Out and Home. -By "The Extractor."
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The proposed little expenditure which will be explained before the end of this paragraph is reached comes about through a conversation I had with Mr. Cole, of Commercial Cars, Ltd. The current number of " C.M." was on the table before us, and I was cavilling at the small print in which the customers' names appear. This led to Mr. Cole reading them out for me until I had to beg him to stop, and then, in my exasperation, I said I would give a prize to anyone outside the Commer Car Company, who could read them, but then reflection brought up visions of the use of a magnifying glass, and then no skill would be required to elucidate them. If I gave a small sum for the first correct one opened, the proprietors of this paper would be liable for fines, or something more drastic, for conducting a lottery. Having, by this time, attuned my mind to some expenditure, though goodness knows why I should be looking for fresh outlets, it occurred to me that although this classified list on the front cover is very formidable it by no means embraces the whole of the trades in which mechanical traction is possible. I think a list would be very interesting, and, at the same time, instructive. For the most comprehensive list of trades and purposes for which it is possible to use corn
mercial vehicles, petrol or steam, I will give a prize of one gumea, and the right will be reserved to publish any of the lists whether successful or not if I think they are likely to interest our readers. A decision will be arrived at the week before the Easter holiday.
* * *
A letter reaches me this week from one who, I should think, is a very excellent chap ; he is hoping to better himself, and find a moreremunerative job than he holds at present, and he gives me a lot of details about his career. I am delighted if I can be of service in this way at any time, but it is necessary that I should know the man personally. Now another case crops up this week of the opposite character, and this is one in which I can doubtless be of considerable use. The principal of a prominent tire firm requires a representative to travel, and take up his residence in a large provincial town ; the representative need not necessarily have been in the rubber trade, but he must be a man of good address, preferably married, and he must be willing to work up a connection. If he only possesses the right business instincts, and meets with a measure of success, I can promise him that he could not have better people to work for. Any apphca
tions sent to me will be treated in confidence, if needs be, and should be marked " Provincial," care of The Extractor."
" We have never employed a traveller," said Mr. George Hickman, a director of Drummond Bros., Ltd. the lathe manufacturers, at ale staff dinner which was held at the Borough and County Hall, Guildford, on Friday last, and the fact that orders reach us from all parts of England and all over the globe is due mainly to the motor Press." This was a remarkable gathering in many ways ; it was the largest dinner party ever congregated in Guildford—no hotel could accommodate it—and covers were laid for 250. Capital speeches were made by some employees, and when Mr. Arthur Drummond essayed to speak he was greeted with almost affectionate enthusiasm. The Mayor of Guildford and many local people of importance attended to do honour to the Drummond concern, the staff of which 10 years ago consisted of one man and one boy. My name was associated with the toast of the Press, and I found a particular i pleasure n making my acknowledgments, and in expressing, however inadequately, my sense of admiration for the Drummond concern.