Park, Cardiff. Somerset B.C. for fuel to schools and institutions in the districts of (1) Weston-superMare, (2) Wells. (3) Taunton, (4) From., (5) Bridgwater, (6) Yeovil. (7) Williton and Dulverton. Apply, stating districts tor which it is desired to tender. to Mr, W. J. Deacon, Chief Education Officer, County Hall, Taunton. (June 19.) NOTE: All applications must be accompanied by a stamped addressed foolscap envelope.
GOVERNMENT defence plans were given as the reason for increased business in the timber trade, necessitating adequate haulage service in the Torphins area, when a case for licence renewal came before Mr. Henry Riches, Northern Scotland Licensing Author
ity, at Aberdeen, last week. Mr. John Mitchell, haulage contractor, Torphins, had been engaged in carrying timber from Learney to Findrack. The firm employing him sent a letter to the court urging the great need for the granting of a licence.
A large part of their work, it was stated, consisted of supplying Scottish mines, and the amount of timber required had greatly increased owing to the Government's defence plans. The agricultural policy, giving farmers opportunities of renewing their fences, was also part of the defence plan. The licence was granted, with permission to carry timber.
Giving Electrics a Deserved Boost.
HIS organization was the largest user of battery-electrics in the country, said Mr. Joseph Marks (president of the Bristol Co-operative Society, Ltd.) at a lunch given by Associated Electric Vehicle Manufacturers, Ltd., at Bristol last week. The company's experience was that the high initial outlay was more than counterbalanced by low maintenance and running costs. By the end of August, the Bristol Society wculd have 270 machines of this type.
They had a long way to go before they could feel they had reached their goal, said Mr. E. H. R. Richardson (Associated Electric Vehicle Manufacturers, Ltd.), and they had a right to expect consideration from the Government, from municipalities, and from commercial interests Difficulties such as faced electric vehicle makers could certainly be overcome because, suggested Col. E. W. Lennard (Sheriff of Bristol), they were not nearly so serious as the problems that the aeroglane industry had met.
Other speakers were Lt.-Col. L. P. Winby (chairman, Associated Electric Vehicle Manufacturers, Ltd.), Lord Teignmouth, and Mr. E. H. Lewis. The function was attended by municipal officials, distributors, and local users.
An exhibition of eight of the corn. pany's vehicles was staged at the showrooms of Mr. H. V. Phippen (Bristol). Special attention was attracted by the 21-ton tractor unit destined for use by the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co.
Morrison machines were represented by a 10-12-cwt. demonstration vehicle, a 20-cwt. capacity general-purpose van and a 10-12-cwt. milk float of the type being Fupplied to the Bristol Cooperative Society, Ltd.
IN the autumn, work will begin on the Irecbustruction of the Walsall Road, A.34, one of the most heavily trafficked arteries in the Midlands, for a distance of 2 miles, from Aldridge Road to the Birmingham city boundary at Queslett Road. It is claimed that this will he the most up-to-date highway in the country, and will cost over £200,000.
There will be dual carriageways, 24 ft. wide, throughout the length, divided by a 6-ft. reservation planted with trees, service roads, 18 ft. wide, nine pedestrian subways, five traffic roundabouts and a bridge over the Tame. The entire scheme will be carried out in reinforced concrete, and the main carriageways are to be buffcoloured.
The road-making machines will run oil rails at the sides, and the plant will resemble, in many respects, that used for the construction of the famous concrete roads of Germany.
Death of Garage-equipment Specialist.
THE death is announced of Mr. F.(iniund Elliott, the Suffolk representative of Messrs. R. Cadisch and Sons. of Red Lion Square, London. W.C.1. He had represented the firm in the eastern counties for the past 15
years, and was well-known to motor traders. He was a Fellow of the Institute of the Motor Trade, and took an active part in motor trade politics.
British Aluminium's New Warehouse.
THE branch office and aluminium ‘.‘a.Tehotise of the British Aluminium Co., Ltd., are being transferred from 25-29, Pancras Road, London, N.W.I. to more spacious premises at Park Avenue, North Circular Road, London, NAVA°. Ample stocks of the company's products—aluminium and its light alloys, in ingot and seini-manufactored forms—will be maintained at this depot, which will be under the management of Mr. W. J. Allen.
Progress of Repair-certificate Scheme.
INCREASING interest in the repaircertificate scheme of the Institution of Automobile Engineers has necessitated the formation of a centre for the conduct of practical tests in Lincoln. The first of these was held a few days ago, and subsequent tests will be held at inter vals.
Lower Prices for Ferguson Tractor.
ASfrom Monday last, new prices have been in force for Ferguson farm machinery. David Brown Tractors, Ltd., informs us that reductious have been made . possible by increased production and by the instii:latinn of additional automatic
ma chinrry and mechanical handling plant. The new price of thy tractor with hydraulic unit is £198 and, without this unit, £175, pneumaticlyre equipment adding £47 to the cost. The company has recently published a comprehensive price list, showing the range of implements and equipment, and this may be obtained from its headquarters at Huddersfield.
In connection with the brief description of heavy mobile fire units for A.R.P. duties, which appeared in our issue for last week, we are asked to make it clear that B. Billingham, Ltd., of Snow Hill, Wolverhampton, which supplied the chassis, was the contractor to the Home Office, the bodies being constructed by a sub-contractor,
WORK is about to begin at Ashford, Kent, on the first of the four important by-passes on the LondonFolkestone-Dover trunk road. The bypass will be nearly three miles long and, in its width of 120 ft., there will be dual carriageways, cycle tracks, footpaths and a central reserve. A tender of approximately £144,000 has been accepted for the work. In addition, about half a mile of the existing road at the western end of the bypass is being widened and reconstructed.