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AN IRISH HAULIER found will cocaine and cannabis worth mort

16th June 2005, Page 21
16th June 2005
Page 21
Page 21, 16th June 2005 — AN IRISH HAULIER found will cocaine and cannabis worth mort
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than £1 Om was last week (June 71 sentenced to 10 years in jail 11) Dublin Circuit Criminal Court.

Colm McDonald. of Lusk, Cc Dublin, had previously pleadec guilty to possession of 978.8kg o. cannabis and more than 30kg o. cocaine.

The cannabis was found by hist police packed into a hidden corn. partment in the floor of his truck The cocaine was in a suitcase hid. den in his garage.

The Irish police discovered th( drugs as the result of a surveillanc( operation during which the observed the suitcase containinl the cocaine being removed fronthe truck. The court was told tha the legitimate role of the truck wa! for transporting peat briquette! for tires.

McDonald's lawyer told the cour that his client was in severe fmancia difficulties and had resorted to .t "quick fix" under duress.