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16th May 1969, Page 41
16th May 1969
Page 41
Page 41, 16th May 1969 — Metropolitan
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

APPLICATIONS Nlay 81968 A. T. Campling, Harrow. New B lic. 21 1140. Coal and scrap iron within I 50 miles. A. W. Cheshire, Ni. New 8 lit. 2 veh. 112t 9c1. Waste and/or reclaimed oils, solvents and spirits. England and Wales.

D. Kerbey, Mitcham, New B lit, 1 T160. Building, roadmaking and excavated mats. and builders' rubbish, within 30 miles. Mortons MRS) Ltd., Coventry. New B lie. 6 art. (540. Mainly tractors and epic. goods. England and Wales.

Prestige Van Hire Co,, West Croydon. New B lie. 2 veh. 1St). Radio. furniture and furniture and effects as household removal contractors, collected within 30 miles to Harwich and Southampton.

R. J. Rippard, Corringham. New B lic. 11 141 2c1. Builders' rubble, topsoil, hardcore and rubbish, within 30 miles.

J. A. Robb, West Watford, New B lie. 1 T (44 Sc). Excavated mats and muck. within 20 miles. D. Kinch and Co. Ltd., East Hans, E6. A var., add. 1 art. (91 3c). G.g., imports,

exports, foodstuffs, timber, paints, steel, fats and building mats.. London and districts, normally within 60 miles.

F. Snelling Ltd., Copthome Bank, B var., add. 1 T 184 8c). Cattle food end poultry. within 80 miles.