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IRTE: how

16th May 1981, Page 38
16th May 1981
Page 38
Page 38, 16th May 1981 — IRTE: how
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it all began

A leader -in CM, January 7, 1944, advocated the formation of a Road Transport Engineers' Institute.

"We are becoming increasingly convinced that the suggested Institute would meet a real need, especially in connection with the goods transport side," we said.

"It would fill the gap which exists between the Institution of Automobile Engineers, the Institute of Transport, the Industrial Transport Association and various other bodies, most of which cater for the operator as distinct from the engineer in the class in question.

"No doubt, in some instances, the user is in a position to transmit at least some of the views of the engineer, but this may be termed secondhand information, and the method does not lend itself to the constructive criticism and argument which would cer taint)/ result if the engineer gave.. his opinions direct."

Then, as now, the letters page in CM was an influentuat feature of journal. In the leading letter M. C. Vickers, operating manager for Northumbrian Transport Services, wrote:

"I have no hesitation in put ting my name forward as a person very interested in your scheme for an Institute of Road Transport Engineers.

"I am convinced that the chaos we have experienced in road transport would have been avoided if operators had been licensed by Regional Transport Commissioners on the production of satisfactory evidence that they were members of say, the Institute of Transport. You have therefore, my blessing and support in this venture, one of many that you have taken up

on behalf of our industry."